#with fancasting i just go for pure vibes these days
mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
can i just say i love anytime you drag romance readers? i literally have trauma from reading goodreads reviews. if i don't see a henry cavill or david gandy fancast ever again in my life i'll die happy.
HAHA thanks. I have a lot of friends and people I follow whose opinions I value even when I don't agree with them, and there are a lot of people who I think give good takes on romance novels, but like. I really dislike the "we as a united romancelandia stand together" perspective, because no. I don't stand with homophobic and racist readers, and I don't agree with reductive perspectives on the genre.
Plus, there's this inherent problem with a readership that does often take a "for women, by women" POV, when a) no, anyone can and should (if they wish) read it regardless of their gender, romance isn't just for women b) what they actually mean is "for [cis] women by [cis] women anyway c) they also mean for [white] women by [white] women.
Idk, I think it's important to enjoy things, but for me enjoying something usually comes with critiquing it and wanting better from it. I feel the same way about tons of other things. Because I love and respect it, I expect better of it. And I don't think you have to consume romance that way. I think you can just love it. But if I think a like... readerly pressure, I suppose... contributes to a drop in quality, I'll comment on it.
And on a shallower level, I think so many GR reviews are so ugly and I'm so tired of seeing the same white guys fancast for heroes every. Single. Time. And like, it's always pics of these dudes from 10 years ago anyway. FIND NEW HOT GUYS.
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caesarflickermans · 1 year
Thank you for answering the Plutarch fancast :) How about President Snow and Coin?
Okay, now we are heading from "Marie has had a powerpoint for this specific topic" to very uncharted waters. So this is all just pure vibes, nothing else. I also wouldn't mind recasting the previous actors. They worked just fine and if both are willed to reprise their roles, why not?
For President Snow, I was thinking Christopher Walken. I cannot tell you if I've ever seen a Walken movie, I cannot tell you that I have. But I like this man's vibes. This man has rather sharp features, all of which fit to Snow. A sharp nose, bold lips, and a sharp gaze. Part of it is just genetics luck, part of it is his demeanour. Really, his gaze and the lips are fairly important, and I want a new thg movie to go all out with the scariness of Snow in regards to how artificial he looks. I'm sure the makeup team will have a good day with Walken.
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Alma Coin... This one's for our Tumblr wlw folks. I initially thought about Tilda Swinton, but then I thought... why not more sapphic? So Cate Blanchett it is. The reason why I want Alma Coin to be a win for wlw women everywhere is because I can see the appeal of this character. Strong female character who needs no men... So why not interested in women? I want the thg fanbase of lesbians to go nuts over Alma Coin, and Cate Blanchett being Cate Blanchett just fits. She can still look villainous, still has quite that sharp edge that makes her look that part, but if we inevitably will get straights who want to be kissed by Mr. Dictator right over there, then us wlws deserve something good. And that good is the implication that Alma Coin fucks ;)
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annyankers · 1 year
Have you given us a breakdown on Anya (Train’s version) yet? I’m loving your recent Anya posts and want to know more
kdjlsfghdfjklsg OKAY!!!!! ANYANKA!!!! TRAIN'S VERSION!!!!!
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First off I fancast her with Emma Myers now or Maya Hawke in the recent past. I feel both of them could handle the role and both are closer looking to the 17-18yo age we’d need for S3!Anya which is one of my main reasons for even recasting Anyanka bc lbr... Emma Caulfield is iconic in the role no notes really on her end. But yeah, both could pull off that “alien who just moved to earth tries to hang with the teenz” vibes that are so integral to the Anya experience.
After that I just lean WAY more into her established backstory and season 3 personality, you know, how she was before they flanderized her to hell and back. Basically more of a cranky adult trapped in a shitty mortal teen body and having to deal with all this shit they can’t remember from their own youth and probably didn’t have to even deal with the first time around. Her moods are all over the place in S3-4 since she’s so new to being mortal and like...18 years old. It’s like being boss baby and needing a nap lol.
She also has beef with Willow and Giles from day one and actually develops a real friendship with Cordelia and Faith-- basically if they’re in the Scooby sphere but not well liked by the Scoobies proper they’re gonna end up friends with Anyanka. Which means by the end of the series she’s homies with Cordelia, Faith, Spike, Oz, Angel, Wesley, Andrew, etc. The only one I don’t think she’d have time for is Amy and that’s entirely because she doesn’t have time for her or Willow and their issues with magic, superiority complexes and how little they listen to her even tho she’s you know, their obvious magical superior on the knowledge front.
