#but like actually thinking they'll definitely end up together on such a large scale is just ridiculous and delusional
definitelyuseless · 10 months
the amount of people who are so utterly convinced that 'byler' is going to be a thing in stranger things is so weird and theyre also surprisingly effective at being convincing and making you lose sight of the bigger picture with all the 'evidence' and just the way they apply such a specific biased narrow sighted alternate reading with such conviction without acknowledging the other side of the argument, but a lot of them are also pretty toxic about it as well from what I've seen
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
Hey weird having evacuation about 1% a day the other day was 18% or 18.5% today it's about 17.5% that was a few days ago but they are leaving. And slowly being replaced
-there was a large-scale attack in the Eastern hemisphere last night on the pseudo empire and they were down to around 35% no it was 25% that was stash as a while ago and they lost another center at 35% last night they were attacked and in the Western hemisphere and then down to 35% out the ground bases were taxed the Eastern hemisphere and western hemisphere but average of 50%, it's just very pissed for but they usually fall quick and the laser basis are 10% lost it's just not much
-the stashes and cashes of trump are down probably 45% in the Eastern hemisphere and they're actually taking big hits and they will be attacked more today end of the day we expect probably maybe 50% and the Western hemisphere there at 35% out and it's going to increase now that people will know what to do they have a strategy and involves these ships and they did see Tom Cruise and his ships are incredibly fast it makes a damn big difference damn it
Thor Freya
Yeah where is he I'll tell you where she is she's not her thank God thank God thank God and we have other things happening they are pretty big
-now there's an evacuation on it's a lot slower than this head they always say it people figured it out and are attacking them because they have a big mouth and it's working
-and you shouldn't Saturn is new huge and very abysmal we are up there as well and we're taking evasive action and we're doing our program
-there's several other things happening and they're very huge let's see what the money is gigantic for me I am really angry inside that these people that they are so steep in cheapness the hell out hang out with him for a long time and I thought that they definitely have the idea and they just simply don't have a clue at all and they're like little robots really someone say no I understand that they're really really not that price but you know it's a matter of strength and the matter if you're able to do it and we think a lot of them can't do it. And a son and daughter just invented the products that these two guys can try and do opposite side of the aisle you do it in your shoes you can do it in your clothes real quick if you have a stain going to an interview or you had sleep on the street you quickly wipe it off with the special cloth and some people do it but you need a bigger and a few sheets and each thing.
-other than that there's a and that was me I'm the daughter talking about myself and he caught it actually Thor and Freya were having said that's true though. And the money thing is good for me and I'm still on it that's a lot of money in total and it will trigger that reaction and it will also trigger another reaction that the should pay it in the IRS will get involved and see you cut the check but you did not send it to him and we don't see it in the bank account and they'll start taking the money and use the pseudo empire and some of them are the one holdouts so how's that work well it's really the max
-this is a day of liberation really for me to see something happening but it's too bad it's the max I mean geez yes I mean come on and stuff it's terrible but that's a lot of money that's the initial amount of this over $300,000 and that is not receiving the money from the companies that's just social security and tax money and the difference in the checks that was left out because they didn't say it and that's a huge thing do you missed bonuses and such and that amount is probably only another quarter million is what they said and it's true and Olympus says it's true. The Gap money that's what we mentioned too and if you add it all together the Gap money
All the social security money together on the years of less money declared due to the bonuses being withheld and other checks on that money is around $225,000 and social security the lapses in between times when he was eligible and he had a holding and they didn't pay him for that whole time and other periods and it cut it off that money is about $250,000 those two together is the 475,000 so half a million plus the outstanding money from tax returns and they're saying it's more and it's more like about $80,000 and a totally about 560,000 what's the number that they like and this is government money and people are messing around with it and he's been waiting for it they don't do any kind of adjusting but the cola would be adjusted and they saying it's in there but they would possibly adjust for inflation and they're saying they would and it would be another $10,000. 570,000 so it's over half million dollars which isn't a giant amount of money but it is money. The employers will be notified there supposed to send the checks and the checks amount to someone says $275,000 all included. 845,000 all said and done but this would take quite a while and the checks will come very sporadically taxes will already be deducted but when the issue the check the check is from payroll and we changed because it is payroll they thought they'd be paying him now plus screwball thoughts and only a few of them have it right and it is the right thing to do and the way out of it is to send the check but then you're in trouble with Trump for too much so the government will come down on them instead of plan of the Mac proper
On all a decent day for me is the process begins and it is by force by the way and it is because they failed to follow through with their plan and they're going to pay the money and use it and all sorts of things and the max are going to start retrieving the cash out of the banks and it's for use with this money and it's certain cash
There's more funds from different sources but this investments and he has to be careful not to sign off for those and they're not going to send it later without it and we check and there really is a lot of anger and animosity from a lot of people because they said you're seeing you just pooping on him and what do you like you maybe you should see what the ZIP code is because it's probably several can I get that
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