#dev patel is my derek craven and he's even more so with monkey man coming out so bye
mermaidsirennikita ยท 4 months
can i just say i love anytime you drag romance readers? i literally have trauma from reading goodreads reviews. if i don't see a henry cavill or david gandy fancast ever again in my life i'll die happy.
HAHA thanks. I have a lot of friends and people I follow whose opinions I value even when I don't agree with them, and there are a lot of people who I think give good takes on romance novels, but like. I really dislike the "we as a united romancelandia stand together" perspective, because no. I don't stand with homophobic and racist readers, and I don't agree with reductive perspectives on the genre.
Plus, there's this inherent problem with a readership that does often take a "for women, by women" POV, when a) no, anyone can and should (if they wish) read it regardless of their gender, romance isn't just for women b) what they actually mean is "for [cis] women by [cis] women anyway c) they also mean for [white] women by [white] women.
Idk, I think it's important to enjoy things, but for me enjoying something usually comes with critiquing it and wanting better from it. I feel the same way about tons of other things. Because I love and respect it, I expect better of it. And I don't think you have to consume romance that way. I think you can just love it. But if I think a like... readerly pressure, I suppose... contributes to a drop in quality, I'll comment on it.
And on a shallower level, I think so many GR reviews are so ugly and I'm so tired of seeing the same white guys fancast for heroes every. Single. Time. And like, it's always pics of these dudes from 10 years ago anyway. FIND NEW HOT GUYS.
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