#but city slickers wouldnt know what theyre lookin at. ptewey *spits into a metal jug and it goes ptwing*
moldwood ยท 2 years
okay so ill keep it short! my well broke! i have no water. its completely dried up and a new one needs to be dug, and that is very expensive. i have ocd so being unable to wash my hands and shower freely is extremely distressing, to say nothing of the fact that i cannot cook or do anything that would need water. i have stockpiled up on some foods that dont need water to make, but tldr;
i need to move!! im looking at apartments already, but having to get that food took a chunk out of what i had saved. its looking like ill need about $600 to cover the rest of the first months rent and security deposit.
๐Ÿ’€ if you can, please consider sending a little help my way at p*yp*l.me/nouveaumoon. absolutely anything helps
all i have is word of mouth to help spread this bc of our beloved tunglr sniping these types of posts when theyre tagged so even just a reblog is appreciated
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