#castle 2x24 spoilers
castle-dominion · 1 year
c2x24 the last episode
My mom. “You got in I’m so proud of you! ... What did you get in TO though?”
That’s how I got into college lol but it was harder Illegal fireworks? Don’t you work with the police? Don’t they have a poster saying there’s a reward for bringing in illegal fireworks? Oh yeah this is the usa... I guess it really is convenient to have a 21y/o on each floor...
Esposito why do you look like a normal cop today? Ryan, you too!
Ryan did u get a haircut?
How much information are you allowed to ask from Agent Gray?
How is there an address in the middle of a river?
Captions were wrong, “wallet” should have been in quotes
Unless he doesn’t have a car bestie.
Funny how Gina hasn’t called him since he got to work. It would be funny if they were on a case & he had to be quiet but then Gina called him.
Ryan was so cute when he showed them the 5k euros & then “AND” he says all bright-eyed, then he brings out a gun lol *gives the gun to esposito immediately* This spy stuff is honestly p cool, & they must have had a good bomb tech making the pens.
Oh there, they do contact the spy places. 
He flirts with her all the time, she probably assumed this was “another” joke... another try to get into her pants... I’d assumed that he genuinely was inviting her from the start
Poor gal, still looking for a new place to live.
I mean, you already know this is my liveblog of my rewatch... So obviously there are going to be spoilers...
The thing is, Hans Brauer seems like the kind of guy to be hosting the game, not playing it, judging by his character.  & then he shoves castle into the wall very realistically. Caldwell also seemed very genuine when running away from the assassin. He has no idea the gun is real! He’s a great roleplayer tbh But is it really how the game works that he’s going to get a phone call telling him to leave? Is it like “You lost the game & this is basically taking you back to your last checkpoint” or smth? Castle is enamoured. I’m assuming you called Jordan Shaw? (& Agent Gray?)
What was that camera whip? With the sound? “Yo Beckett” *fwoosh*
I like how she can clear the rooms while she gets Castle (a non-cop) to open up the drawers
KR: Hey, that gun-- RC: *blasts right past Ryan* KR: ... *paper he was holding just waves vigorously in the airstream*
I love the way his demeanor just Turned Around real quick there. Confidence in roleplay is not the same as IRL. Super useful actually.
Interesting, the book cover says “murder” in mirror image...
Alexis really is a teenaged girl. I love her. Poor castle. He really is like my mom.
MR: “James Patterson called, he’s going to be a bit late for the poker game.” RC: “He’s probably going to use the time to write another book” XD imagine being able to write an entire book in the 30 minutes you’re going to be late. Then again, Castle hasn’t written much so that’s where it’s coming from
I feel bad for her, she’s a female cop & when she gets a book written inspired by her she’s written for sex appeal. For someone who boasted the praise of the depth of his female characters, Rick kinda sucks.
It’s really neat to have the offshore account. I think it really would make things more fun
“mais oui” is NOT THAT HARD TO TRANSLATE. Come On. Captions are super important. I hate it when they do this. 
True. My father had not the first clue about selling cars, but his first business was based on relationships so Dad got the job anyways. Of course, then covid happened & eventually he got fired but still.
Hey... demming Hey... castle
SAD, going beach-housing & just lying to castle? I mean you’re right he probably WOULD take it better than “yeah I’m beach housing just with another man, the one I’m actually with” Altho ig she didn’t have it set in stone. She said she would check into it. He said take a break like it was a relationship,, the showwriters did that on purpose. She really is his work wife Poor Ryan & Esposito, they just walk in on this heavy conversation & Beckett looks like she got her heart broken
On nice, Lanie said the death was 23.00-1.00 but we know he was alive at 23.30 & midnight now. Cool
wow acab. That must be a good impression on the ukrainians for the usa /s.
Castle was SO afraid that there would be ukrainian kids with fake IDs who are used to drinking at alexis’ summer program
hhhh Esposito layin down the FEELS. (castle’s tho, not his own.) Going away party <3 (I love his little faces) How many episodes have there been? about 50? 25 last season 25 this one? Yep that’s 50 books’ worth.
Patterson is so right. “Personally I’d spend more time writing & less time hanging out with your cop friend.”