Circling back to Willow and Giles it’s because she’s the anti-Willow and anti-Giles in some ways and until a better set up is thought up she’s basically the spirit and mind of the shadow self hands-heart-spirit-mind metaphor that the scoobies take on. She and Spike are basically already the Rowdy Ruff Boys to the Scoobies’ Powerpuff Girls as is. She’s already kind of established as a shadow Willow in the show but I wanna you know...... NOT FORGET SHE CAN DO MAGIC FOR LIKE 4 SEASONS.
Without her demonic powers Anyanka is not as strong of a witch as Willow when it comes to pure strength. But she was an extremely gifted one even before she got 1,000+ years to hone her craft and learn more. She can buy and sell Willow and Giles any day of the week, they basically only win against her because Buffy’s the slayer, luck, MC powers etc etc yada yada. She’s also not afraid to remind them of this fact which makes Willow especially very insecure and dislike her a LOT. Along with that Anyanka still lacks a filter nor cares to get one. She probably also backed Faith’s whole bad slayer shit for a while like “yeah you go girl get your revenge!!!! (and also idk can you maybe help me get my powers back or like??? talk to your boss about it????? idk idk)”. bc ofc she’s not giving up on that so easily and also you know, Faith is a pretty wronged lady and old habits die hard. Also it parallels the Buffy-Willow friendship and makes it all sexy and evil and shadow self-y.
ofc once she realizes what he wants to do is Ascend she’s like LOL NVM I’M OUT!!!! LOL BYEEEEEE!!!!!
I’d still have her going to prom with Xander, negging him when she asks him and terrorizing him unintentionally the whole night. It’s comic gold. But I want her entry into being a main cast member to not be wholly dependent on her riding his dick on the reg like in canon so she’s the first person to bang on Buffy’s door and be like “something’s happening to the Sunnydale demon population!!!!” because ofc she still cares about them, in her brain she’s not human, she’s a demon. This whole mortal form thing is temporary really. Her and Xander is a background courting ritual of freaks and losers incomprehensible to all around them. It’s not the slap slap kiss vibes of Xander/Cordelia but it still has the same “whAT--?!?!?” moment and top tier comedic duo timing. 
Anya only really starts to see herself as human when she breaks her arm in 5x2 and even then it’s very uneasy. It’s like 8 kinds of crisis she’s combatting here guys.
Also starting in S4 she and Spike are besties. Again it’s a shadow self, my demons are their own angels, us but sexier energy. They’re serving Scoobies from the Negaverse. They’re giving “this could be you Buffy but you playing”. They’re also like, the greek chorus in the back being like “uhhhhhh what’s with the gross human-centric ethics you creeps?”. They’re another next level comedy duo. Could’ve removed his chip the whole time but he never asked so she never offered. She mentions this casually in Season 7 and he mcloses it over that for several episodes, it’s a running gag.
Anya and Willow have Tension from Season 4 on about being the Magical Girl of the group. The Scoobies all naturally pick Willow pretty consistently over Anya but then Willow Fucks Up (something blue etc) and they turn to Anya to fix it. It’s a popularity contest and they all know it and it makes Anya bitter and Willow even more insecure. This feeds into her Dark Willow Arc later. Also, she and Anya have a Wizard Fight at the end of Season 6 and it’s Sick Nasty.
Xander still leaves her at the altar because I think that’s actually very important to both of their characters and she does still become a demon again. The major difference is that she doesn’t then stop being one in Season 7. She ends out the series still a demon and the confrontation in the frat house actually is basically a psychological boss battle for Buffy that gets into shit relevant to the season and her own struggles.
Anyanka never really asked for this, she was basically tricked/manipulated both times into becoming a demon but she also gains incredible powers from being like this that realistically she wouldn’t want to give up as they’re a part of her now. Her identity is malleable, she’s been treated like she doesn’t get to have one, she has to fight to make one of her own. she’s in a position when she’s controlled by a cruel man and if she goes outside the lines or does things she feels are right the consequences are dire. She is Buffy, she’s the demon side of Buffy. The counterpoint to Dawn’s innocent youthful human girl, she’s the grown adult demon woman. She’s representing the struggles Buffy is dealing with now in herself and the plot. Buffy ends up deciding to not punish her for the murders both yes because of friendship but also because Anyanka is an irreplaceable asset, even more so now that she’s a demon again, and Buffy cannot afford to lose any of those right now. A logic that Anyanka actually approves of.
