go-redgirl · 4 years
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By Ben Stein Monday, 16 March 2020 11:52 AM Current | Bio | Archiv
Coronavirus Is Not the End of the World
One of the prime rules of thought and analysis is to use some sense of proportion. This, it seems to me, applies very powerfully in the case of the uniquely potent and widespread mass hysteria over the vicious Coronavirus.
The country and much of the world are going insane about it. Hoarding. Panic traveling.
Panic self quarantining even by persons at very low risk such as healthy young people.
The grocery stores are bare and people are lined up to buy hand sanitizer as if it were gold.
But let’s try for some sense of proportion here. These data are very preliminary and are being written on March 15, 2020. ( The "Ides of March.")
So far, there have been about 58 fatalities associated with COVID-19N in the last month since the panic started. There will obviously be many more. But, in that same period, there have been about 240,000 total deaths in the United States.
The COVID deaths, each one of which is deeply sad and regrettable, are such a tiny fraction of total deaths it is startling.
There is in the air and on surfaces each and every day the standard influenza which comes each year and for which we get flu shots if we're smart.
In the same period in which COVID has killed about 60, the basic flu has killed roughly 10,000 Americans. Again each death from each kind of flu is sad and hurts loved ones deeply.
But the number of COVID deaths is stunningly small compared with the deaths from standard old fashioned flu.
But there are no lines at super markets about the flu, no closing down Broadway or the NBA or Harvard or Yale.
Each month in the United States we lose roughly 3,000 souls because of collisions or other traumas involving automobiles and alcohol. That’s 50 times as many as COVID-19N yet there are liquor stores on every corner and TV commercials for alcohol are everywhere.
No one puts up signs or screams at the president or Congress about it.
Now here comes a really sad one: each month in the U.S. there are roughly 7,000 deaths from alcoholism. Not crashes. Drinking alcohol.
Yet we have ads on TV for beer, wine, and liquor virtually nonstop and no president threatens to reinstate Prohibition.
There’s been a stock market crash because of panic in the marketplace and the workplace over Corona. The panic is so severe that has at least temporarily wiped out roughly the entire wealth of the UK and France over a disease which will undoubtedly get worse, but so far has claimed far fewer lives than suicides in the United States, which claims about 4,000 deaths each month.
Why? Where does this hysteria come from?
I can only surmise that it is a new, juicy delicious bone for the media to chew on.
It may well be that the disease will grow much faster now. But it would be rare indeed for it to claim more lives than the Swine Flu pandemic, which killed very roughly 50,000 Americans and which caused no panic, no stock market crashes, no closing of churches.
This whole thing may well get truly terrible. I pray all day and all night that it won’t. But so far, it hardly merits the pandemonium it has caused. FDR said it best, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
That may prove to be wildly optimistic but so far what’s going on is just nuts. Yes, spend every dime we need to find a vaccine and a cure. Yes, get tens of millions of test kits.
Yes, stay home if you feel sick. But this is not the end of the world by a long, long way and if it is, I won’t be around to be criticized.
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whatfeelsgood11 · 3 years
A Sense of Direction, pt 2
April 2020 - July 2020
The process of buying a used car was, in short, a big ol' learning experience. We made small, regretful mistakes, but still managed to have some luck on our side. I didn’t want my mother's input even though she desperately wanted to give it. I was aware that she had years of used car buying experience, but I also knew that she would try to fully control the process. I wanted (needed) to learn on my own. The irony of me buying the exact car she owned for years wasn't lost on me. As much as I wanted to forge my own path, I found myself torn between buying the same two cars she drove me around in my childhood. We bought the second car we checked out, sort of on a whim. That day in May I bounced from terrified to excited to confused, all the while feeling constantly pressured. After signing the paperwork and choosing our warranty, we got into our car and I proceeded to have a meltdown. I felt immediate buyer's remorse knowing how much we'd eventually spend after paying our loan off. J calmed me down and reminded me that we were in a pivotal moment and we should be proud of what we did that day! Oh sweet, sweet J. Always reminding us to be present, to celebrate the things we work for, and to spend money without guilt on things that will serve us well. A couple days after bringing our 2010 Nissan Armada home, we took it for its first official ride only to have it break down within the first 15 minutes. My actual worst-case scenario of buying a used vehicle came true faster than I ever imagined. We sat there watching it being towed right back to the dealership, and at least we were able to laugh about our situation. After that, the car went back and forth from the dealership a few more times, each time discovering something else not working correctly. Luckily, all problems were paid for by the dealership since they knew they sold us a lemon. In the end, we got a couple thousand dollars of repair work paid for by them and a whole lot of anxiety. But at least we finally had a tow vehicle.
