#but to say they're worse than creek is WILD
sapphic-agent · 3 months
So... I didn't think I'd be engaging in Trolls discourse, but I crave violence so here we go. I recently saw a claim that what Brozone did was worse than what Creek did and I??
Listen. What John Dory, Bruce, Clay, and Floyd was shitty. Undoubtedly. No one is ever going to refute that.
But Creek?? Let's recap for a minute. Creek:
Sacrificed his entire village to be eaten alive (didn't just sell them out either, he actively lured and deceived the entire village out of hiding)
Knew and took advantage of the fact that Poppy would try to rescue him
Refused to take accountability or show any remorse or guilt
Taunted Poppy and added insult to injury
Brozone walking out on Branch is literally nothing compared to that.
(And again, yes this was shitty but they a) were his brothers- and kids themselves- not his parents and b) didn't leave him alone, they left him with a guardian. And John Dory also went back for him, he couldn't have known they had escaped. He thought Branch was dead. JD at the very least didn't abandon him, he was always going to go back)
If Creek had shown remorse or guilt for his actions, that would be different. That would make what he did understandable (not okay, but understandable). But he not only doubled down, he went out of his way to be callous about it. He's not terrible because he did a bad thing, he's terrible because of his attitude towards the bad thing he did.
(Even in TBGO where he was "redeemed," he never really shows remorse and is forgiven anyway. He did nothing to change and still got everything he wanted)
Creek was always a manipulative, condescending, and narcissistic jerk, he just didn't need to show it until then. And in a movie where the whole theme is "true colors," I'm pretty sure the implication is that that's his true self. It wasn't just because his life was in danger, he was always a nasty person.
(You can even see it during his actions earlier in the movie. Where the Snack Pack were genuinely just frustrated/annoyed with Branch, Creek was the only one who went out of his way to taunt him. Where Cooper asks if Poppy's sure she wants to invite Branch, Creek tells her to ignore him. Even when the SP is kidnapped, Creek grabs Poppy's hair where Branch intertwines his hair and Poppy's later in the movie)
Listen, if you like Creek, good for you. You're allowed to. And the stuff you guys do with him is creative and interesting. Keep at it.
But please, don't ever lie to my face like that again
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