#but i still gotta finis h the love question series
grapecaseschoices · 9 months
questions here
I am brain-rotting dropout, so.
1- If your oc was to host a TV show, what would it be about? Would your oc be good at it? What sorts of guests would appear?
Hayden: I don't even know. But I think she would be a rather good game show host. Because she is a raccoon and a lizard. What is a filter? What is remorse? Hayden has a sort of ON energy -- it is hard to describe. It isn't quite peppy, it isn't quite gremlin [though it isn't not not quite gremlin]. It is like jittery but not in a nervy way. It is a 'Hayden doesnt know how to sit still in class, but I can't even get mad at it because Hayden's cheeky smile is so so adorable'. Hayden was going to be a lawyer and it is FITTING. DEFINITELY the kind of person TV lawyers think lawyers are.
Actually, I can see her in a Family Fued or Whose Line Is It Anyway sort of thing. But certainly more "unbothwred" than Steve is by the stuff people say. She is less likely to stare at the camera in with a 'Save Me Sweet Jesus' face and more likely to crack up / shrug it off.
Lloyd: I think Lloyd would be better for something quieter. The most intense he could probably be is an America Home Videos thing. Where the crowd is a stage away and the contestants are often responding via video chat. And even that might make him nervous. But it would be easier to pre-prepare and stick to a script there. And with a script he would he able to actually be more at ease, letting his impish charm show. But I think a trivia game show would be more him. Something like that new Kelly Ripa show with the kids and their grandparents.
2- Can your oc play any instruments? Have they ever wanted to learn how to play any? Why?
Hayden: The recorder all children in America were probably forced to play [i mean idk is it different for zoomers?]. I think Hayden was forced onto percussion instruments like the triangle and the tambourine -- and people got away with it because she dug it - because no one trusted Hayden with drums or the symbols.
I think she would because it is a thing to do. A bucket list kinda thing but she has no strong driving force, just I will do this by the time I'm 80.
Lloyd: He taught himself/is teaching himself the guitar. He wants to add the keyboard to that. Lloyd LOVES music and in another life that would be his major. He also I think wants to prove to himself that he can.
3- If you were to choose another name for your oc, what do you think it would be? Did you choose it for how it sounds or for its meaning?
Hayden: I actually had other names for Hayden but I don't remember what they are. I don't know that I would. Maybe something else that ends or starts with den? I liked Dennys as a nickname.
Lloyd: Vincent. I wanted a more oldy sounding name for him. Something a touch poetic but also serious. I went with Lloyd because of Loid Forger. Another tummy hurty blonde.
4- How does your oc fare in the dark? Are they scared? Do they trip over things really easily or navigate like they have night vision? (Or do they have night vision?)
Hayden: Can't see shit even in the light jshsheh. She's a four eye [its cool I can say that, I used to be a four eye]. She doesn't trip REALLY easily because she has good balance/can catch herself and because she walks with her hand extended. I don't think Hayden has been scared of the dark, except for one time and that was probably because someone jumped out at her as a kid. Lmao
Lloyd: actually has good spatial Awareness, so while he doesn't have night vision, he can remember placement and can make a pretty good guess of what things are with minimal lighting. Lloyd is no longer scared of the dark but it does make him uncomfortable. He is the type to triple lock his door and leave at least one light on in the house.
5- How well would your oc fare as a teacher? What subject would they be best at teaching? What about the worst?
Hayden: Unless it was as a gym teacher, I don't think very well. I feel would learn but it would be hard to measure what they learn. And I think she would probably make some kids cry, not intentionally but idk that she would change her vibe [she would make some parents cry too -- probably on purpos]. Gym would probably be the best. Not that she wasn't good at more booked based stuff but she loved Gym. Least: Chemistry.
Lloyd: Once he got of his head and stopped being so stiff/letting the kids harass him, he would be a great teacher. He is very sensitive and can be very passionate about his interests. He has that bubbling excitement that lights up his face that makes you hang onto his words / want to follow his words. Best: Music or English Worst: Math.
6 - What was your oc’s relationship with their parents like? If they didn’t have any parents/didn’t know them, who in their life was the closest to a parent to them?
Hayden: We are still learning but I imagine belligerent. She was definitely always hitting her head against the walls they put up "for her benefit". I think there is love there because I think there is understanding that they want the best for each other [Hayden to make them proud, and them for her to have a good futur] but there is frustration through speaking different languages. I think Maude
Lloyd: Has a more submissive, almost fearful relationship with his parents. It wasn't what either of them wanted but that is how it turned iyr to be. But we will see once I play him. Lloyd loves Maude but I kind of see him looking at some of the other characters in a big sibling way -- even if they weren't much older [maybe Statler and Wanda??]
7 - Does your oc have any allergies, intolerances, or other sensitivities? How dangerous is it? Does this affect their daily life in any way?
Hayden: She has a latex allergy -- but like from stuff used to make latex. So she won't blow up if she eats a kiwi but she will get a rash when ij contact with latex gloves/balloons.
Lloyd: Pollen drives him wild and he has to wear a mask during spring / when in woods and stuff. And after it rains sbbshdgd
8 - Does your oc prefer being in a crowd or being completely alone? How many people can be around them before they get uncomfortable?
Hayden: Surprisingly, Hayden likes quiet time but she doesn't have a strong preference. She isn't a crowd monger but she does well with it. She can handle rather large crowds before starting getting antsy [like in the 100s]
Lloyd: Likes people he knows. A group of familiar people is fine-- to a point. He actually doesn't like being completely alone but he will take that before an unfamiliar group. He can take at least two handfuls of people he is familiar with or loves around him at a time. If it is strangers... 3?? Lol. [He definitely went to class with bis hoodie up]
9- How easily does your oc make friends? Do they have difficulty talking to new people? Why?
Hayden: Doesn't have difficulty talking to new people... per se, but new people can have difficulty with Hayden. Hayden doesn't really curb herself for others. So. That can rub people wrong but she's great fun and people dig the sarcasm so sue has a lot of casual friends.
Lloyd: Can in a quiet, constantly seeing each other setting. Forced proximity. But generally know because he doesn't like unfamiliar environments and sometimes feels like he is being judged. He also isn't shy per se as much as has... nerves speaking outloud.
10 - How open is your oc to trying new things? Are they the adventurous sort, or would they rather stay in their comfort zone? Why?
Hayden: I want to say yes but I also want to say no. So I will come back to this. There IS the bucket list and she does thing with gutso ... but I wonder...I'll ponder aidhshdh
Lloyd: Surprisingly yes. It is easier with things than with people. He likes to learn. But slow and steady.
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