#caerus up with the “law is a social construct” is EXACTLY what i would say actually. wheezing
nightwing-scp · 2 months
“ Everything I want to do is illegal. ”
Doomsday to... any of your muses. Maybe she's complaining to Janus, Caerus, and Hermes about always being in trouble. x)
The AICs have been... refining their physical forms, so to speak. Or really, Hermes (the only one who was taught reality altering) has been doing all the heavy lifting but it doesn't mind at all, so long as it gets to choose what the other two look like. Which really doesn't hold all that much power, because they didn't much care for their appearance in the first place, but still.
Instead of slightly off-putting smoky faces, they now have semi-humanoid full bodies. Still made out of the same hazy material, but a tad more... normal-looking. Even though this restricted their range significantly, it's not like they were doing much walking anyways.
So they aren't very shocked when Doom comes up to them and just starts complaining. (Apparently they look normal enough to approach ...good.) Early on they realize that she doesn't expect them to do anything about anything she's saying- she's just complaining for the sake of it. So they listen.
[...They Abide By The Law Here? Law is a social construct CAN THEY PHYSICALLY STOP YOU THOUGH?]
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