Next up was finding the right trailer for our Armada to pull. This consisted of scouring the internet for promising deals that were in driving distance, in our price range, and looked like legitimate sales. Neither of us knew the first thing about RVs so naturally I began obsessively researching them. Trying my best to learn about their electrical and plumbing systems, the accessories needed to function in them, maintenance, and upkeep, etc. Except these concepts felt foreign and strange since we didn’t have a trailer yet. Instead, this obsessive research added to my anxiety, and made me lash out at my partner for the simple lack of knowledge either of us possessed. The audacity we had to buy something we knew absolutely nothing about! My negative thought patterns were active throughout the whole process. I knew that I was committed to this lifestyle and would make it happen no matter what, yet I simultaneously told myself and my partner that our attempts were futile, naïve, and would lead to our inevitable downfall. Fear is a hell of trickster. Like true newbies, we bought the first trailer we ever looked at. Knowing what I know now, we inspected it so quickly and not thoroughly that we could have been sold another lemon easily. We got extremely lucky that the trailer was mostly well taken care of, and the person who sold it to us knew so much about it and was willing to help teach us. The weeks of researching and searching for used trailers in a COVID market was stressful, but I felt lucky I was only part-time nannying at the time, so I had the bandwidth for it. Years before, buying a trailer was easy for the buyer. The market was saturated with trailers that were bought and sat mostly once people realized the work it took to use them. Since RVs make it possible to have an isolated, safe way to travel, the whole industry saw a huge boom. That meant that when we found a trailer, we had to act fast. The culmination of this process led to us driving to southern Illinois to buy our 1995 Mallard 19N. On the way, I did some last-minute research about what to look for when checking out a used trailer and proceeded to have a nervous meltdown. J pulled the car over and we fought and yelled out of pure stress and fear. Mostly mine. We finally managed to get it together and even successfully bargained with the seller to get a lower price once we were there. The first time I stepped inside the trailer I was super taken aback by how small it felt. I was unsure if we would be able to make it work but I wanted the process of finding one to end so badly that I pushed through my doubt. At last, we took our maiden voyage towing it back to my mother's driveway. Watching my partner back it up into a weirdly shaped driveway in the dark on the 2nd try was impressive and a huge relief. We did it. We felt the buzz and lightheadedness of having just made a life changing decision together. Now it was time to do some necessary fixes to the trailer and make it ours. A finally, we got rid of 2/3 of our possessions and packed up our apartment in Chicago. I was beyond excited to see the open road again.
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eksopolitiikka · 4 years
COVID-19:n vaikutus koko galaksiin
COVID-19:n vaikutus koko galaksiin
∞9D Arcturuksen Neuvosto, kanavoinut Daniel Scranton
“Tervehdys. Me olemme Arcturuksen Neuvosto. Me olemme mielissämme saadessamme yhteyden kaikkiin teihin.
Me olemme tarkkailleet sitä väreilyvaikutusta, jonka ihmiskunta on saanut aikaan sillä, kun olette rientäneet avuksenne auttamaan tämän COVID-19 kriisin aikana. Ja kuten me olemme ilmaisseet monta kertaa aiemmin, te olette kaikki tietoisuuden laajentumisen keskuksessa tässä koko universumissa. Täten, kun te autatte toinen toistanne tämän pandemian aikana, siitä syntyy väreilyvaikutus, ja olennot ympäri galaksin alkavat tehdä yhteistyötä. Useita sopimuksia on kirjoitettu virusepidemian alkamisen jälkeen maailmassanne, ja me näemme nyt miten dominopalikat ovat kaatuneet.
