#damnnn 1407 words folks!
davidthephoneguy · 9 months
Could you give me a recap on the David lore because I forgor :’(
Oh boy that’s a loooong question (also rather comical and foreshadowing) /pos
Ok I’ll give ya all the David lore I have. I’ll go in timeline and say where the main two aus diverge as both aus have the same start.
David Evans was born in Australia (10th of October, 1956) after their parents had moved from Wales 11 years previously. Growing up he was the only ‘girl’ out of the kids and his parents were unfortunately rather misogynistic and so treated him poorly. His mother was mother the verbal abuse kind while his father was physically agressive. His three brothers (well one ended up transitioning later but i’ll keep it simple) who were about 9-8 years older than him were mostly good siblings (excluding his oldest brother who mostly mimicked their dad and was a general asshole).
(Somewhere in the childhood part David sees the Beatles perform on their famous Ed Sullivan show appearance and he became obsessed with them. This obsession continues on for the rest of his life)
He started transitioning in his late teens and his parents were wholeheartedly supportive of it as they just really didn’t want to have a daughter. David’s sister unfortunately didn’t get the same love when she transitioned and was shunned by their parents and older brother (also the youngest brother ended up dying at the age of 12 from drowning I think).
Anyways so David gets an extreme interest in mechanics and engineering and purses a course in it.
Now this is where timelines diverge and I’m gonna use colour coded text to tell ya which au the info is from. Red = Canon AU, Purple = Non-Canon AU
David fails the course and gets a job as a janitor at the local Freddy Fazbenders. While he works there he falls in love with a dayshift worker named Toby, they start dating until everyone’s favourite Tangerine and Aubergine show up at the location. They start causing chaos and eventually rig the suit to go off and due to neither of them showing up David is forced to wear the suit by their boss. He dies and is sent to the factory to become a phone guy (at the age of 29). (While at the factory an employee there glues roller skates to David’s feet so they’re permanently stuck there.)
He starts working back at Freddy’s, seeing Toby but not knowing who he is, Toby doesn’t realise at first either. But as soon as he does he ends up being fired.
David works at the location for a few years before being sent back to the factory to wait until he’s needed.
This results in him working for Mr J (the same Tangerine from earlier(the best way to describe Mr J is that he’s more like the business Jack in dsaf 3, more caring for money then people.) and he is just the worst boss. The only good thing he does is giving David his alive name back to him but doesn’t actually let him use it in public. He abuses David verbally and physically, poor dude is just covered in bruises, tiny cuts and burn marks from Mr J’s taser as well as his skeleton just having so many fractures and improperly healed breaks. (Funfact cause this whole thing takes place in Australia, healthcare is free so Mr J could let David go to hospital for 0 charge but he doesn’t.) Mr J just continues to make him work like that.
Due to the phoney process David’s body can no longer age, permanently frozen at the age he died. He’s mostly immortal because of that.
During the time when his partner Toby was firstly fired a child randomly spawned in the house he and David had been living in and so Toby just started raisin them as his kid (Jay).
Long story short of that part after David leaves freddys (due to a complicated cross-over event) he goes to find Toby only to find Jay living there as a fully grown adult with his own (adopted kid) and to learn that Toby had died a while ago in a car crash.
David starts living with his family and starts to notice that immortality thing as he watches his son and granddaughter growing older but he doesn’t seem to change. It finally clicks in his head when his son dies (natural causes) and he stays as close to his granddaughter and her kids as he can, not wanting to loose them.
He slowly starts to disassociate and becomes a but reclusive, the only thing he still has is a dog named Parasite (complicated au cross-over event that carried over to the canon. Basically Parasite used to be a clone of mr j but he got turned into a small lil mutant doggo and mellowed out, becoming David’s therapy dog)
David does get to meet all his descendants though and he tries to be as loving and caring to them as his was to his son and granddaughter.
Ok finally time for the other one!
So this time around David passes the course and gets a job at Freddys as a technician. While he works there he falls in love with a man named Toby (same one as before).
David ends up starting to work for Afton Robotics and works his way up in the company.
One day a child spawns inside their home (Jay, yes he just spawns because its just funnier), David notices how Jay looks identical to how he looked as a kid so they both decide to keep and raise them.
A few years later Toby passes away in a car accident leaving David alone to raise Jay while still workin at Afton Robotics. He does his best and tries to make things work around raising Jay and still making sure the company doesn’t fall behind on things (as by this point the original owner and operator of Afton Robotics had been revealed to be a fraud and was sent to prison, David being basically in second command basically became the new owner and operator). Two years after Toby’s death David starts dating again and falls in love with a dude named Joia. They date for about 3 years before getting married. (David is 40 when he marries Joia)
Blah blah wholesome cute family stuff with raising Jay and Jay eventually going and adopting a daughter (Moon).
David is 59 and Joia is 57 when Jay adopts Moon and they continue to be a happy family together.
At the age of 67 David starts to notice his slipping memory and general recall issues and so he and Joia end up going to the doctors about it, they come back finding out that David is in the early stages of dementia. As the years go on he starts to be affected more and more by the dementia, loosing memories and the ability to walk, not wanting to talk, sleeping more and more, being easily confused at where he is and who his family is.
Joia stays by David through it, slowly watching his husband fade away. Jay and Moon both visit frequently to check in on them and spend time with them.
David eventually is taken into the hospital as Joia was informed he only likely had a week left. By this point David has no idea who Joia, Jay or Moon are. To him its just a room of strangers.
The last day he ends up getting his memories back for a short while (something that does rarely happen with dementia irl) and he gets to give a proper goodbye to his family. Joia holds his hand and kisses him one last time on the cheek before David falls asleep again. He sleep for about 30 minutes, his breathing getting slower and slower until he forgets how to breathe and dies at age 85
(And because my friends didn’t want it to be that sad heres the extra part)
David becomes a ghost, regaining all his memories, staying with Joia as he just couldn’t bare to leave him behind. Joia can’t see or hear him, he doesn’t even know he’s there but he does talk to himself sometimes in a way thats meant to be a conversation with David. David answers but yk he can’t be heard by Joia.
About 6 years later Joia also passes away and they are reunited in the afterlife to spend eternity together.
So there you go, all the David lore you could ask for!
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