#but idk to what extent that applies like look at jerry he's 30 and mf moans and whines like he's at the end of his life
the-acid-pear · 1 month
I do want to chew a bit and that's a literal sentence picture me chewing a nonphysical concept like gum on the lore of Dialtown with how phones are made because there is the intention to create this complexity around Callum and his decisions which I'M ALL FOR IT honestly because last time I saw a talking phone tell about his backstory I was left so shocked I had to take a break so it does make me wonder some things like... What even are the negatives of this? Of course it's an operation so it takes time and effort but even on top of that, what age is the surgery done at? How painful is the recovery? Do you need to undergo multiple surgeries as you grow up and your body grows? Is this even optional or is it a matter of peer pressure? Callum's goofy ass self induced dementia makes everything all the much more questionable because you have a world wide build up because of course <- I have feelings towards USA but no final point. I just super adore these things the story has it's so chewable.
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