#creativityworkssx mediatrust
creativityworks-sx · 4 years
4 Nuggets of Knowledge from the Henrie Kwushue Press Junket
During yesterday’s scheduled press junket we had the priveldge of putting a series of questions to Henrie Kwushue. In her relavitely short career she’s already achieved so much and her responses to our questions showed honesty, insight and character that gave full explanation to her sharp ascent. Here are four of the best nuggets of knowledge from the junket:
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View rejection of your ideas as an opportunity:
When asked why she’s bypassed the industry’s usual gatekeepers to create on her own and with her peers, she singled out her experience of being asked to come up with some ideas for the company she worked for, only for them to undervalue and dismiss those ideas when Henrie presented them. It was then she says, that she realised the importance of investing in herself and being the one to bring her ideas to life. 
Don’t conflate the roles of DJ and radio presenter:
Although there are many shared skills, particularly on the more technical side, it’s important to know the difference between the two roles. As a DJ your sole focus is the music you’re delivering, presenting is much more of a front-facing role where your character and personality are as crucial as the music.
Value your relationships with your peers:
As people move forward in their own careers they may need someone with your skillset and offer you opportunities and you may do the same. Many of the people that Henrie started with are doing big things themselves and she has witnessed them all grow together, offering help and opportunities to each other along the way. The recent success of NS10v10 is the example of this: like-minded people that had existing relationships coming together to create and enlisting more of their peers when the chance arose. 
You are are own biggest asset:
Your ideas are unique to you and often you’re the best judge of how good the are. Find the essence of who you are and use it to your advantage. Henrie admitted to being shy early on but overcame it to let her natural charisma, one of her best assets, shine in the presenting role. Trust in your ideas and ability!
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