#byt everyone was saying its not a big deal lol
girlwithfish · 10 months
today was sooo tiring lol
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dbzebra · 4 years
Hey new follower and big Vegeta fan here, you say that Goku has progressed a lot as a character, want to emphasize on that? i don't doubt you at all, hell i like him a lot too, but i never got really invested so i'm actually curious, i want to hear your thoughts and open my eyes! lol
Hey! I’d be glad to.
Let me preface by just saying that I think Vegeta is probably one of the most developed in the series, and after years of dealing with snide comments/anons from certain fans about how Goku sucks and Vegeta is better and all I’m a little snippy in that regard so I hope you didn’t take that personally! Sorry lol
Goku’s growth is subtle, but comparing Pilaf arc Goku to even 23rd WT Goku there’s a league of difference despite him still being the same person.
I’ll prolly butcher this explanation cause for some reason I always blank with asks like this (not your fault lol) but oh well here we go
Goku starts off as a little kid who knows nothing about the world before meeting Bulma. He taps peoples crotches to tell if their male or female, has absolutely no self awareness and no tact whatsoever lol. But throughout even the Pilaf arc you see Goku to start to adjust to normal society and being around people. Bulma just her sicking him in people like a lapdog. But after this he’s much more pragmatic between deciding to go find Roshi and going after his dragon ball. At first for selfish reasons and later more selfless, which I personally believe is partly thanks to Eighter.
Speaking of which, Roshi/Jackie Chun’s speech to him stuck with Goku for life and I don’t think people realize that. “There’s always someone better or stronger, so never stop improving yourself.” And that’s Goku. He doesn’t do it for anything other than to improve himself, which Vegeta finally acknowledges in his monologue during the final Kid Buu fight.
Anyway Goku first hand experiences loss when Krillin dies and dudes out for blood. He ignores everyone and rushes after Tambourine not once byt twice. Never before did Goku kill an enemy who was legit running away either. After this he never does this again until GT.
For example, take 23rd WT. Teen Goku was chill and cool about seeing Jr. but Kid Goku would’ve rushed him instantly like he did when he first saw Kami. Kid Goku was super stubborn but when he got older he became a lot more levelheaded with things.
It’s in Z where we really see how he changed. Goku slacked off on his training, only improving a little bit during the 5 years after Piccolo to spend with his wife and child. (Also it’s canon Goku spoiled Gohan. The way Gohan clings to him is obvious of that to me. And the way he says “Daddy’s here!” When he goes to save him after Raditz took him.
Gokus whole character arc in the first half of Z is accepting his Saiyan heritage. He was sent away because he was trash and a low class and Goku says to Vegeta that he was glad to be sent away / deemed weak because that was what led him to being sent to Earth and led him to meet his friends and family. (It’s why I hate Minus so much, it contradicts ALL of that)
for a while he kept saying “I’m not a Saiyan, my name is Goku and I’m from Earth” but by the time he fought Freeza its “I’m a Saiyan from Earth” and then of course Goku’s I am a Super Saiyan speech
Then later on in Cell/Buu he becomes more passive and wants the next generation to take over because he’s not gonna be around forever and his sons are stronger / have the potential to be far stronger than he ever was. So he starts pushing Gohan and later Goten and Trunks, going as far as not killing Buu because “im dead, I shouldn’t be here, it’s not my place”
He spares Piccolo purely to save Kami/the DBs, he spares Vegeta cause he wants to fight him again, and spares Freeza not to fight him, but because he wanted Freeza to be humiliated and afraid. Didn’t work. Gave him energy out of pity. Didn’t work. And that final attack killed him as far as Goku was concerned.
After that he stopped trying to spare his opponents. While he didn’t spare Buu he Lowkey wanted to and admitted he would’ve liked to fight Buu as a good person which is the conclusion to that + the next gen passing the torch throughout the latter half of Z
And then in GT he’s just really mature but bored as hell. I like to think that scene with those two guys from Home Alone “kidnap” him he’s just playing along. Just watching Goku in Baby Saga especially feels like how he’d be as a seasoned fighter now master just wanting a challenge but Lowkey sick and tired of guys threatening his home and his family. Him making the deal with Shenron (which is another whole thing in itself I can go into seperately) really shows how far he came. Basically sacrifices himself to make one last wish for the good of earth. Overall Still a goofball deep down but he’s super serious and doesn’t take any bullshit. I
I’m not gonna go into DBS Goku cause well I haven’t seen DBS in years, have no interest in going back to it and well DBS Goku was OOC a lot anyway
Hope this clears stuff up :)
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