#but remember endos… we love and support y’all very much
i hope you as a system are able to get to a place someday where you're healed enough to unlearn your ableist behaviors regarding misinformation about system origin, since i understand its usually a coping mechanism/lack of education on the topic that leads people to support 'endos' /gen
lol this made us chuckle. it’s not a coping mechanism, it’s not a lack of education (we have studied dissociative disorders extensively), and it’s not ableist to… *checks notes* trust people to know what’s going on in their own bodies and minds?
you don’t really have any care for us and you don’t really care about our healing progress if you come into our inbox to spread hurtful messages like this. how about try to have some genuine, open-minded, thoughtful discussions with some actually endogenic systems so *you* can educate yourself a bit more?
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