themxtleycrew · 11 months
@chaldea-hoes-himbos​ (cont)
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She swallowed at the mention of the nickname, a name she’d not heard her sister call her since they were younger, immature. Then again, the Hippolyta who stood before her appeared younger than when the Amazon Queen had last seen her sister, that last battle together before Penthesilea would take twelve of her best with her to Troy. To aid the Trojans but also for Penthesilea’s own atonement.
“I haven’t been called ‘Penny’ in so long...” Her voice had a metalic rasp thanks to the helmet. “I remember I used to call you ‘Lyta’, or ‘Poly’... I’d even call you Hippo some times just to make you angry.”
She was trying to distract herself, thinking back to the battle, the Amazons banding together to battle Theseus and Heracles after their sister had been stolen from them. In the confusion of the battle, Hippolyta had been slain. In her battlefield craze, it had been unclear just WHO had dealt Hippolyta the killing blow. Had it been Theseus? Heracles? Or by Penthesilea’s own spear by accident. I had been easy to blame Theseus and Heracles... but part of Penth had worried her sister had been slain by her own hand. An unsettling thought, it weighed heavily on her.
“We... we fought well, but I was defeated and shamed...”
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