Me näemme miten auttamalla toisia ihmisiä, joita ette koskaan muuten tapaisi tässä elämässä, parannatte omia galaktisia haavojanne. Ja olennot toisilta planeetoilta toisista tähtijärjestelmistä hyötyvät jokaisesta hyvästä ja myötätuntoisesta teosta, joka Maapallolla tapahtuu tänä aikana. Kun lopetatte kinastelemisen siitä kuka on oikeassa ja kuka väärässä, kun päästätte irti kiintymyksestänne siitä että teidän pitää seistä jonkun joukoissa ja vain menette toisen hätää kärsivän ihmisen luokse auttamaan, luotte sen todellisuuden samalla koko galaksiin ja universumiin. Te olette muutoksentekijöitä. Te olette niitä joita koko muu galaksi katsoo ihaillen, sillä te edustatte niin montaa eri tähtijärjestelmää. Maapallo on todellakin tämän galaksin sulatusuuni, ja te edistytte suurin hyppäyksin ihmikollektiivissanne.
Mutta me haluamme myös teidän tietävän miten paljon se merkitsee kaikille olennoille kaikkialla universumissa että te autatte toinen toisianne pääsemään tästä kriisistä yli, sysäätte sivuun erimielisyytenne ja näette toisen kärsivän ihmisen jo tarpeeksi suurena syynä tehdä jotain auttaaksenne. Muistakaa se seuraavalla kerralla kun te tunnette tarvetta korjata jonkun toisen sanomisia koskien tätä virusta. Pankaa riitanne sivuun kaikkien hyväksi ja vain yksinkertaisesti kysykää siltä toiselta ihmiseltä tarvitseeko hän mitään. Tietäkää, että monet kärsivät tänä aikana. Monet, jotka eivät tiedä miten kommunikoida sitä että he kärsivät, joille ei ole koskaan opetettu sitä miten ilmaista tunteitaan. Teidän, heränneenä kollektiivina, tarvitsee nousta pikkumaisten väittelyjen yläpuolelle ja toimia esimerkkinä muulle ihmiskunnalle siitä miten selvitä tästä ja olla se muutos jonka haluatte samanaikaisesti kokea.
Me olemme Arcturuksen Neuvosto, ja olemme nauttineet yhteydestä kanssanne.”
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palavradigital-blog · 3 years
 Itabuna registra 34.139 casos de covid-19n e 621 mortes
 Itabuna registra 34.139 casos de covid-19n e 621 mortes
 Itabuna registra 34.139 casos confirmados de covid-19, sendo 33.212 pacientes curados, 306 ativos, 32 internados em UTIs, 16 internados em leitos clínicos 40; e 621 óbitos. 
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bidhuan · 3 years
BPOM Setujui Uji Klinik Fase 2/3 Vaksin Genexine dengan 1000 Relawan
BPOM Setujui Uji Klinik Fase 2/3 Vaksin Genexine dengan 1000 Relawan
Majalah Farmasetika – Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) menyetujui pelaksanaan uji klinik salah satu vaksin yang telah terdaftar dalam WHO Landscape adalah Vaksin COVID-19 GX-19N atau disebut juga dengan Vaksin Genexine. Vaksin GX-19N ini merupakan vaksin COVID-19 dengan platform DNA pertama yang dikembangkan oleh Genexine Korea. Industri farmasi di Indonesia, yaitu PT. Kalbe Farma akan…
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jucelinoluzposts · 3 years
Brasilen eta mundu osoan milaka heriotza erregistratzen dira egunero Covid-19n - eguneroko albisteak ... (2. zatia)
Brasilen eta mundu osoan milaka heriotza erregistratzen dira egunero Covid-19n – eguneroko albisteak … (2. zatia)
Brasilen eta mundu osoan milaka heriotza erregistratzen dira egunero Covid-19n – eguneroko albisteak … (2. zatia) Águas de Lindóia, 2021eko urtarrilaren 2a Gezurra mila aldiz errepikatuta behin-behineko egia bihurtzen da ” Hilketak, lapurretak, ustelkeria, injustizia, pobrezia, hezkuntza falta, segurtasun falta, langabezia, hori da egia bakarra, gehienetan, politikariek, agintariek eta…
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preciousmetals0 · 4 years
Warning: House Prices Could Drop 18% – and These REITs Could Drop Further
Warning: House Prices Could Drop 18% – and These REITs Could Drop Further:
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Canada’s housing market is a national sport. House prices have been relentlessly surging for over a decade. Now, with unemployment at a record high and an ongoing pandemic, Canada’s housing market could finally deflate. 
