#but hey gotta keep the outrage machine spinning On Both Sides huh
qqueenofhades · 2 years
Wow, every single time I (foolishly) think that Republicans can’t get more blatant about it, they uh... go and get more blatant about it. Twice in 24 hours, even! (Dishonorable mention to Mitch McConnell claiming that “African Americans” vote at the same rate as “Americans,” because the evil racist turtle couldn’t conceal the fact that [white] Americans are the only ones he considers to be Real. Thanks for the boost in Black turnout for the midterms, Mitch!)
Anyway, this completely predictable and yet totally jaw-dropping nonsense is almost on par with the (GOP-controlled, obviously) Indiana state legislature wanting to allow parents to  a) opt their child out of any part of public school curriculum they didn’t want them to learn (which lbr, is any fact, especially historical, that challenges white supremacist religious extremism, and b) force the teacher to provide a bespoke alternate lesson plan for their little racist snowflake in its place. Which is obviously even more idiotic on... many, many levels, but also, this is the terrifying level of total departure from empirical reality with which we are now dealing. And yet, the media at large is practically wetting itself with all the JOE BIDEN DOOMED, DEMOCRATS DOOMED, BIDEN FAILED TO TOTALLY FIX HUGE MESS IN FIRST YEAR, THEREFORE DOOOOOOOOMED!!!! angstpieces it wants to churn out instead, so someone’s gotta talk about the rest of it.
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