#despite this universe's scrapped status i still love these guy's dynamics . i'd love to
hvmanbeing · 1 year
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Klaud, Kimball, Atmos, Truman, 2021
more guys from the same scrapped universe as Worm. Klaud (grey) was a painter turned getaway driver and Kimball (blue, design by @rdhndrd​ ) was a skilled high-profile thief turned reluctant robin hood. when the free clinic they relied on was threatened, they pledged to get the supplies it needed at any cost.
Atmos and Truman were on the other side of the equation, working for the corporations the others stole from. Truman, my sweet dear failson, was a Vulture* operator who got jumped on his last repossession by the aforementioned duo. Atmos was a Freelance repossession agent turned bodyguard, hired to protect Truman as he worked to recover the goods stolen from his Vulture.
*Vultures were drones created by the corp to replace Freelancers. They operated semi-autonomously, and were used to carry out organ repossessions. their simple AI and large size required an operator to help it access a hiding target, ensure it didn’t get stuck, and carry out maintenance when necessary.
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