#but the way op described it as if it was a jumpscare lmao
sexysilverstrider · 6 months
shoutout to this one otome review that despises one of himukas bad end and made it to be terrifying and horrying and horrible only to realize. its just noncon somnophilia shotacon.
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coredrill · 2 months
“i’m not a theory maker”s when 8ravern. this has gotta be my last post ever cause idk how to fit the numbers 9-12 into bravern’s name LMAO
GRIDMAN JUMPSCARE!!!!!!!!!!!! (<- occurs when like half the VAs in this show open their mouths but with the man himself this time LMAO)
anywhore. inch resting things of note (which may be wrong cause i’m real stupid when trying to read subtitles and will probably have to watch it again to understand):
according to bravern (sus fella he is), the deathdrive spaceship being destroyed means the deathdrives “won’t revive after being killed”. explains why superbia is back. however does NOT explain why bravern said they still had to defeat cupiridas when he allegedly perished for good in this very ep. also the spaceship “could get in the way” of knuth’s goal
vanitas also apparently wants his death with a “dazzling light”. like maybe the “light” bravern told smith to look for??????? and/or arael???
knuth “turned back time again and again remembering [her] tryst with [smith]”. so she has time powers
she also describes it as “become one with me”
lulu’s mission is to “take care of everyone” so i would not be surprised if the next ep is like. isami and bravern destroying all the deathdrives montage -> timeskip -> lulu has wrangled superbia to do her bidding and figured out a way to ALSO fuck w time and she recruits isami to get smith back. would explain her long hair + superbia amulet in the OP. and then they just start beboppin thru the timelines to get him outta there? and then in a few eps we get smth from Smith Prime POV and finally realize that he’s alive and maybe absorbed by knuth? and that’s how bravern Is Made somehow? if smith’s fancy brainwave mecha also got merged w him? doesn’t explain the spar kaiser lookalike tho...............or whatever tf bravern is on abt w the spaceship.…………..hmmmmmmmmmmmm………….
anyways all i’m sayin is that if smith “becomes one” with knuth & his brainwave mech too maybe and they are Elsewhere In Time and we gotta Get Him Outta There we could perhaps do it in an n3i fashion and wait where are you going?????? just hear me out!!!!!!!!
born on valentine’s day, died on a leap day. wants to be the protagonist SO bad and then wants to be the rival even WORSE and then is relegated to the role of love interest. AMERICAN!!!! i wanna study this dude in a LAB
anyways. hehe. i love this show even if it did make me scream WHAT THE FUCK out loud with my mouth when the ED started playing this week LMFAO. (nodding) koyanagi, obari, i see your vision (<-doesn’t understand anything)
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