I love beckett’s jelly beans but it’s also so sad
DX she thought he was going to confess his feelings. & not in the “let me in your pants” kind of way but the “I genuinely enjoy your company & want to take you out on a date” kind of way. Then he talks about murder & you can see her face fall
Oh my goodness.  RC & me: So-- so, let me get this straight. Your alibi for your friend’s murder... id you were do--,, doing his wife.??? Lmao “Are you serious? My house is too nice.” & I mean they weren’t having sex anyways,, but like wow Aww esposito gives beckett a coffee
JE: Except it was warm enough to leave the windows open. KB: Oh no KR: *eyebrows furl but eyes go wide & mouth opens* JE: Oh Yes. The next-door neighbours distinctly remember the sounds of (in floaty voice) “loud passionate love-makinig” coming from the open window.  RC & KB: *disbelieving faces* JE, taking a sip of his coffee: Kept em up till well past midnight.
Oh. I remember the end now. At least she doesn’t need to be a wife anymore. Just a mom. ...And a dad too now I guess. Nevermind, it is NOT any better. (it was a joke in the first place) That’s actually,,, really, really sweet. Hmm, all the hallmarks of a pro hit, but it was just an american gun owner... I’m surprised he didn’t own more. I would have expected beckett to say “You are a registered gun owner, among your many many guns, is a glock 45.”
Roy Montgomery ftw. “Too bad they had to die because people were scared to say how they really felt.” *eyes emoji eyes emoji eyes emoji* beckett
fdskahkljdsfhk RC: I need to run but I will be back in time for that little surprise party the boys are throwing me Not much of a surprise XD but he must have learned a thing or two about how to be a detective in his time here. You know what, he should get a license to carry. (Actually no he shouldn’t but for the sake of the show.) 
She really does like him. This episode bro.
TD: It’s Like A Real Restaurant Grade Cappacino Machine You know, I was in the special needs class in high school & the teachers in that class had a coffee machine right in the room. Of course there was another one in the teacher room but shush. Actually that reminds me, it was a GCL program & we all had to see our TAs before first block. Mine was in my special needs classroom, other students had classrooms, one group had the teacher’s break room. I had a friend who told me that some of the students would steal the teachers’ lunches sometimes. That was nasty bro.
I’m alexis fr. I would love to bring my mom along. Would she really be ok alone for that long? I’m always with her, sometimes we are mother & kid, sometimes we are roommates, sometimes I parent her. ALEXIS WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT.
At least kate & tom are being adults about it.
RC: It was very emotional. Yeah there were a lot of tears. Um... Alexis was fine btw. (KR, JE, RM, LP all laughing) (There are a Lot of open beer bottles btw. So many.) JE: I’ve got to say castle, we’re going to miss you around here. RC: Yeah, I’m going to miss you too KR: You’re still leaving the coffee machine though, right? RC: I can’t have you suffer in my absence! RM: that’s good LP: We could really use one of those down in the morgue.  (Does he still owe her? Spa certificates, cash, & jewelry?) RM: With castle gone, I just hope our clearance rate doesn’t drop. (All laugh again, including Beckett who is walking in) RC: Oh look who’s off duty! KB: Yeah well castle I’m not all work. LP: Don’t get into a drinking contest with her; she can take you. RC: Thank you. KB: Oh I don’t need a drink to take him. (In a fight she means. Not in a sexy way.) LP: Ooh! What’s gotten into you? KB: Castle do you have a second? RC: Of course (KR & JE are watching & probably hoping they’re going to confess, actually lanie is too) KB: Look... I know that I’m not the easiest person to get to know &... I don’t always let on what’s on my mind... But this past year, working with you... I’ve had a really good time. RC: Yeah, me too. KB: So I’m just going to say this &... & then fuckin gina comes in & I’m not going to transcribe the rest bc it is sad But I’ll let you know that as soon as another woman is on the scene everyone who has been watching from the party room stands up & looks shicked, concerned, or angry Castle, at least hug her, man, at least HUG HER Oh yay hug-- no, wait. Handshake. Atamiskaw. Screw you bud. & then he raises his drink to everyone in the party room & doesn’t hug them or shake their hands? Why??? At least it ends with “see you in the fall” from both of them But still, everyone in the glass looks like they’re going to cry
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aspiestvmusings · 7 years
they’ll give you something to talk about...? 
