#but I've always been a 400-threads-at-once-and-who-cares-if-it's-impossible-to-slot-them-into-a-logical-timeline kinda girl
skater-brain · 1 year
✨︎ I feel like I wasted a lot of time this year just... avoiding reaching out to people or doing memes or starting spontaneous interactions, because I keep telling myself that it wouldn’t fit with the “plot”-ish stuff happening in the threads I’m already doing and I should just wait until some nebulous point in the future where I feel like Beat has progressed “enough” to be open to lower-stakes interactions.
✨︎ So New Year’s resolution is to stop worrying about if my blog’s “plot” makes any kind of linear sense and just reach out more for the heck of it. I’d rather have 400 simultaneous threads that don’t quite work chronologically but give me as many opportunities as I want to write my character in new situations, than arbitrarily restrict myself to a handful of heavy plotted threads steering his character development.
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