I enjoy Anya’s fish out of water and no filter vibes in the original but I hate how they consistently forget she’s smart until it’s useful again. Like lbr, S4-7 Anya is basically just there to say something cringe or funny or say “when i was a demon--” before being shunted to the back again so the Most Important People could talk. Season 3 Anya was cunning, acerbic, clever, knew the basics of how things work in the mortal world and I’m sorry-- I know it’s very important to many people but I hate her monologue in The Body. I just HATE it.
She’s been killing people for over a thousand years. She knows what death is and how it works. She knows it means this person will never eat eggs a-fucking-gain sHE KNOWS THIS!!!!! Now if this was about the emotionalness of that loss-- of being the one to actually do the losing I wouldn’t hate it!!! That actually tracks. Anyanka is basically immortal and likely as never had a single person she truly cared about die in that time. It would make sense if she understands that Joyce is dead but doesn’t know how to react to that or process it. Loss is a thing she inflicts, it’s not done to her. She wouldn’t know what to do with herself.
Also she doesn’t give a stupid fucking speech about running away that makes NO sense and just TELLS YOU SHE’S GONNA DIE with a fucking FOGHORN and then DIES POINTLESSLY IN THE FINALE. ABSOLUTELY NOT.
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badedramay · 9 months
I’m going to say something unpopular which is that, I don’t think Fawad and Mahira should’ve played Sikander and Liza in a 2023 adaptation of JBHSSL. Even if this drama was being made 5 years ago, they could’ve worked, but not anymore. I’m glad it’s not them, but I will acknowledge that the actual casting is pure nepotism if the rumors are true.
Anyway, FK is over 40 and Mahira is also 38. Listen, they look PHENOMENAL for their ages, and Bollywood and Lollywood have serious ageism issues (where a 31 year old actress will start playing mothers to 20-something actors but 55 year-old actors will romance girls who are 19). Those are important issues for another post.
But specifically speaking of the characters of JBHSSL, Mahira and Fawad just don’t look like Sikander and Liza, young adults who are lost in several ways when they cross paths, anymore. Fawad Khan is a gorgeous man but he can’t pass for a 20-something anymore, and neither can Mahira. It was difficult enough accepting her as an MPhil student in HKKST, and that was already two years ago. They just don’t have that same youthful innocence that they did, and that’s ok, they’re humans. They’re not supposed to look the same for 12+ years.
And I’m not saying that only people who look like they’re in their 20s can be romance leads, but for this specific novel, unless they significantly change timelines, that bit of naïveté of youth is important and I just don’t think it would be believable coming from them at this point.
We are a country of over 200 million people. We should try and recruit new talent because we have more than plenty, which is another reason I’m bringing up not defaulting to the same stars over and over again because they’re, well, “stars”. I completely understand bringing MK and FK on board because they are some of our biggest stars, and we should all be rooting for this drama to be a hit since it can open doors for more Netflix ventures, but I agree with what the casting directors reportedly did here. They brought on massive stars to build hype and pretty much guarantee views but they also tried to do some realistic casting in terms of ages as well. You can say it’s low key unfair to Mahira and Fawad fans to bring them on board and use their names but not make them the stars, but they’ve both been in this industry for 15+ years; nobody forced them to do this. I’m sure they can see the value of being in the first ever Netflix project for a country. They want their names out there as much as their fans do, trust.
that's the thing. this novel has been in the news to be adapted for YEARS. literally..YEARS!! i remember when Balaa was on air (2018) and Bilal Abbas was THE rage on social media..he gave off immaculate Sikandar Shehryar vibes to me. i couldn't believe anyone else to do that role more than him in those days. he looked the part, he gave off the aura of the part. back then Fawad was so distant from PakTV as a whole that just on that principal i didn't want him to be part of the project. but then years passed and nothing was confirmed and actors aged up and changed their style so I just forgot about it all. Namal Khawar when she was doing Anaa was gave the perfect Liza vibes. she could pull off the half Pakistani, half Italian heritage and Namal is an artist irl so like..WHO ELSE COULD'VE BEEN BETTER?! and then Namal and Hamza got married and Hamza toh hai hi Hamza..he pulls off silent broody somber romantic hero extremely well (Mann Mayal is a great example). what better pairing than them?! but again..years passed. nothing happened.
