#because in her modern verse she was returned to her mother after escaping the kidnapper
lathal · 1 year
Everyone is all grumpy and angsty in their main verses, but meanwhile, Iveani is just messing around and posting too many TikTok videos in her modern verse.
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lathal · 1 year
Random modern verse stuff:
Born in West Virginia and currently lives in Asheville, NC with her pet cockatiel, Sunshine.
Her bird inexplicably hates anyone with a hat or a beard and will try to attack them on sight.
She will fight certain segments of the true crime community if given a chance (her escaping from her kidnapper was an interesting enough story to get some media attention, and she thinks some people in the true crime community are disrespectful about it).
She's fresh out of a toxic relationship. She will complain about her ex if you let her.
She copes with her trauma a bit differently here because she was returned to her mother instead of joining her clan. She loves attention and will do or put up with just about anything in order to feel like someone loves her. (This is also true in Thedas, to an extent, but it's cranked up to 1000 in her modern verse.)
She had about two months of therapy after being returned to her mother after escaping her kidnapper before her mother decided she'd had enough time to get over it and pulled her out of it.
She had a full ride scholarship to college. She used it to get an elven studied degree, which she highkey regrets because there aren't many jobs you can do with an undergrad degree in elven studies. She wants to go back to school at some point, but she's debating between going to grad school for elven studies or getting some kind of teaching certificate instead, because she figures that she may be able to use it to teach history.
Very bad at getting her Adderall to last her through the month because she tends to take too much of it. Sometimes this is on accident, sometimes it's on purpose.
She has a decent sized social media following, mostly on Tiktok.
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lathal · 1 year
In DA, Iveani is taken in after she escapes from her kidnapper. In her modern verse, she is returned to her mother's custody after surviving a murder attempt. As a result, in modern, she does not have the stable, loving family that she gets in DA. She ends up looking for love and attention anywhere else she can get it. She ends up as an even bigger people pleaser, and tends to jump into sexual or romantic relationships much more quickly. From her perspective, even if she logically knows her hookup doesn't really care about her, at least she can pretend they do. She tends to attract some very toxic people and end up in bad relationships because she doesn't recognize that she deserves to be treated better.
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