#but then bc of those deluginist aus i made it dion & mirtala bc i didn't want to be too samey with my aus
razzle-zazzle · 2 years
Yo, question. Are you ever gonna write a psychic Dion Au? I absolutely love that he isn't psychic and it sets him aside from the family but I think a psychic Au where he realizes he's psychic and good at Hydrokanesis would be dope.
Honestly, I've come to a point where whether Dion is psychic or not changes from AU to AU. The one where he can see ghosts? He's not psychic, because he's got something else going on. River Runs Deep? He's partially psychic; he can't use telekinesis or read someone's mind but he does get visions of the past/present/future. Buried Beneath? The story doesn't really work if he's not psychic, so he is. AUs like Ouroboros or Pop Goes the Weasel or Pooter Pile or Rapids? Dion's probably not psychic but since it's not relevant to the story whether he is or not it's not really touched upon.
I've talked about psychic Dion stuff before; but to sum up my general feelings on it:
My interpretation of Dion as a character is someone who deals with unfortunate truths through repression. Him being psychic, but repressing it so hard he doesn't even realize he is, is both hilarious and fitting that interpretation. Him having to work through his own block on his powers and figure out what he even wants to do with them plays into my interpretation of him as someone who's not all the sure who he is outside of his family.
But at the same time, there are a lot of other ways for Dion to work through the issue of feeling tied to his family and the expectations placed on him, and him not being psychic works just as well for his character in the canon storyline. Because ultimately? That's the cool thing about fanon; it's flexible. Dion Aquato probably isn't psychic, but he could be, which opens up a whole different book of interpretations and potential arcs for him.
tl;dr Whether Dion is psychic or not in my AUs depends on which fits the AU's story best; Dion being psychic and Dion not being psychic are both valid and interesting ways to explore his character.
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