i digress. i meant to say that for YEARS fans have been fancasting this novel. ab finally jaake there's some confirmation about this project and it is a mix of some of the old favorites and some completely new names so I get why there's such "strong" backlash from the fandom. this backlash is not 100% because of the acting prowess or star power of the actors supposedly playing the lead roles but more due to the sentiments attached of the fans with their personally preferred casting that they'd have been hoping to be canon for years. FaHira fans aren't as mad about Fawad and Mahira not playing Sikandar and Liza as they are mad that the two aren't paired romantically. chances are if they are given the confirmation that Fawad and Mahira, while not playing the lead roles of the novel, will have their own romantic track in the drama and the fans will shut up. unhen sirf apni jodi ka romance chaiye, aur kuch nahin. FaHira fans have always disliked the Fawad-Sanam jodi because in their head it's blasphemous for Fawad to have two successful romantic jodis that continue to garner praise. if Humsafar was a hit, so was ZGH. and ZGH toh was a bigger hit in India. the fact that it was Sanam Saeed who was also considered for Raees and the only reason she couldn't make it to the auditions was due to her wedding proves that Indian filmmakers had noticed Sanam's potential to be received well in India. Mahira Khan is not as "exclusive" as the fans thought she was. and yeah, that hurts their ego.
The casting IS messy, YES but considering the story it is also FINE. i am reading that Netflix wanted Fawad, MK, and Hamza for the project so they had to be cast one way or another. fact is that these actors with their age and seniority can NOT pull off the characters as WRITTEN in the novel. the limitations of the body can not be overcame by sheer force of the fandom. yeah..but they can be accomodated in the adaptation if they play completely different roles. there's nothing wrong with them playing older generation in a flashback. so what? didn't Fawad and Mehwish play great grandparents or something to Ms. Marvel in one episode? DIDN'T THAT ONE SINGLE EPISODE HAD THE WORLD PRAISING THEIR CHEMISTRY AND STORY???? it was nothing more than a one episode cameo but it was done WELL and it WORKED. just because these actors are potentially playing the parents of the leads of the novel doesn't mean they will necessary be relegated to insignificant roles. Farhat Ishtiaq is GOOD when it comes to expanding the story of her novel to accommodate the demands of TV adaptation. she has done that in Diyar e Dil, Yaqeen Ka Safar, and Mere Humdum Mere Dost. are the makers absolute FOOLS that they'll cast some of the BIGGEST names of the industry that are widely known internationally and give them no significant story line or characters??? c'mon now.
Actors can play characters older than their real life age on screen more convincingly than the actors playing characters younger than their age. Ahad can pull off the carefree youth of Sikandar just as well as he's capable of portraying the angst of a 30 something Sikandar. Fawad cannot do both the things. THAT'S A FACT. THAT'S A FACT!!! Ahad and Khushhal can pull off a sibling bond with both the bitterness of youth to the understanding of maturity that Hamza and Fawad cannot. bhayee aap se KIS NE KAHA HAI ke Netflix pe show karne ke liye aapko Oscar nominated hona laazmi hai. HAVE YOU SEEN NETFLIX ORIGINALS?????? they literally adapt dramas from novels all around the world and cast up and coming actors from the industry ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME!!!! this is NOT a new phenomenon. had Netflix wanted to they could've simply gone over every contender's head and take completely NEW actors for the project from Instagram content creators lot and that would've STILL fit their MO. yahan toh phir bhi they are taking established names. like???
so yeah, the casting is messy but not irredeemably disastrous. once they officially reveal the actors and their characters, the fans will come around it. as for the new audience that Netflix is of course targeting to get via this project..they'll don't care about the casting as much anyway. the only absurd decision the makers have done so far is the way the project was announced and confirmed. not a single word from the actual people making the show but plenty of noise from unconnected sources. that ain't it bruh. this should've been done via a proper press conference like how Parwaz Hai Junoon was announced (even uss time pe bhi the casting had ultimately changed but hey..it got the buzz going on in the right manner!)
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anime-or-anigay · 6 years
So, I’m not sure whether the kpop au is still a thing, but if so: Do you ever wonder about a fancast on which kpop idols would be which member in HQ20? I’ve seen someone make a fancast of a different anime for kdrama, they chose different idols to play different characters. For your kpop au, which idols do you think could be which members of HQ20?
Ok so here we go, I’m finally going to start bringing the kpop AU back!! Thank you for your patience!! Gosh, I haven’t touched this AU in 64 years….. but in the next few weeks I swear I will get to answering the 6 or 7 kpop AU questions hiding in my inbox drowning amongst dirty anons… 
For those who haven’t seen my kpop au yet see here (for computers) and here (for mobile)
Thank you for your question, anon ^.^ (andsorry for taking so long to reply - I really want to answer all these questions properly!)
