#cencha pretty much happened already
mescryllic · 3 years
that was a very weird episode. like it was too much too over the top even by its own standard. it has gotten too self referential? I'm not sure I like it. What I do like is Song Joong Ki's beautiful face.. thank you God, thank you Kim Hee Won for lovingly filming his beauty. thank you.
Just keep Hanseo alive by the end of things, I don't even care if cencha happens at all. my investment in the ship went from I'd be pleased if it happens to maybe idgaf after all? lol. they obviously like each other, I don't need more. they are still cute and I enjoy their scenes but my emotional investment in it is very very low currently. maybe I have beef with the execution. maybe it's the PPL finally getting to me. and please, I really don't want a second season at the expense of quality here now. give us a clean break and come back only if you can guarantee good stuff.
Song Joong Ki's face tho.. bless. Song Joong Ki's everything... I am eternally grateful.
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