#comprehend stuff like race/etc. like theyyy can
gayspock · 2 years
sorry for the scattered afternoon thoughts but tbh the way some ppl (im talking white, middle-class background type of ppl) will project and assume that old people or working class people etc. are "bigoted" kind of baselessly.... but then never make immediate assumptions about people who are specifically from their OWN demographic like that... aside from it, like, kind of just being very unfair towards the ppl they're slating (as if those people are not also capable of the same judgement as YOU are...) i think its telling as to how they view/percieve themselves. like i cannot tell u the number of white ppl, in particular, ive met who thought younger gay ppl were inherently "less racist", that lgbt spaces were "more open", bc the people in those spaces walked and talked like them... so they view THOSE people as being capable of enlightened like them, and of themselves as unbiased BUT it was honestly just... a combination of complete and utter lack of self-awareness and some extremely ironic bigotry on their own part bc they couldnt self-examine properly. and also just assumed that ppl who didnt fit theire extremely narrow perspective, who weren't similar enough to them, were inherently stupider / less kind when its like... mmhm no i dont think so. i think you need to realise you yourself are quite capable of a lot of horseshit and do some actual self-reflection as opposed to the performative silliness....
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