#basically the only miscommunication plot i domt find infuriating bc humans are just like that
thebubblemaster · 5 months
Mutual pining ship dynamic that's like, person A waxes poetic about person B without directly revealing it's person B because they believe they are being obvious with their feelings. Therefore, person Bs lack of response to this admission of As feelings must mean that they are unrequited.
Meanwhile, person B is suffering because they're constantly hearing about this incredible person A is in love with and thinks that they will never have a chance with them because they can't compare. B knows they're love is unrequited because how could A ever love them as much as this perfect mystery person.
B is shocked when they find out that the mystery person A is down bad for is... them? A is in disbelief that B could not connect the dots, how could they not know how wonderful they are?
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