#cue alhaitham being like 'i'm like a brother to them...that's why i'm feeling like this.'
jornami · 2 years
Thinking about frenemies to lovers with Alhaitham. Frenemies because the only reason you guys are “friends” is because your moms are lifelong friends.
You two grew up together but realized you didn’t actually like each other around age 7 or so. However, despite your mutual disdain for each other, your moms are still best friends, so your childhoods are full of joint family dinner, holidays, vacations.
You guys sort of alternate between friends and enemies. Friends for six months, enemies for the next. Around the time you two graduate high school, you two are in an enemies phase. You’d both be content if you never saw the other again.
You can’t wait to get rid of each other only to end up at the same university.
Despite what happens between you two, you have always looked out for each other. Like that time you were drunk and all your “friends” ditched you at party they dragged you to.
Alhaitham’s there in less than ten minutes…with a lecture.
“I told you they were no good.”
“Why the hell are you out on a Tuesday night anyway?”
“How are you feeling? Do you want to spend the night at my place?”
Or when he crashes his car in the middle of the night and no one answers his calls.
Except you, of course. You roll out of bed at 2 am and show up to the scene, plaid pajama pants and all.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you want to go to the hospital?”
“The car is totaled. Your parents are going to kill you…How the hell could you be so reckless?”
“Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?”
This year, Thanksgiving falls when you two are in another enemies phase. It's easier to carpool back to your hometown so even though you currently hate each other, Alhaitham is outside your apartment at noon ready to take you home.
"Thoma doesn't live far from us," you say, teeth chattering from the cold.
"Who the fuck is Thoma?" he asks. "Also, get in. It's freezing."
"My boyfriend."
"So you're gonna trust a guy you've been dating for a few weeks over your lifetime best friend?"
"Best friend, my ass."
"Go get your stuff." Alhaitham says. "Our moms are expecting us to arrive together."
You roll your eyes. He's right, you never told your mom about Thoma let alone that he'd be driving you home for break.
"I'll be back in ten."
Alhaitham doesn't even like you platonically half the time, but hearing you call someone else your boyfriend makes him feel things he didn't know he felt.
Longest car ride of his life.
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