#but for you old-timers im imagining WWX having the kind of blog that like Vondell Swain or vampireapologist had
lilnasxvevo · 10 months
Sorry I can’t stop thinking about the Wei Wuxian Is Tumblr Famous AU that only exists in my head bc I just KNOW he would post about his woes regarding trying to get a really cool guy he met to be his friend, and the replies to any and all posts he makes on this theme are F U L L of people expressing the general sentiment of “you are gay” with varying degrees of seriousness, until finally he gets really mad On Behalf Of Gay People And Also Friendship and he’s like “Come on you guys!!!!! Just because I think a guy is cool and I’m being honest and sincere about wanting to be his friend doesn’t mean I’m gay for him!!!! I’m not gay!!!! It wouldn’t be a problem if I was but I’m just!!!! Not!!!!!”
A number of years pass and Wei Wuxian Realizes Some Things and reblogs that old post from himself and just adds some comment like “soooo. as it turns out,,” and then logs out for like an entire week for maximum chaos
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