The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has forecast falling home prices of to 18 per cent in the 12 months ahead. That’s the worst-case scenario. CMHC’s base case forecast was a 9% drop. 
It’s also worth noting that these forecasts are for average prices across the country. Expensive markets such as Toronto or Vancouver could experience deeper declines in value. That, of course, is bad news for homeowners and real estate investors. However, it also impacts dividend investors who rely on real estate investment trusts (REITs).
REITs are tax-advantaged structures for rental income. These listed securities can offer better dividends than traditional stocks because they can access more leverage and extract more free cash flow from rents. If the housing market collapses, leverage tightens and rental income is squeezed. 
Residential REITs with higher leverage or more exposure to major cities could be at the most risk. Here are two REITs that could probably decline faster than the national housing market. 
Northview Apartment REIT
Northview Apartment REIT (TSX:NVU.UN) stock dipped when the COVID-19n outbreak began, but has since recovered all its lost value. In fact, the stock is now 13% higher than at the start of the year. Investors seem to be optimistic that the housing market will hold up better than expected. 
However, Northview’s portfolio looks overexposed to some vulnerable markets. More than a third of its multifamily units are located in Ontario. Nearly 10% are in Toronto and its surrounding areas, which are at the apex of the housing market crisis. However, several thousand units are in what I would call university towns.
The housing markets in Guelph, Kitchener and Hamilton, hinge on the arrival of university students. This year, of course, universities have switched to virtual classes, which means student arrivals will plunge. International student arrivals could disappear altogether, putting pressure on these overvalued housing markets. 
Northview also has a sizable debt burden. Net debt to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) was as high as 10.1. While the debt coverage ratio was 1.60. These risks don’t seem to be priced into the REIT’s elevated stock price.
InteRent REIT
InterRent REIT is similarly exposed to vulnerable markets. Two-thirds of its portfolio is concentrated in the Greater Toronto Area or Montreal. While Montreal’s housing market isn’t as overheated as Vancouver or Toronto, it’s relatively overvalued. 
Rents in Montreal’s downtown are dropping faster than anywhere else in Canada. Average one- and two-bedroom apartment rents declined 5.2% and 2.6%, respectively, in April. The flood of Airbnb units entering the long-term rental market is the prime reason for this plunge in tourist-heavy Montreal. 
The stock price has recovered its losses and is flat year to date. However, a housing market crash focused on Canada’s largest cities could be detrimental to InterRent’s book value and rental income. 
Bottom line
The housing market is due for a correction, and prices in Toronto and Vancouver could face steeper declines. REITs focused on major cities or with too much debt could magnify the incoming crash.
Before I forget…
The 10 Best Stocks to Buy This Month
Renowned Canadian investor Iain Butler just named 10 stocks for Canadians to buy TODAY. So if you’re tired of reading about other people getting rich in the stock market, this might be a good day for you. Because Motley Fool Canada is offering a full 65% off the list price of their top stock-picking service, plus a complete membership fee back guarantee on what you pay for the service. Simply click here to discover how you can take advantage of this.
Click Here to Learn More Today!
More reading
Which Housing Crash Will Be Worse: Vancouver or Toronto?
Fool contributor Vishesh Raisinghani has no position in any of the stocks mentioned.
The post Warning: House Prices Could Drop 18% – and These REITs Could Drop Further appeared first on The Motley Fool Canada.
