#c: erm001
isaacapatow · 10 months
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* * #COMMUNITY CENTRE CONVO WITH @ermanodelgcdo, @salemcampbell, @ijemmaokafor, @davxdalexander
ermano. -let's out a sigh, arms folded. news of what happened weighed deep in his soul.- I know we're all trying to wrap our heads around the news. I'm sorry we have to deal with this; I figured the quicker we can put things together, the quicker we can all return to mourning. Losing Tristan and Gin -clears his throat- puts a massive hole in the community; may their souls rest in peace. It also leaves two roles needing to be filled which is why I called everyone here. I believe it's only necessary to move Jemma to Gin's position with how much time she's spent as an apprentice. As for the Council position, I personally vote David as a candidate.
David Alexander -while stoically remaining silent about all of this, David is wrapping his head around everything that happened. So much so that he hasn't really grasped why he was asked here. Losing two friends was dredging up feelings he was not all that keen on reliving. He silently listens to Ermano and when he mentions David he sits up a bit straighter as everything clicks- Wait, what?
ike -has been standing against a bookcase, rocking on his heels and staring down at the ground mostly, but his head jerks up at Ermano's declaration- Yeah, what?
Salem Campbell -sits on his seat, looking like he hasn't slept in at least two days, and mutters- Jesus... -rubs his eyes for a moment before answering- I agree with you on Jemma. She's more than capable of taking Ginny's position. -eyes wander over to David- And David's shown himself as a capable head hunter too. So, that's a yes from me there, too.
ermano. -nods to Salem- I can vouch he's more than capable. We've served together once upon a time overseas. He has a great head on his shoulders and I know he has the community's best interest at heart.
ike Okay, so -- another military man, and one who just happens to be one of your cronies from back in the day, ooh-rah?
David Alexander Ooh-ra is Marines
ike Do I look like I fucking care if you were Marines or Army or Sergeant Pepper?
ermano. Isaac, please.
Salem Campbell Ike- -takes a deep breath- Do you have a different suggestion? Someone you think fits better?
ermano. -stares at isaac-
ike -rearranges himself, saying icily- Not off the top of my head, no. I've been in goddamn mourning like the rest of you. But you don't think people are gonna see this and have concerns?
Salem Campbell Genuinely Ike, I don't think they will. But people having concerns isn't enough reason to not get the best person for the job. The worst thing that's going to happen is that people are worried and that we'll prove them wrong as a council.
Ijemma Okafor -despondent- This is the triage phase. Let David do it. If he fucks it up, we’ll fix it then.
ermano. I'm with Jemma. Trial run. If David isn't up to par, we'll branch out. But as of right now, I think getting this done as soon as possible is best so we can focus on other things.
Salem Campbell Agreed. I think that would be the best, too.
David Alexander -sarcasm- I appreciate the vote in confidence from y'all. -Looks to Ike- Losing friends is hard and I ain't trying to replace anyone. Hell, I didn't even know why I was invited here. But y'all are a man down and need help, so if I can help, I will.
ike -matching his sarcasm but louder- Oh, well ain't that just great! Pitch in and we can all raise the barn together because we're a man down! Maybe we can all field strip our rifles together later. Sorry, Jem, you're not invited to that one, boys only.
Ijemma Okafor -glaring at her best friend like she can’t stand him- Fuck you right now, Ike. I get that you don’t know which direction to be pissed, but this ain’t it.
ike -glares back at her, mouth pressed shut tight and jaw working, but backs down-
ermano. -shocked at isaac's silence-
David Alexander -mutters softly so only Ermano can hear him - So there is an off switch
Salem Campbell -let's out a soft breath- Alright. I think we got it then. Jemma will take up Ginny's position as council advisor. David will be a council member for the time being, unless there are issues. Can we agree on that? -especially looks at Ike with a gentle but imploring gaze-
ermano. -whispers to david- I might radio her whenever I need him to shut up now. I'm good with it
ike -blinks at Salem, then rubs a hand over his face, pushing away from the bookcase and edging towards the door- Triage. Trial run. Fine.
David Alexander -pointedly looking at Ermano- What the Hell did you just volunteer me for?
ermano. -stands and faces David- Welcome to the Council.
=== /// much later that night
Salem Campbell -stands in the kitchen, currently deciding what to brew himself to make it through the night; notices Ike coming in- Hey there. Just back from outside?