Now, to answering….
This is actually really hard… I mean I’ve thought about what teamswould be like what kpop groups but I’ve never compared them directly to idolsbefore? Also, I wasn’t sure if you were asking based on what they’d be like asan idol personality or what their singing/rapping style would be like, so I’mgoing to do a double fancast. The first is who I think they are like based onpersonality, and the second is who they would sound most like to get the rightsound of the group…. (although if you’re curious abouthow the VAs actually sound like singing, see this playlist here andprepare yourself to be shook)
This gets pretty long so I’ll put it under a cut, but there is a TL;DR at the bottom for those who are interested but don’t want to filter through all my bullsh*t…
SawamuraDaichi (DJ)
Personality: S.Coups(SVT)- The total Dad™ of the group- Seems really mature and serious- Actually a total dork and a big softie- Gets bullied by his 1000 children
Rap/Vocal Style: Bitto(UP10TION)- Deep and beautiful- asewhrftjtmv fjieaworgns- the voice that haunts my dreams- also really calm but you can feel the emotion??
SugawaraKoushi (Suga)
Personality: Taeyong(NCT) - could also very easily be SVT’s Jeonghan thanks to those mom vibes andhim being an actual angel but I tried to mix it up a bit - actual mom of the group- takes such good care of the other members and is considered their support andpillar - beautiful inside and out - clumsy and will accidentally hurt his children but never means to- also really talented dancer
Vocal Style: Ryeowook(Super Junior)- so so pure- please protect this voice- such a wonderfully calming voice- not to be underestimated because it can also be incredibly strong- everything about him is lovely, including his voice
OikawaTooru (Tune)
Personality: Wooshin(UP10TION)- nearly went for Ken (VIXX) but I triedto not have double Oikawa VIXX even though I love them, as I love Seijoh, so somuch- super charismatic- treats his fans absolutely perfectly - incredibly hard working  - such a beautiful group visual- and gets teased mercilessly for it by the other members 
Vocal Style: Leo(VIXX)- Gorgeous and soft- But also can be powerful af - always finds the perfect emotion through the music- enunciates every word perfectly- Icry 
IwaizumiHajime (Sooti)
Personality: D.O(EXO)- easily voted manliest in the group- likes things clean and organised and also likes cooking (totalhousewife) - has a tendency to death glare and look like he’s done with everyone’sshit (spoiler alert: he is)- but is actually a total sweetheart/kind of a dork- also master of singing/rapping in different languages
Rap/Vocal Style: Ravi(VIXX)- Raps with Power™ - Raps that change speed in the blink of an eye- Boy raps fast, boy raps slow but always p o w e r f u l - Feel this Energy - No relation to the fact that Oikawa isequated to Leo at all…
KurooTetsuro (Kurokat)
Personality: Jin(BTS)- adorable man child- makes terrible dad jokes constantly- massive nerd- still always looking out for the younger members- also need to mention that they bothhave a super dumb laugh
Rap/Vocal Style: Mino(Winner)- ok so, in the kpop au, Kuroois a vocalist who can rap, whereas Minois a rapper who can sing- but my point still stands- beautiful deep voice (both in singing and rap)- super chill and sexy - this voice saved my life
BokutoKoutaro (El-Bo)
Personality: Chen(EXO)- always honest with his emotions- LOUD BOY! (screams a lot)- always treats his fans incredibly sweetly- may come across like he makes a big fuss of nothing but is also known to takereally good care of the other members of the group, especially the maknaes- super sweet boy all round
Rap/Vocal Style: GDragon (BIGBANG)- higher voice than you expect- can sing and rap beautifully - can achieve so many different styles and emotions - 10/10 for talent
AkaashiKeiji (Kashi)
Personality: Suga(BTS)- deadly honesty (read: utterly savage)- 100% done = constant mood- but also really cares for the group and the music - and can be a literal ball of sunshine when he smiles just for the purpose ofcoming in and wrecking your bias - always ends up going along with all the group’s crazy antics in the end 
Vocal Style: Onew (SHINee)- deep and beautiful- incredibly powerful- vocal range for days- always hits theperfect note
HanamakiTakahiro (Makki)
Personality: Jun(SVT)- actually a living breathing meme- please protect this child- also a total troll though - lowkey extra, highkey crazy boy - best troublesome child there is 
Vocal Style: Ken(VIXX)- wtf happened to trying to mix it up abit…- riff king- like seriously - may not always get to sing the main part of the song, but that’s only becausethis boy is too busy majorly riffing behind the main vocals- also gorgeous voice all round. 10/10
MatsukawaIssei (Issei)
Personality: Lay(EXO)- says completely weird things with a deadpan expression- comes across as very innocent (but isn’t always)- adorably weird (don’t tell me you couldn’t see Mattsunwearing a christmas tree onsie and singing jingle bells) - also language issues and childactor thing are just like how I headcanon Mattsunin the kpop au so….
