#but it'll actually work better to go over the video homework next week anyway
memorydragon · 4 years
So I just read of your long post about Aro/Ace Alvin (idk how long ago you wrote cause im scrolling through the Alvin tag, please dont think im creepy lol) but HOLY FUCK I LOVE IT. Alvin is my favorite character from Xillia (probably cause I love whump) he is just a garbage person who is eventually trying his best to be better and I just love him.
It actually wasn’t too long ago (and I wouldn’t think such a lovely message is creepy regardless)!  I’m still quite new to Xillia in general, since I had skipped the PS3 generation while it was out, but my summer teaching gave me a nice salary and quarantine stress was just like... time to get a ps3 and play the Tales games I missed.  Admittedly not the first time I’ve bought a console just for Tales.
I’m glad a few people seem to have liked it at least.  I actually see him as more Aro/Bisexual (though I imagine Elympios had a lot more prejudices against that sort of thing and Rieze Maxia does not, because Jade is just much more open about being bi) than Aro/Ace (Milla on the other hand, is definitely ace while her sister and Aska prove that spirits may have a different concept of sexuality, Milla reads way more ace than them).  I think Jude may have actually given Alvin the words that, which again, is a lot of self-projection and wish fulfillment (it would have been so nice to have someone sit me down and explain Everything) and a lot of fun to think of angst-wise.  I have, admittedly, been thinking a lot about this asshole and his stupid scarf (which I love), because a large part of his whump is just So Frickin’ Queer-Coded that I just can’t help but dump all my self-projection onto him.  Then his attempts to be better, along with some backsliding in Xillia 2, and I was just kind of hopeless about him too.  XD
Hopefully soon I’ll get around to editing my short Jude and Alvin fic and typing my short Milla and Alvin fic that are loosely connected, though Jude’s side leans more towards angst with bittersweet and Milla’s is angst and silliness combined, so I’m not sure how well they work together tonally, but oh well.  I’ve just been rather swamped with grading video homework lately so I’ve been writing but not much typing.  That’s a bit of a lie (not for the past weekend at least, since all I’ve been doing was grading for the past two and a half days, but I’ve had some of these things finished for a while), I’ve just been incredibly lazy with typing anything for a while now (though many thoughts of Alvin have pushed through a bit of that), but messages like these do help with motivation, so thank you!
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