#because lets face its‚ theres a Lot of garbage ass fic out there
gibbearish · 20 days
tumblr keeps suggesting me posts from fic writers who are Very Angry about people filtering fics by kudos or doing a mental kudos to hit ratio calculation because How dare you have standards for the FREE fic you consume for FREE, youre not the target audience for everything, when its like. a) no ones saying they are? theyre just. saying when choosing what fic /they personally/ want to read, they take into account how many people read it vs how many cared enough to give it kudos, b) it being free does not in turn mean you are entitled to viewership, that has literally never been how social media works, c) yes, people choosing fics based on hits means less Already popular works will have a harder time getting off the ground, but literally anyone who's been on reddit will tell you that there will Always be people who sort by new to get those jumpstarts going. those who sort by new and those who sort by hot are a symbiotic pair, you cant just kill off one OR the other because they support each other.
anyways tldr if youre a fic writer, people arent choosing not to read your fic as a personal dig to you and youre not entitled to people reading and liking it just because you made it for free. kind of the opposite, actually.
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