#chb does come back around and that’s THEIR guy now no take backsies
lanternlightss · 9 months
once again i am. thinking. about percy jackson and how rough it was for him. not only does he go his whole life struggling with school and everything in general because of his adhd + dyslexia, he also presumably deals with the otherness of not being “normal” because of it.
and then to have it confirmed (it wasn’t the intent, but, still) by a teacher he kind of likes. by a teacher who has taken a liken to percy and wants the best from him. you’re not normal, percy. you don’t belong.
and when he finds somewhere he might, somewhere with people like him? a big family, we take care of each other, yeah? child of the big three. separated into one. avoided for a little while.
to end it all? to have his own father look him in the eyes and say, “i’m sorry you were born.” how absolutely stinging that would’ve been? percy has gone his whole life thus far as a cast out, and is told this.
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