#but it involves the marines apparently so I'm not shocked the crayon eaters didn't think to fix any of those errors lmaoooooo
izzy-b-hands · 11 months
Finished a survey abt AI that, of the described uses of it in the military, involved multiple deaths that were p clearly due to the AI being used for a task inappropriate for AI use, and the only thing they wanted to know after was ‘did I consider the AI to be like a friend?’
I don’t even want to know what their final study goal is bc whatever it is, I think they might be missing some other key parts of studying AI, like, ‘if we use it in a military situation, should it still be used if we know it doesn’t have the ability to reason well enough or with enough nuance to not get ppl killed.’ Which was the sort of question I was expecting, but nah. Those ppl are dead BUT would u go get a smoothie after work with the AI and if so what flavour. This is the only important thing to consider when using AI to us. Please tell us in detail why u chose the flavour u did AND would u share with the AI if it chose a different flavour than u. Fucking just kill me and ask the AI if it feels i was a friend to it or not lmao
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