Rap/Vocal Style: Hongbin(VIXX)-could’ve also put Lay for this tbh but I’ve gotta keep this Seijoh/VIXX streakgoing now- both a singer and a rapper- soft rap style- lots of rap-singing - can change his voice to fit tone of song perfectly
AsahiAzumane (Asahi)
Personality: Zuho (SF9)- looks intimidating at first until you realise he’s a giant softy- a total sweetheart- like completely adorable- bless this giant scaredy cat
Vocal Style: D.O(EXO)- transitions from soft into powerful perfectly- can be beautifully quiet until it comes to hit that note™- has pure emotion behind it- pure, sweet and gorgeous just like him
YakuMorisuke (Yakkun)
Personality: Key(SHINee)- master of throwing shade- smile that lights up the room (when you get him to smile)- total sweetheart (and totally embarrassed by it) - but also 100% the nagging mom - and they both dance girl group danceslike an absolute queen 
Vocal Style: Suho(EXO)- such a range on this boy- can sing just about any genre and have it fit- sometimes soft, sometimes intense, but always amazing- perfect lead vocals 
KozumeKenma (Kenma)
Personality: Hongbin(VIXX)- actually allergic to the other group members- cannot handle all the cringy stuff he gets asked to do in the name of kpop- actually adorable without even trying- also lowkey savage when you aren’t expecting it
Rap/Vocal Style: Zico(Block B)- so calm but can actually spitfire- can rap super fast with minimal effort- can come across as calm but each rap has so much emotion- can also secretly sing 
TanakaRyunosuke (Ryu)
Personality: Jackson(GOT7)- acts very extra- so so extra- but is so determined and hard working- looks out for other members of the group- also amazing dancer 
Rap/Vocal Style: Also Jackson(GOT7)- we have consistency!- aggressive rap- but also somehow calming?- a lot of power- also has a really pretty singing voice
NishinoyaYu (Noya)
Personality: JHope (BTS)- actual guardian deity of the group- literal ball of energy- keeps the mood high and the craziness higher- always super supportive- 10/10 will be there when you need him to be 
Rap/Vocal Style: AlsoJ-Hope (BTS)- love the double consistency of thekarasuno bros for life- high energy- rap style range from mellow and serious to crazy energy - so good at building the rap (starting chill and getting more and more energyas the rap goes on)- seriously this boy is so talented 
HinataShoyo (Hina)
Personality: Baekhyun(EXO)- adorable sunshine child- most cheerful member of the group- incredibly social- loved by everyone - honestly just the cutest boy ever 
Vocal Style: Okso Hina is really hard to find vocal comparison because I imagine his voice tobe so unique, but I’m going to put in Chen (EXO) because- he also has a super unique voice- soft voice (almost feminine at times - butI mean that as a good thing)- takes the high notes like a god- all round incredibly talented vocalist- also secretly really good at rapping
KageyamaTobio (Tobiyo)
Personality: Leo(VIXX)- the irony that his personalitycomparison is the same as his beloved senpai, Oikawa-san’s voice comparison isnot lost on me- resting ‘done’ face- cannot smile on cue - only when made to laugh- a lot of people think he is scary/disinterested but actually he’s a sweetcinnamon roll really- just very shy (and will get embarrassed easily if you compliment him)- also hits people a lot 
Vocal Style: Youngjae(GOT7)- incredibly strong voice - absolute power behind those notes- sings from the very core of his being- just an all round amazing sound
TsukishimaKei (K)
Personality: Sehun(EXO)- evil maknae- doesn’t take shit from his senpais/hyungs- resting tsundere face - secretly cares a lot more than he lets on- is also lowkey shy and sweet when he isn’t being savage
Rap/Vocal Style: Taeyong(NCT)- super chill rapper- could pretty much do all his raps with a straight face - raps that give zero fucks- but also feel really powerful without him even trying - can rap all out but if he does you are dead
YamaguchiTadashi (Suta)
Personality: Mark(GOT7)- actual sunshine- doesn’t talk much in the group - lowkey fluent in english- has the most adorable laugh
