severass-snape · 11 months
Amara jumped, eyes flicking towards the source of the noise. An owl had thumped against her window, a small piece of parchment tied to it's leg with twine string. She lifted the window open, scratching the bird lightly under the beak before taking the letter.
Dear Amara Duskgrove,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. It has come to my attention that we share a common interest in matters concerning the welfare of our magical community. I would be greatly honored if we could meet and discuss these important issues in person.
Given your reputation for intellect and compassion, I believe your perspective and insights would be invaluable in shedding light on the challenges we currently face. If you would be willing to entertain my proposition, I suggest a meeting at the Hogwarts, in my office. The most suitable time for me would be tomorrow at 8:00 PM. However, if this time is not convenient for you, please do let me know, and we can arrange an alternative.
With utmost respect,
Albus Dumbledore
-----Two Days Later------
Amara furrowed her brows, icy blue eyes scanning the door to the Great Hall. The meeting with Albus had been a complete surprise. It felt like in a matter of seconds she'd accepted a job offer as the new teacher for Ancient Runes and Artifacts, and pledged her loyalty to the Headmaster by joining the Order. Of course, the latter part wasn't public intel, but the fact that she'd be a new teacher today was.
Today was the day she'd do something with her life, something that would actually make a difference.
Soft brown waves bounced as she opened the doors to the Great Hall, her posture straight, head held high, her shoulders pushed back.
"Dear esteemed colleagues and students, it is with great pleasure that I stand before you today to introduce a remarkable addition to our esteemed faculty. Please join me in warmly welcoming Ms. Amara Duskgrove, who will be assuming the role of our new Ancient Runes and Artifacts teacher," Dumbledore announced, perfectly timed with Amara's arrival.
She offered a soft smile, lightly bowing her head before finding an empty seat at the faculty table next to a black haired man.
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