#delenn schedules turning her life upside down between meetings
starstcff-a · 2 years
delenn interpreting prophecy and deciding the correct interpretation and that it should be her that fulfills it is so iconic, and the fact it does not end up as her seeming self-centered really shows how well established her character is, and how good jsm’s writing can be.   because we know, we see, we understand that delenn’s first commitment is not to her own future, but to the universe’s future.   she has a commitment towards light ( which, does not always equal to good, pure actions ), and to take the step of entering the cacoon and turning herself into a hybrid, its not to put herself in the center of the story, it is not because she thinks it will lead to her gaining accomplishments and titles, it is because it is a chance to serve.
her people have backed away, they are scared and unsure and in the face of their non-action she takes drastic measures to make sure the prophecy is fulfilled; she serves it, she does not use it to serve her own goals.
it is the right thing to do, she believes.  it will serve the universe, and as that is her life’s calling.
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