#darker than black:gemini of the meteor
shutupvestler · 4 years
I rewatched Darker than Black first season recently, and I clearly remember how I was wandering around the second season about two Gemini because the first impression which I got for the viewing was disappointing. Somehow I forced myself to rewatch this season too and my opinion had changed since the last time I was watching it.  Maybe, it`s because I got older a little bit, and started to look at the thing in different ways, but anyway here I am. Suo was the character who pissed me off, back then but I`ve started thinking about her as a little child, who lost everything in one single moment and had to obey orders which came from unwashed, unshaven homeless, and alcoholic one. That fact that Stockholm Syndrom towards Hei was prescribed in Suo`s character, already made her an interesting character with a  good base for personal development.  I also could understand the cause of Hei`s behavior, so I have no questions for this guy. The moment when they finally arrived at Japan and Suo asked Hei would do he give up drinking if she could stop shooting, was the first moment when they both found a point of touch with each other. And than Hei answer to Suo that it`s a fair deal, I`ve thought that they finally managed to understand each other.
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