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goldira01 · 4 years
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Canada’s housing market is a national sport. House prices have been relentlessly surging for over a decade. Now, with unemployment at a record high and an ongoing pandemic, Canada’s housing market could finally deflate. 
The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has forecast falling home prices of to 18 per cent in the 12 months ahead. That’s the worst-case scenario. CMHC’s base case forecast was a 9% drop. 
It’s also worth noting that these forecasts are for average prices across the country. Expensive markets such as Toronto or Vancouver could experience deeper declines in value. That, of course, is bad news for homeowners and real estate investors. However, it also impacts dividend investors who rely on real estate investment trusts (REITs).
REITs are tax-advantaged structures for rental income. These listed securities can offer better dividends than traditional stocks because they can access more leverage and extract more free cash flow from rents. If the housing market collapses, leverage tightens and rental income is squeezed. 
Residential REITs with higher leverage or more exposure to major cities could be at the most risk. Here are two REITs that could probably decline faster than the national housing market. 
Northview Apartment REIT
Northview Apartment REIT (TSX:NVU.UN) stock dipped when the COVID-19n outbreak began, but has since recovered all its lost value. In fact, the stock is now 13% higher than at the start of the year. Investors seem to be optimistic that the housing market will hold up better than expected. 
However, Northview’s portfolio looks overexposed to some vulnerable markets. More than a third of its multifamily units are located in Ontario. Nearly 10% are in Toronto and its surrounding areas, which are at the apex of the housing market crisis. However, several thousand units are in what I would call university towns.
The housing markets in Guelph, Kitchener and Hamilton, hinge on the arrival of university students. This year, of course, universities have switched to virtual classes, which means student arrivals will plunge. International student arrivals could disappear altogether, putting pressure on these overvalued housing markets. 
Northview also has a sizable debt burden. Net debt to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) was as high as 10.1. While the debt coverage ratio was 1.60. These risks don’t seem to be priced into the REIT’s elevated stock price.
InteRent REIT
InterRent REIT is similarly exposed to vulnerable markets. Two-thirds of its portfolio is concentrated in the Greater Toronto Area or Montreal. While Montreal’s housing market isn’t as overheated as Vancouver or Toronto, it’s relatively overvalued. 
Rents in Montreal’s downtown are dropping faster than anywhere else in Canada. Average one- and two-bedroom apartment rents declined 5.2% and 2.6%, respectively, in April. The flood of Airbnb units entering the long-term rental market is the prime reason for this plunge in tourist-heavy Montreal. 
The stock price has recovered its losses and is flat year to date. However, a housing market crash focused on Canada’s largest cities could be detrimental to InterRent’s book value and rental income. 
Bottom line
The housing market is due for a correction, and prices in Toronto and Vancouver could face steeper declines. REITs focused on major cities or with too much debt could magnify the incoming crash.
Before I forget…
The 10 Best Stocks to Buy This Month
Renowned Canadian investor Iain Butler just named 10 stocks for Canadians to buy TODAY. So if you’re tired of reading about other people getting rich in the stock market, this might be a good day for you. Because Motley Fool Canada is offering a full 65% off the list price of their top stock-picking service, plus a complete membership fee back guarantee on what you pay for the service. Simply click here to discover how you can take advantage of this.
Click Here to Learn More Today!
More reading
Which Housing Crash Will Be Worse: Vancouver or Toronto?
Fool contributor Vishesh Raisinghani has no position in any of the stocks mentioned.
The post Warning: House Prices Could Drop 18% – and These REITs Could Drop Further appeared first on The Motley Fool Canada.
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fotoinform · 4 years
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tastydregs · 4 years
Black Swan Events: Short-term Crisis, Long-term Opportunity
Black Swans: Short-term Crisis, Long-term Opportunity
Few investors could have predicted that a viral outbreak would end the longest-running bull market in U.S. history. Now, the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed stocks far into bear market territory. From its peak on February 19th, the S&P 500 has fallen almost 30%.
While this volatility can cause investors to panic, it’s helpful to keep a long-term perspective. Black swan events, which are defined as rare and unexpected events with severe consequences, have come and gone throughout history.
