#but hey at least sulemio are canon married
gravitysoda · 10 months
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gravitysoda · 10 months
okay i gotta make a textpost about it tags arent enough and i need to rant. Gwitch’s ending was pretty lame considering how good the rest of the series was. Like, it’s not so catastrophic that i hate the show now, but it was just so messy. The introduction of big threats like the giant space laser, the failure to establish stakes of things like quiet zero, which we’ve known about for almost a whole season but never really got a proper explanation for, the lack of actual consequences for actions…the way prospera’s literal terrorist acts and the abuse of her daughter are just hand waved away are just…ugh.
I also didn’t really like the scene where Suletta said she’d support Prospera even if she made the wrong choice. Like, seriously? Isn’t the point that Suletta CAN and WILL oppose her mother’s wrong actions now? You could argue she says that because she knows Prospera WILL make the right choice, but then why even say it in the way she did instead of saying she knows she’ll do what’s right? Not to mention even after that, Prospera still only hugs Eri and only acknowledges Suletta is there. I wish if we’re gonna have that scene she could at least hug them both, because I’m still not convinced she truly wants to change and care about Suletta like she does Eri.
Besides them, giant space laser accomplished absolutely nothing and was a waste of precious time and only served to create more unbelievable circumstances for everyone to somehow live through (as an aside, not that I wanted anyone to die, but it feels cheap that there were absolutely no physical consequences of all this besides a little bit of permet scarring on Suletta). It shouldn’t have even been there. If this is a Gundam focusing on interpersonal relationships, then we did not need the secondary antagonist swooping in at the last second when the show’s conclusion would have had much more punch and cleaner writing by just focusing on Suletta, Eri, and Prospera (and maybe Miorine and MAYBE Notrette).
Also the Jeturk plotline should have been wrapped up earlier lol they also ate up random time at the end and I just could not bring myself to give a fuck about Lauda. Just glad he didn’t end up murdering Guel for no reason.
This show would have had a much better conclusion without introducing and trying to cram in so much stuff at the end and by pacing itself better.
…but hey, at least Sulemio are canonically married LOL
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