#can doyon please be firewall support im still sad proxy horse isnt a proper firwall support (or security or parallel exceed or proxy dragon)
saltiestcoconut Β· 5 months
E, N, O, P, S, X, Z for vrains? πŸ‘€
Gosh thank you nonny for all these!!! ^^ let's goooooooooo vrains
E β€” Have you added anything cracky/ hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Hmmm other than my tags where I spazz out? There's that one fic where Ai poses as a writing A.I and writes smutty pm fics /wheeze and then a few more crack fics I haven't published dm for access :p (I am kidding tho do come talk to me if you wish)
N β€” Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
1. Silly Ryoken I love silly Ryoken give me more please!
2. Fem!aiyu
3. Textpost memes I don't care if there's a billion vrains textpost memes I love them so much give me more please!
O β€” Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
I hit shuffle and better off this way by a day to remember came up
In general: Ryoken
In delusion: I can make this song be about s3 Ai @ Yu I can!!!
P β€” Invent a random AU for any fandom
Invent a random au huh . . . I'm not that creative but I have been thinking about a potential dark fairy tale aiyu au so let's start there
Hmmm how about an au involving dreams and parallel dimensions? I've recently played through dream mirrors lore in MD solo mode and I'm lowkey obsessed with them (as I was when they first came out) and a Yusaku who rules over a kingdom of light (maybe not rules over but close enough) dreams about a kingdom cloaked in shadow and darkness and for some reason the ruler of the darkness seems very interested in him . . . Eventually coming to a point where Yusaku can't tell where he's supposed to belong in the shadows with ai? Or in the light with kusanagi? (Damn I just realized this probably isn't as dark as I wanted it to be but oh well I'm uncreative anyways ^^)
S β€” Show us an example of your personal headcon
Oh! I answered this already but eh have another one
I like to think that Yusaku has a drive to be heroic but to be interested in people (boys) they gotta save him in some shape way or form and also have a similar background as him (similar enough to understand his pain)
X β€” A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
I am such a sucker for someone who's willing to go to extremes for their beloved ones just a character who's extremely loyal to those they love I love that trope so much you have no idea qkdksjd
Z β€” Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go!
I've been thinking about how to me decode talker and firewall dragon look better when paired with yusaku instead of playmaker but their "evolved" forms darkfluid and accesscode talker match playmaker much better mostly because of darkfluids green on black design and accesscodes yellow on black sharp design (oh look there's purple on there too it seems like pm can't escape being paired with purple I wonder why . . . )
Also on the topic of monster cards I think it's neat how salamangreat is written in kanji just like how flames name is written!! It's very cute and if my memory serves me right there's just not a lot of vrains archetypes which do that (of course I could be wrong but I'll have to rewatch vrains to be certain) also fun fact "true" salamangreat monsters have kanji but salamangreat of fire is written purely in katakana possibly as a nod to its origins as an @ignister monster
Wait I just realized if this is what the question is asking? Oh well accept it please I love the card game as much as the anime so it's certainly fan-related πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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