Vocal Style: Jimin(BTS)- can hit those high note like damn- such a soothing voice - best voice to sing you to sleep, to be honest- pure and beautiful
HaibaLev (Revo)
Personality: V(BTS)- completely bizarre child- often has no idea what is happening- just a sweet ball of excitable energy- clumsy boy - also beautifully terrible english 
Vocal Style: Haechan(NCT)- very unique voice- high pitch (but not as high as Hinata)- seriously he has no trouble hitting that gorgeous high- he is both gifted and a gift to humanity
So,TL;DR, my final fancasts are as follows: 
*please bear in mind that this is allpersonal opinion and me basically projecting my biases onto my fav haikyuucharacters (although not all of my biases have made this list sadly), so pleasedon’t take offence if you don’t agree with my casting - I’m always open toother suggestions too and would love to hear other people’s fancasts too*
Based on the personality/energy thegroup give off:
S. Coups (SVT) - Daichi
Taeyong (NCT) - Suga
Wooshin (UP10TION) - Oikawa
D.O (EXO) - Iwaizumi
Jin (BTS) - Kuroo 
Chen (EXO) - Bokuto 
Suga (BTS) - Akaashi 
Jun (SVT) - Hanamaki
Lay (EXO) - Matsukawa
Zuho (SF9) - Asahi
Key (SHINee) - Yaku
Hongbin (VIXX) - Kenma
Jackson (GOT7) - Tanaka
J Hope (BTS) - Nishinoya
Baekhyun (EXO) - Hinata
Leo (VIXX) - Kageyama
Sehun (EXO) - Tsukishima
Mark (GOT7) - Yamaguchi
V (BTS) - Lev 
Based on group sound: 
Bitto (UP10TION) - Daichi
Ryeowook (Super Junior) - Suga 
Leo (VIXX) - Oikawa
Ravi (VIXX) - Iwaizumi
Mino (Winner) - Kuroo
G Dragon (BIGBANG) - Bokuto
Onew (SHINee) - Akaashi
Ken (VIXX) - Hanamaki 
Hongbin (VIXX) - Matsukawa
D.O (EXO) - Asahi
Suho (EXO) - Yaku
Zico (Block B) - Kenma
Jackson (GOT7) - Tanaka
J Hope (BTS) - Nishinoya
Chen (EXO) - Hinata
Youngjae (GOT7) - Kageyama
Taeyong (NCT) - Tsukishima 
Jimin (BTS) - Yamaguchi
Haechan (NCT) - Lev
Thnk you again for your question and your patience in waiting for an answer ^.^
Kpop AU
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If I Were A Drama Writer...
Family dramas are usually too light for me. I start them and drop them halfway through because they rarely keep my interest. I wouldn’t say Father is Strange was a family drama that stood out for being outside the box or anything, but somehow it managed to keep my attention and also get my creative thoughts flowing.
It’s been a long time since I wrote this and this, but after Father is Strange I had to write a little fake family kdrama of my own.
Normally I’d fancast with people I’d like to see in these roles, but I’m too lazy today, so here’s my generic thoughts:
Mom and dad are were retired but now are low on cash and have to take on part time jobs to cover the rent. Over the course of the drama, they both struggle with being turned away due to age, though dad finds getting temporary labor is slightly easier for him due to the fact that he’s a man.
The middle daughter is a lesbian and is already out to the family. She has a girlfriend and wants to marry her, but obviously same-sex marriage is illegal in Korea. She joins a small organization that makes it their mission to fight to legalize same-sex marriage and fight for other LGBT rights but  her co-workers find out and she gets fired from her job. She manages to find another job eventually but struggles with deciding whether she should go back into the closet at her new job while simultaneously wanting to fight for rights of equality.
The oldest son is 35 and single. He’s been single for a while and has no plans of dating any time soon. His family tries to set him up, but nothing ever works out. At this point, he doesn’t particularly want to date or even fall in love, but he wants a child. He’ll struggle with figuring out how to become a parent on his own and dealing with being a single father.
The youngest son comes back from the military. Everyone’s excited for him to come home and he’s relieved because the worst experience of his life is over.  He’s depressed and hides it from his family.  He dealt with harsh bullying for the entire two years he was away and has to deal with attempting to defeat his depression and whether or not to speak up and attempt to get justice.
