queendom-hearts · 2 years
Can I have Aqua kissing headcanons with a male S/O?
Kisses With Aqua
You would probably be her first kiss. Between being a Keyblade Master and saving the worlds, she never found time for romance.
She would probably be super embarrassed and you’d have to ask permission before you kiss her, knowing that just doing it out of the blue might be too risky.
It’d be very quick, like just a peck, but she’d soon relax into it and it would last a bit longer. She’d be red faced and just ecstatic that she got to have her first kiss with an amazing guy like you!
After more time passes, kissing become regular for you both. She’s not too big on public displays of affection, but doesn’t mind a quick peck when out in public. She prefers to save the heavier stuff for private.
She quickly becomes accustomed to it and even starts to take the lead at times. She doesn’t realize she’s doing it and you think it’s too cute to tell her in case she might stop.
Kissing quickly becomes one of her favorite ways to show her affection to you. It still makes her a bit flushed and giddy like a schoolgirl and she only allows the heavier stuff in private, but she never says no if its a kiss from her wonderful boyfriend!
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queendom-hearts · 2 years
What does Aqua want in a romantic partner?
 What Aqua Wants In A Romantic Partner
I think Aqua would simply want someone she can rely on. Gender and other things like that never really mattered much to her.
As much as she enjoys and excels at caring for and nurturing others, she wouldn’t want that in a romantic partner at all.
To her, romance should be a two way street and partners should give as much as they take.
She wouldn’t completely mind if she ends up as the one doing the caring and comforting more than her partner, she just wishes for her partner to do the same for her.
For as long as Aqua can remember, she always felt like she only had herself to rely on. Yes, she has Ventus and Terra, but even then she felt like the more dependable and reliable of the three.
Because of that, she often piles a bit too much on her plate and refuses to take a break, as she sees that as weakness on her part. She’s always been the one you can talk to and ask for assistance with things and it has become ingrained in her heart at this point. She can’t bear the thought of letting someone down.
So, she would really desire a romantic partner that she could rely on and relax with; someone who reminds her to take a break every once in a while and that no one person is a mountain, so to speak.
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queendom-hearts · 3 years
What does Aqua like to do after sparring with her male S/O?
After Sparring
I believe she would just enjoy sitting down and taking a breather. Depending on the time of day and when the sparring ends, she would enjoy watching the sunset or looking at the stars together with her significant other.
Maybe Ventus and Terra could join you two! If you just wanna be alone with her, she'd be fine with that too.
Maybe, if you did particularly well or improved a bit, she would take you out for ice cream or something similar.
Even if you only improved a tiny bit, Aqua would insist on celebrating anyways, no matter how tiny the accomplishment may be. She's a sweetheart.
She wants you to know how proud and happy she is for you and that even little things deserve celebrating sometimes!
She would enjoy taking a bath or shower afterwards too! Her significant other joining her depending on where they are at in their relationship.
If not bathing, she'd be fine swimming with you to get the sweat off and to cool down. During the summer, she'd enjoy spraying you with the hose or being sprayed with it. Or maybe running through some sprinkler system together.
In colder times, you would go back together and she would make you a warm drink, like hot cocoa or some warm tea. Whatever you prefer! She'd make some for herself as well and join you in discussing the spar and the things she think you did well and the things you could improve.
All in all, Aqua would be up for doing anything after a sparring session with you. As long as she's with you, she's quite content, no matter what you are doing!
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