#but I'm fine everything is fine we're all gonna be fine 🫠
crualex-de-vil · 9 months
Ah I see you’ve been experiencing the wonder of Signalis hmm
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I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about my brain is fine and not rotting at all
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hard-core-super-star · 8 months
thanks, I really appreciate it, like, literally. fluff fics are so good for making your heart warm and melt, so yeah, I understand the therapeutic part. do you have any kind of reaction while writing this? or do you have a face like this 😐 the whole thing? even if it takes forever to write this it still shows that you put a lot of effort into making this good even if it's just a few headcanons. I'm itching to just say that forever is composed of nows lmao.
your unfinished sentences are really more obvious, but I won't talk about that now because WHAT? YOU JUST... did you just use my phrase against myself??? I didn't think it was fair!
yeah, you managed to achieve this successfully. oohhh look at you being all mysterious again. hdjskakakk I just think it should've been cool to be 19 on the 19th. but wow, you really have something with 19 huh? even got it tattooed. I wasn't expecting this much of 19 in your life, and now I see that it's not random at all.
definitely has my support because this game ages like wine. 5 year olds with a tablet bigger than them are grateful for your attitude. If I'm not mistaken, there is something about the recommended age for letting children start using phones, isn't there?
I don't know if a person wanting to take children's phones is someone who you would say has a “great sense of judgment”, but yeah? I think so? 🤐
so you actually turn off your writer brain sometimes? interesting. the things you rewrite in your mind are something you consider better than the original script? 🤔 they're not important? but they are cool as fuck, how is that possible?? this is disrespectful and I'm offended, don't talk about my boy and my old man like that again😭 I see here a Caitlin's defender in its natural habitat, I heard that this species feeds on crumbs and that it hunts Caitlin's highlights frequently... this is a docile species, until we start talking about the injustices that Caitlin suffers... we will do more research on this rare species, that was today's animalplanet. (well, as long as we understand each other even when we're almost asleep, I think everything's fine lmao)
– 🌟
you don't have to thank me :) lmao, it certainly depends, i think the best emoji to describe how i look while i write is this one 🫠 i'm half happy and half overwhelmed because words are hard. i honestly never thought about it that way, i thought it was just annoying that i take so long to write like...ten sentences. that's such a good reference, i'm proud. and i absolutely adore that poem
how are you going to tell me that i am in fact obvious and then walk away like that??? are you trying to give me a small heart attack? i'm going to assume that means you don't mind those half-finished, yet obvious, sentences then. and of course, i used your phrase, it's not very fun when it's used against you, is it? welcome to my world. i didn't think it was fair when you used it the first time so 😶
i'm glad to hear that. it was very cool to turn 19 on the 19th, you are correct. it's very much my favorite number and it's cool to me that so many things in my life connect with it. it's mainly coincidental but it's still cool.
gonna start playing it instead of scrolling through tumblr in between writing sessions. god, don't get me started on those kids and their massive tablets, especially if they're using it to watch TikTok because wtf. i honestly don't know what the recommended age is but it has to be at least 10/11 because younger than that is...yikes.
it was just a joke! so, don't judge that person for a very funny joke. i think that person would take great joy in you saying that but idk 🤷
only sometimes because, believe it or not, sometimes i like slightly crappy/ridiculous movies and shows. although, maybe it is my writer brain that makes me like them because i can analyze them and find something good in them. i wouldn't say better, i would say gayer lmao. I MEANT THE IRRELEVANT CHARACTERS ON THE FLASH. my bad for not clarifying lmao. STOP, the way that little joke was so accurate i- 😶 i can't even try to argue because you're not wrong at all. [i agree, i think we're fine]
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