stormlit · 4 years
magicians call. @caomhnighean​
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        ❝ you’re julia’s little hedge witch friend? ❞ are any of them magicians now? witches. take away their power, and they’re all just ordinary. ugh. at least she’s still a fucking queen. she looks faith up and down, and nods.  ❝ okay. hi, i’m margo. welcome to the disaster that has become our lives. ❞
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fiergus · 5 years
        it is late when she gets back to their rooms, but fergus is still awake, twisting a coin between his fingers. he can’t sleep, and it has more to do with the anger simmering in his belly than any aches on his body. he’s had worse pain than a few bruises, and he’s dealt with it just as calmly---though calm is the last thing that fergus feels, right now. they do not need to spend every moment with each other, here --- they would probably drive each other up the wall if they did --- but they are being framed for murder. murder. wherever she was, was it more important than that?
        faith is more reliable than this. usually.
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        ❝ you’re not dead, then. ❞ 
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laidirnighean · 4 years
@caomhnighean​​ || liked
“i’ve been meaning to tell you for a while, but some small part of me was always too afraid, i suppose,” you whisper softly, hazel hues that had once been focused on your sister now falling to the way your clasped hands fidget amongst one another in your lap. you had been meaning to, wanted to at the time of discussion - or rather, the time of rejection. but you hadn’t. in fear you’d be shunned yourself, in fear that you may have lost the one member of this family you felt relatively bonded to. she’d been brave in telling him who she was, you couldn’t do that. not when he was alive, couldn’t dare speak it to her aloud now either in the midst of your silence and betrayal. his body barely cold now as you race to tell her what had been buried so deep before. “i love you. and i’m proud of you. i’m sorry i never stood up to daddy when he spoke to you the way that he did. and i’m sorry i stayed so close to him still. but i do, i love you. and i just - i guess i wanted you to know that.”
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moralstood · 5 years
@caomhnighean​​ cont.
you don’t really know how you were expecting her to answer. supposed maybe the way she held herself was something work related, or she’d had a falling out with her sister. nothing all together serious, but enough to make you take extra care when you watched her, enough to make you see that clearly something was off. you, however, did not expect to be at the end of that worry. didn’t anticipate that you were the reason that she now spoke softly, you were the reason that she anxiously played with her fingers. naturally, being supergirl would always cause some sort of strain, it was to be expected, with your track record, you hardly doubted it wouldn’t, but this? you shake your head, breath immediately held and eyes watering. 
lifting a hand, you push your glasses and shake your head, “no,” comes a soft whisper and you sink to the floor, moving closer to her, hands still clinging to her own but now softly rested across her knees. panic built in your chest, anxiety nibbling at the notion that someone would once again walk away. would leave. and truthfully, you didn’t know how strong you were to face something like that. not after all this time, not after all the self-hate and the healing. her healing. did you tell her enough that she did that for you, did you tell her ever? swallowing, you straighten, head shaking once again as you try and pull back tears that threaten to sting your eyes, “what do you mean?” 
it’s soft, broken, somewhat pathetic, but it’s spoken and out there and it’s desperate. don’t go, you wish to will to her, don’t leave. but the words never fall. instead, you watch her quietly, eyes searching her features, “i’m... i’m really trying, faith. please don’t give up on me.”
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povvertaken · 5 years
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Jacob has a devil of a habit for brooding. It doesn’t help that he’s in his cups, and his general sense of melancholy and rumination have been given great scope. But, for a drunk pirate, Jacob is remarkably controlled. He gives off the air of someone held rightly together, and his eyes hold searching sadness rather than the latent ferocity that marks his behaviour while sober. “You haven’t heard the tale of Davy Jones? Vexed by that which vexes all men?” He drags himself from his misery to look up at the young woman before him. “The king and his men stole the queen from her bed, and bound her in her bones.” 
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rememorise · 5 years
RANDOM STARTER / @caomhnighean​
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        ❝ tell me what you saw, for her sake! ❞
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halvplans · 5 years
   @caomhnighean​    ➳  robin’s playlist sc.                          ➳ ➳ ➳ ➳  saturn by sleeping at last
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“ SHE TAUGHT ME THE COURAGE OF STARS,    before she left. How light carries on endlessly, even after death. With shortness of breath, she explained the infinite .....  How rare and beautiful it is to even exist. ” 
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westpromised · 4 years
✍️ + abigail also !
send me ✍️+ ANY rdr2 canon character (with or without a line from a meme)you want to write with / see written, and i’ll test write them for you!
“Say, Faith,” Abigail began, opened her mouth to say some more – and then closed it again when the right words evaded her. She was all kinds of bewildered these days, and hadn’t got a clue if it was on account of her general condition or because she simply was all kinds of scared. 
Motherhood: that’s what awaited her at the end of this road, and her not having spent a thought on the realization of such things. In the line of work she’d pursued up until John had snatched her up it hadn’t been uncommon of course but never much on her mind. She had known all the tricks to avoid and to call off such a thing, of course, but to want it – to actually want it – now that was a late and recent development. 
She draped her shawl closer around her shoulders while her eyes wandered the countryside, long and longing and musing, before she let them fall on their campside doctor again. “Will you see me through this, then? You ever– you ever done a thing like that before?” Abigail leaned in closer, dropped her voice a little so as to not catch the ears and attention of the men. “Pregnancy and childbirth and all that?” 
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stormlit · 4 years
magicians call. @caomhnighean​
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        ❝ josh gave me a list of earth food to try and...i panicked and got all of it. at once. do you want some? please say yes. ❞
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fiergus · 5 years
random gen starter. @caomhnighean​
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        anger burns through his veins, hot to the touch. ( he’s so very like his father, in this. he doesn’t even know it. )  ❝ move away from the door and let me at him. ❞
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laidirnighean · 5 years
“hi,” you whisper, climbing into your sister’s bed and shifting behind her, arm moving round her waist. “are you awake? i can’t sleep.”
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moralstood · 5 years
@caomhnighean​  | .sc
“i don’t know, don’t you ever just wish everything would slow down - or stop?”
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seriouslyaliens · 5 years
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       “oh, no, no, no. this is extremely very not good. your mum’s gonna be so cross with me.” 
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Lasair Trevelyan: *accidentally time travels*
Lasair Trevelyan: *pulls out her goddamn cell phone in the middle of the 18th century*
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rememorise · 5 years
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        ❝ here, this is on me. you ever gonna stop lookin’ like a fish out of water? ❞
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inquistor · 5 years
                  “we all know of sin.”   he sits opposite -- there are men either side of the door, and an angel or two dragging heels from across the boarded up cabin to the east. one leg folds across the other and his hand rests at the arch of his knee. 
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        “you -- i -- even the father.”     it’s a sermon he knows well -- the more he talks, the more his fingers idly touch at the tattoo gun on the desk. if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door. it desires to have you, but you must rule over it. confess, and the rest will be easy. confess, and the father will have mercy.
              “but with confession, comes absolution. forgiveness. acceptance. and in time, even happiness. so let me ask you, faith. will you confess?”
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