#both their breaths smell absolutely terrible fyi <3
cabinette · 1 month
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ookamihanta · 7 years
i absolutely in love with bruiseshipping too! And I was wondering why you like them so much? I just love how their character developments involve one another!
//breathes inSorry for any spelling errors. Im writing on mobile.
I’m leaving this TL;DR version here.IM A SUCKER FOR BEST FRIEND TROPES AND STRANGERS/RIVALS/ENEMIES TO LOVERS TROPE.I really, really like the way Cole’s and Jay’s relationship is handled too. Since literally, s2-5ish does many things centered around their “rivalry”.
But before that, they’re best friends. They’re best, friends. Meaning they have a level of trust and companion ship that are a little more than what they have with the rest of the team.
And what i find really damming about the start of their developing friendship in the beginning, is that the show tries to make the whole s3 love triangle thing into their fallout. Into their whole, “ i hate them so much because __ ” kind of thing. (Which is usually a situation that both characters misunderstand and thus leads to drama.)
Many ppl have pointed out before that the s3 love triangle shit actually strengthens the ship and I agree. Jay has the misunderstanding that Cole is trying to date Nya when he’s really not and Cole is simply mad at Jay for assuming so. (This problem is also, pretty much Nya’s fault anyways so uh-)
This leads to a rivalry part of the story as the two “try to win Nya’s heart” when really, it was A) Cole trying to prove Jay is an asshole for assuming Cole would ever want to be with the girl his bEST FRIEND likes and B) Jay trying to prove to Nya, or more likely himself that he is the better suiter for her.
Either way, this goes on for a while. A whole seasons worth, which means we get plenty of scenes where the two display their feelings about each other. When Lloyd goes around trying to get the team together, Jay’s and Cole’s reasoning for not wanting to go back is literally because they do not want to see each other; when in fact it’s later revealed they wanted to apologize to each other sooner.
But ofc, they’re both stubborn af.
So skipping to the scene which I like to call “ the moment bruise really fucking solidified for me ” scene.
Here, Cole and Jay have been bickering for a shit ton now, and are finally able to unleash their emotions through fighting each other in the tournament of elements.
It’s shown that even though they are furious at each other, there’s a peice of them that truly missed the other and their friendship. (As we could see in the 10sec of them warming up for the fight before seeing the photo of one another and realizing that they are going to have to fight their BEST FRIEND).
They may act like they hate and want to fight the other, but really, they realized they’ve dragged on their silly misunderstanding for so long that they’re not sure how to fix the things they broke.(They’re friendship ofc)
So when they actually go to fight, they end up just confessing their true feelings on the fucking spot(like okay???). Cole is def the more mature one so that’s why he was the first to say “hey maybe we should stop cause i care about you bro”.
And the lines they say to each other is what REALLY got me attached to them.
They are, and I quote, “ I never meant to hurt you, Jay. If I knew it would ruin our friendship, I would take it all back. ”
then jay fUCKING GOES TO SAY :“ Well, if we’re being honest. I was upset about losing Nya, but I take blame for that. I was more upset about losing you. ”(thATS FUCKING GAY JAY.)
So what Jay’s saying is that he knows the reason why Nya left him was because he overreacted to the whole “perfect match thing” and that he takes HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH COLE OVER HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GIRL HE’S HEAD OVER HEELS WITH.
That is some motherfucking shoujo bullshit right there.
Cole even says he wishes they would of just talked it out earlier instead of being stubborn and refusing to get along, even though they both know that they’re both in the wrong.
(Random irrelevant fact here : Jay’s VA says he believes Jay and Cole have the strongest relationship on them team (when concering Jay’s relationships). This is also, ironically, confirmed by Tommy Andearson as well. Jay’s VA also accidentally said without knowing that he ships Bruise Lmao)
Now that they’ve kissed and made up during the tournament arc, it’s obvious their friendship is back to what it was. Terrible jokes, teasing, always there for the other, support, and just genuine appreciation of the other’s presence??
Which is shown with Cole in s6 when he’s stuck on the island with Nya and Lloyd. He says and I quote, “ I was just wondering what Jay would say. ” and proceeds to do the best impression of Jay ever. This tugs at my heart strings a little simply because the 3 are literally stuck on a island right now. And all this dude can think about is Jay.
(Also irrelevant canon here : Remember when Jay sat on Cole’s lap and asked him to do something and fucking pulled out the best friend card? Yeah, me too)
Let’s not even start on DotD. That shit made me almost shed a tear with these two.
Let me start by saying, wow, someone at the production studio must have a soft spot for these two or some shit cause there’s a lot of small Jay/Cole interactions that I really appreciate.
1) When Cole lost control of his vehicle, Jay was the one who went to go help him first. He was the one who was ahead of everyone fyi while Cole was the last.
2) Jay was the one who reacted the MOST when he remembered about Cole and frankly, was probably the most surprised he forgot him.
3) THE SCENE WHERE EVERYONE THOUGHT COLE DIED BASICALLY AND JAY SAID “ Oh no! Cole’s gone forever! I’d do anything to have him back! ” MAKES ME WEAAAAK. He looks like he’s about to fucking cry. And Jay is literally the only one to have canon crying scenes. 1)Him smelling apple pie 2)Nya dyingWHICH MEANS COLE’S DEATH(Lol not really) HAS JUST AS MUCH OF A EFFECT ON JAY AS DID THE GIRL OF HIS DREAMS DYING IN HIS ARMS.
I haven’t watch much of s7 yet, but all I’ve really seen is that Jay and Cole are partners. That’s all that really matters.
(Random irrelevant fact here : That moment when Nya literally said that Cole and Jay belong together)
(Another random irrelevant fact : There’s the perfect screenshot of Jay producing lightening in the shape of a heart in front of Cole somewhere and is def some sketchy proof that an animator for Ninjago has a thing for Bruise)
Anyways. Yeah. That was long but I really do love bruise with all my heart. It’s funny, I can write a 10pg essay about my otp, but not for school. Makes sense.
So @ the lego ninjago movie :From the trailers and screenshots, I see you guys have a thing for glaciar but for my peace of mind, pLEASE have a scene where the awkward Jay tries to have a conversation with the almost moody and mute Cole. Because their relationship is gOLD.
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