Question: Will we actually get to see Scorpion‘s Toby and Happy get married this season? —Marla Answer: “We wouldn’t be a TV show without roadblocks,” notes Eddie Kaye Thomas. “But they’ve got some really good stuff planned for the end of the season. The last three episodes will be one long story. It’s something I knew we would eventually do, and it involves the Happy/Toby thing, and then the whole gang gets involved. It’s going to be very exciting.”
source: TV Line
@tomcrown1  I apologize, her post does not show up in the show tags for me, hence I didn’t know someone had already posted this...
1. EKT is  a pro at spoiler teasing! And “exciting” is a popular & often-used word, when describing tv season finales & other big plots/episodes/storylines. "Exciting” does not mean just “happy-happy sweet-good”, but can mean a lot of things. This description was also used for last season’s finale... which would’ve been also exciting for the fandom...if it weren’t for that “no” in the end... So yeah... “exciting” can mean many things... as in it’s just another confirmation the finale plot is gonna be intense, and personal to the team... and even if there are gonna be “not good” things happening (like s1 end and Walt in danger or S2 end and Toby in danger), there are also gonna be good and positive things (like in s2 finale Happy’s emotions and determination to save Toby and the proposal... plan) even if we don’t get a happy ending/wedding for 325.... for reasons. 
2. TeamScorpion always solves the case/threat by the end of the episode/season (see 1x21/1x22, 2x23/2x24), so whatever the last obstacle before the wedding, it’ll get resolved before season ends. And the only question remaining is: will they be physically and mentally ok to still get married...right away (and we get a wedding scene for the end of s3) or not... in which case the show would be kind of “pulling a Castle/Cakett” and we’ll get the wedding in s4 (most likely Nov sweeps)... so even if it will be delayed..again... we are gonna get that wedding... even if they pull a typical tv show stunt and delay it/leave it on a cliffhanger... to resolve it next season... 
3. It does look like all the little foreshadowing, and all the development that has already happened... and will be happening in s3.. is leading somewhere by the finale. It sure does look like a “switch” is about to be made. And while it is possible, I think it is unlikely that spending so much time and energy on Happy’s emotional development, and her story, that it won’t lead anywhere... (yes, I remember the 304 - 308 plot, and I still say this), so i do expect “let’s do it in reverse” thing from the finale (323-325) with Happy being the support system... 
4. All this spoiler tell us, really, is that the person/people in danger in the end of s3 is/are Toby and/or Happy (not some other character...though my guess could be wrong). And based on the foreshadowing it is most likely that “Bruno” is saved for the end of season...and that is the threat.  And one likely scenario - Bruno coming to collect all of his debt, at once, threatening and/or kidnapping Happy to “motivate” Toby... will have the team all solve this together and possibly pay off the debt (all pitch in). 
And in the end it’ll be Happy reassuring a doubtful Toby that he does deserve something good, when they’ll possibly make him question his old habits and have a kind of wedding jitters/feeling down moment... (”my past/habits put her in danger”, “I don’t deserve something good” ... or similar...) (including the possibility of PTSD from 224-304 events catching up with him, and doubting not himself, but Happy...cause EKT once teased that Toby might be more shaken by the secret marriage thing that he lets on...) but after all the EQ development in s3 and learning from the best, Toby, Happy can now say the reassuring words to him...when he needs them. 
And we could end with the whole team making the rooftop wedding happen in the end of 325. Because it would make more sense to leave/end s3 with a happy note...like in s1... not with a "sad/confused” like in s2. But we will see... (it’s too dreamy to wish for a real pregnancy reveal this time, but if the wedding is delayed, then hopefully we’ll get a “I’m pregnant” scene as the end... instead...so the fandom would know it’s all gonna work out...) 
But either way... I personally do not see the finale being the “worst case scenario”. Even if they pull some twist (as they did in 224.. which was a twist yes, though in my opinion not as “end of the world” as some felt ...which I dont think they’l do... but nothing on tv guarantees that fans won’t still feel like it wasn’t “positive” enough...if it’s not ALL sunshine and rainbows... so who knows what the reactions will be this year... even if we get the wedding in 325... and won’t have to wait til s4... there could still be strong reactions about the “threat” aka whatever ruins their wedding day plans - be it "Bruno” or something/someone else). But I still think that they will close with something more positive than they did in s2. 
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