#bc even if you don’t hate it you have to admit this isn’t ZR’s best season by far
Spoilers for S9M29 below
Oh no Janine uses herself as a diversion so we (our Fives) don’t get caught. How awful 😐🙄
I know some people who like Janine are probably worried or whatever but at this point I don’t even think I COULD care about her character if I tried. We all know she has like the most plot armor out of everyone so she’s going to live.
Also I’m pretty sure the only reason she made herself the diversion was because the biodata was in Five’s blood. If there was no biodata or if it was in her or another character, Five would have been the one made to cause the diversion I’m almost certain of it.
Tbh I’m more scared of the “next time” clip when Guillimette said she had our friends, which is plural which means at least one other person besides Janine. I’m not worried about Janine. I’m not even that worried about Sam bc even tho he’s been hurt badly this season he’s still got plot armor so he’s not gonna die. Also I don’t really care for Sam much that anymore anyway but that’s neither here nor there.
The characters I’m worried about are Mo, Maryam and Peter. (Frances also has a chance of dying but I don’t care about her either.) Maryam was the one who took the microlight, which Ernie stated we took as a way to keep Guillimette from finding us a few missions back. So chances are she might be caught. Maryam did say Peter is safe in the Protectorate but I don’t completely trust her so she may have just said that to keep us calm or Peter might have been taken somehow.
And Mo and Frances were a part of the group heading for the Protectorate so if they are caught chances are everyone that was a part of that group is either captured or were killed, including Mo’s wife and daughter which would tear me to shreds because even tho we haven’t met them we know he loves his family very much.
I feel like next week’s mission, the final main mission of the season, will end on a cliffhanger with us maybe reaching safety and having to plan out how to save our friends with a new group of characters, OR it’ll end with Five getting caught with the rest and the cliffhanger ending on us maybe finding out who the big bad boss is??
Idk. These are just some of my thoughts. This season felt much like a set up season more than anything else. Very little seems to have been resolved and much has been left open. If the writers can remember and keep track of their continuity, then we’ll maybe see some of these open ended situations pop up next season if it doesn’t come together in the final.
Such things are like:
1. Viasage
2. Frances’ suspicious actions when she talked to Ernie,
3. Ernie going back to RSB while wanting to work at the Protectorate,
4.Janine having whatever issues because of the nanites,
5. Whatever S2S is trying to hint at with America being unreachable but RSB (which isn’t realistic in the slightest and shows that S2S writers didn’t look into how the Us military works at all but that’s another topic for another day)
6. The fact that RSB has eyes in different areas of the world (and yet still can’t contact the US, which is the country the case belongs to. See how this makes no sense?)
7. The fact that we have no idea how the biodata will be extracted from Five’s blood and how it wasn’t really explained why Five was the best host for it.
8. As of right now, we still don’t know who big bad boss is. (But like one of my theories states we could fix that out in the final as like one of the big cliffhangers. With how hush hush it’s been I feel like it’s gonna be someone we know. Or at least I hope it is because for all this build up to be some random Jo Schmo would be lame.)
Anyway, long post but these are my thoughts.
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