Ike -grunts in response, going to one of the cupboards; he opens it and just stands there, looking at everything in it before taking down a jar of peanut butter and holding it-
Salem Campbell -looks at him for a moment- Alright. -considers the peanut butter too, before opening a cupboard- Want some hot cocoa? We even got tiny marshmallows.
ike Hohhhwhuh? -shakes himself out of his stupor, like he's just noticed the jar in his hand- Do we really? I'm... -swallows painfully, laying his fingers against his jaw- I swallowed a bunch of blood and sand. Kind of a shitshow happening in my throat right now. -a bit more plaintively- I'm hungry. 
Salem Campbell Sound like one hell of a rough raid. -begins to pull out the supplies, warming milk on the stove as well as pulling out two mugs- No leftovers from this evening, unfortunately, but if you want I can cook something up. Been hungry myself.
ike -wags the jar at him- About all I can manage. -his jaw's a bit swollen, too, from where Cass clocked him, but he doesn't mention it- But don't let me stop you. -rustles in a drawer for a spoon, then rudely starts eating straight out of the jar- Didn't you have dinner?
Salem Campbell -raises an eyebrow then lets out a soft chuckle- Alright. If you can manage it later, I'll put the leftovers in the fridge. -finishes up making the hot cocoa (not forgetting marshmallows) before pushing the mug towards Ike- Nope. Not much time for it, with everything going on. -shrugs- You didn't have it either. Did the walker that punched you in the jaw keep you that busy?
ike -collects his mug but doesn't sit down, retreating back to standing up against the counter again like a wary fox- Everything going on. Yeah. -sucks on the spoon for a bit, gaze flicking up to Salem at the question- I was gonna say Silvy. For the Council.
Salem Campbell I didn't poison it, don't worry. -casts a pitying glance at the communal jar of peanut butter before turning his gaze back to Ike- Silvy, huh. -thinks about it for a moment- I can see why. You can still bring it up with the council, discuss it. I know... -sighs- I know we're sometimes not fair to you. But what you say usually has a point. So if you wanna bring up Silvy as a potential member, you got my support.
ike Yeah, well. -pokes around in the jar- Maybe every good admin group needs a dickhead thorn in its side. For a while. -eyes Salem at the promise of support- Why would YOU want her in the council? I don't need anyone agreeing with me just because they think I resemble a dog they kicked one time.
Salem Campbell Hey. I would never kick a dog. -acts serious for a second before taking a sip from his mug- I support you in bringing her up as a candidate. She's capable and keeps a cool head in high stress situations. And it's important to have different perspectives on the council, so someone from security would be good. -shrugs slightly- I wanna consider all your perspectives, even if they come from a dickhead thorn.
ike -chews this over for a while, and then says, like it's a challenge- Or I was thinking maybe Renee. Since she's the town doctor and not somebody military.  Not the same approach from two people on the Council that way.
Salem Campbell Renee? -considers it for a moment- Can't say I know her too well. But she doesn't seem like the leader type. And honestly, with the stress the medics already have, we can't really afford to put 'em elsewhere. You can still bring her up, though, I'm not gonna stop you.
ike -nods, satisfied by this- Fine. -samples the hot chocolate, then socks down half of it- God, that feels good. -gets a spoonful of peanut butter and stirs it into the last third of his drink- You can cook for me anytime, Salem. Bet you'd look cute in an apron.
Salem Campbell -considers saying something about the peanut butter, but then thinks that this is probably better than eating it straight from the jar; smiles when Ike mentions that the cocoa feels good- I do actually look cute in an apron, thank you very much. -shakes his head, chuckling- Though that's probably not something you'd wanna see. I can make you some mean chili though, if you ever want it. Old family recipe.
ike -slurps down the peanut chocolate slurry, sticking his finger in the mug after to scrape out a blob of unmelted peanut butter to suck off- Easy there, Salem. I'm not the kinda guy who needs dinner before a date. You don't wanna come off desperate. -chortles to himself, abandoning the mug and the open jar with the spoon still stuck in it, waving over his shoulder as he trudges towards the door- I'll remember what you promised, buckaroo. Just you keep that in mind.
Salem Campbell -rolls his eyes slightly, still amused- Yeah, next time I'll just skip the chili and go straight to first base. Or is that too slow for you? -grabs the mug from the counter to wash it (and considers what to do with the poor peanut butter jar- Don't threaten me with a good time, Isaac. I wouldn't have offered it if I didn't want to cook something for you.
ike -pauses momentarily at the door to slant a look over his shoulder at Salem, already cleaning up, but ultimately doesn't say anything before he leaves-
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