bluesidde · 6 years
( @catastrothicc )
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        that small moment between finally leaving the club and going on to his final customer of the night was quite frankly, a treasure. kyuhan wasn’t too far from his usal business venture, in between them stood a cafe, another one of london’s hole-in-the-wall type of place. they served a delicious americano with a pump of hazelnut that he simply adored, most enjoyable knowing he’s almost home where a another sleepless night waits for him, still cozy nonetheless.
to jin kyuhan: i’ll be there in 10 minutes to jin kyuhan: got your usual
        david sighed, shoving his phone back in his pocket as he jogged back to his car. seeing kyuhan everytime the date of his order rolled around was always...something. he had been personally training a new runner (like we does with all of them) when they met, making an arrangement almost immediately, but there was this air around him that made david somewhat wary. so it’s up to him to handle the other’s business. 
        less than ten minutes later, david pulled up at their usual place, cutting the engine as soon as he was parked. grabbing his phone from his pocket, he checked the time before placing it on his thigh, waiting for kyuhan’s green light while he slowly drank his coffee.
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