#byan is used to having their problems ignored or made out to be less than they really are
byanyan · 1 year
byan gets into a lot of trouble at school and, while yes, most of the time it is their own fault, there are plenty of times where they get in shit for retaliating and protecting themself against those who intentionally harass & try to hurt them. even in these situations though, byan tends to take the brunt of any punishment because they don't bother trying to explain that they were simply defending themself. used to not being listened to or believed, to having the blame fall on them because they're the one known for their attitude & outbursts, they no longer see any point in wasting their breath fighting to explain what really happened - they'd rather just be given whatever punishment lies in store for them so they can get out of the principal's office and on with their day.
similarly, they won't speak out when they're being targeted & bullied. it's a waste of time & effort, and they see 'tattling' on some other student who's making their life miserable as a pathetic, weak thing to do, an admission of defeat - even when the other's actions are literally causing them harm. they'd rather take care of it themself. violently. ...something which has led to their expulsion from at least two different schools.
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