In today’s Markets in a Minute chart from New York Life Investments, we explore the sell-off size and recovery length for some of these events.
Wars, Viruses, and Excessive Valuations
With sell-offs ranging from -5% to -50%, black swan events have all impacted the S&P 500 differently. Here’s a look at select events over the last half-century:
EventStart of Sell-off/Previous PeakSize of Sell-offDuration of Sell-off (Trading Days)Duration of Recovery (Trading Days) Israel Arab War/Oil EmbargoOctober 29, 1973-17.1%271475 Iranian Hostage CrisisOctober 5, 1979-10.2%2451 Black MondayOctober 13, 1987-28.5%5398 First Gulf WarJanuary 1, 1991-5.7%68 9/11 AttacksSeptember 10, 2001-11.6%615 SARSJanuary 14, 2003-14.1%3940 Global Financial CrisisOctober 9, 2007-56.8%3561022 Intervention in LibyaFebruary 18, 2011-6.4%1829 Brexit VoteJune 8, 2016-5.6%149 COVID-19*February 19, 2020-29.5%19N/A (ongoing)
* Figure as of market close on March 18, 2020. The sell-off measures from the market high to the market low.
While the declines can be severe, most have been short-lived. Markets typically returned to previous peak levels in no more than a couple of months. The Oil Embargo, Black Monday, and the Global Financial Crisis are notable outliers, with the recovery spanning a year or more.
After Black Monday, the Federal Reserve reaffirmed its readiness to provide liquidity, and the market recovered in about 400 trading days. Both the 1973 Oil Embargo and 2007 Global Financial Crisis led to U.S. recessions, lengthening the recovery over multiple years.
COVID-19: How Long Will it Last?
It’s difficult to predict how long COVID-19 will impact markets, as its societal and financial disruption is unprecedented. In fact, the S&P 500 reached a bear market in just 16 days, the fastest time period on record.
Some Wall Street strategists believe that the market will only begin to recover when COVID-19’s daily infection rate peaks. In the meantime, governments have begun announcing rate cuts and fiscal stimulus in order to help stabilize the economy.
Considering the high levels of uncertainty, what should investors do?
Buy on Fear, Sell on Greed?
Legendary investor Warren Buffet is a big proponent of this strategy. When others are greedy—typically when prices are boiling over—assets may be overpriced. On the flipside, there may be good buying opportunities when others are fearful.
Most importantly, investors need to remain disciplined with their investment process throughout the volatility. History has shown that markets will eventually recover, and may reward patient investors.
Note: This post originally came from our Advisor Channel, a partnership with New York Life Investments that aims to create a go-to resource for financial advisors and their clients to navigate market trends.
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The post Black Swan Events: Short-term Crisis, Long-term Opportunity appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
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hindidailynews2020 · 4 years
नोएडा: COVID-19 मरीजों के लिए 28 दिनों की पेड लीव, लॉकडाउन के दौरान देनी होगी दिहाड़ी मजदूरी
नोएडा डीएम बीएनसिंह शनिवार देर रात दिए आदेश में प्रशासन ने यह भी कहा कि लॉकडाउन (बंद) के कारण बंद दुकानों, उद्योगों और कारखानों को अपने कर्मचारियों और मजदूरों को इस अवधि के दौरान अवकाश के साथ दिहाड़ी…
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biviskiver · 4 years
DTO Başkanı Elif Turan: Sağlık çalışanlarında tükenmişlik mevcut
DTO Başkanı Elif Turan: Sağlık çalışanlarında tükenmişlik mevcut
DİYARBAKIR –Yeni normal sürecin başladığı 1 Haziran’a kadar Diyarbakır’ın Covid-19 ile mücadelede kısmen de olsa başarılı bir sınav verdiği söylenebilir. Bunda Covid-19n yarattığı tedirginliğin yanı sıra hükümetin aldığı önlemler de önemli rol oynadı. Ancak 1 Haziran’dan sonra sadece Diyarbakır’da değil bölgenin neredeyse bütün illerinde virüs vakaları artış gösterdi. Hastaneler kovid-19 testi…
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