Dad’s nephew is a practicing mma fighter. He’s started out pretty low, but has gradually worked his way up over time. He’s this close to getting somewhere, and this close to signing a deal next year if he does well in an upcoming competition.. But one day, he’s in an accident. His leg is severely injured. It needs to be amputated. He’s told he should probably quit mma completely, but he doesn’t want to give up his dream. He learns how to fight with a new prosthetic and shows people just how capable he still is.
Mom’s niece wants to be an actress. As a rookie, she is only able to take a few roles as an extra (usually as a sexy hostess or sexy yoga instructor). But eventually she starts getting a few smaller parts. She has a chance to audition for new primetime weekday drama. She goes to the audition and receives high praise and is told that they’ll call her back. She happens to overhear one of the casting directors praising her and she's happy until she hears that even though she was great, she's not suited for the role. Apparently she gives off too much of a sexy vibe and they want someone who’s more pure and innocent looking with milky white skin. She notices that's she’s more tan than the average actress on tv and more than the other girls who showed up to the audition. She goes through a struggle of attempting to bleach and lighten her skin. Her journey is about struggling to re love her skin and herself and fight against colorism in the industry.
Last but not least, Mom has a younger sister. She’s been single for a long time and has pretty much given up on love and getting remarried.  One day she meets her son’s friend who just moved back from abroad. He's 35 meets her, and falls hard for her. She has to deal with falling for him too, overcoming the age gap and of course the disapproval of her son who doesn't want to lose a friend and sure as hell doesn't want his best friend being his new stepfather.
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chemicalperfume · 7 years
Your top 5 dream/impossible fancasts :3
/the highest of fives yessssssssIt only took this long because I had to untangle all the wishful thinking in my head and decide which 5 to mention.
So, other than the already established "do want" Grease and Anastasia, and ofc, the unattainable Holy Grail Soragumi Moulin Rouge (We could've had it aaaaaaaaaaa~ll) I'd LOVE:
5. Tsukigumi Hercules
Disney Hercules. Tamakichi got the guns and the shoulder width and the "huge puppy" vibe anyway.
Would make an excellent one-act daigekijou show, paired with a sparkly, sophisticated revue for balance.
Hercules: TamakichiMegara: ChapiHades: MiyaruriPain & Panic: Yasu & KaranPhiloctetes: Reiko (YOU HEARD ME)Pegasus: AriZeus: MayuponHera: SuzunaThat Centaur who "kidnaps" Megara: ToshiMuses: Wakaba, Umi, Haachan, Misono Sakura, Kagetsu Miyako
4.Hoshigumi Zettai KAIreshi
Like I've said, we need at least ONE Kai Bow Hall that's an adaptation of a sappy shoujo manga. Yuu Watase's "Absolute Boyfriend" is one I think would be perfect, setting-wise and puns with her name-wise.
So, the obvious Kai as Night aside, I'd like to see:
Arisa Hitomi as Riiko (give her another heroine lead Hankyu, do ittttttttttttttt)Seo Yuria as SoushiIchijou Azusa as Gaku NamikiriOoki Makoto as Shirasaki YukiToa Reiya as Shirasaki ToshikiYumeki Anru as Miyabe SatoriAmaji Sora as Soushi's little brother
...and that's as far as my memories of this thing go. But do not try to lie that Perfect Android Boyfriend Kai is not a thing you need in your life too
3. Daimongumi Karei naru Ichizoku
I realise that only I want this, but it would make the most epic daigekijou show, so hear me out. Karei naru Ichizoku is orignally a novel by Yamazaki Toyoko about this grand, powerful japanese family and strife between the head of the family, Manpyou Daisuke, and his eldest son, Teppei. It is epic and has a ton of characters to properly accommodate a whole troupe. Angst, suits, rotten politics, and a noble main character that has to fight adversity; it would fit Daimon like a glove if they go the 2007 jdrama way instead of the book, and make Teppei the focus (originally it's the father, Daisuke).  If it's 2-acts it should be Koike, if it's one act either Uekumi or Keiko, pretty please
Manpyou Teppei: Nozomi FuutoManpyou Daisuke: Itsuki Chihiro [senka guest] (I realise that role importance and project scale-wise this realistically would have to be double lead with Tom, but #1 That would also revert the show back to Daisuke being main, and Daisuke is horrible and zuka would prob romanticise him and NO #2 this is my bloody dreamcast, i do what i want)Manpyou Sanae (Teppei's wife): Maaya Kiho (in my universe she's Daimon's top musume)Manpyou Ginpei (Manpyou family's second son): Ayakaze SakinaYasuda Makiko (Ginpei's fiance): Hoshino AnriManypou Tsugiko (Manpyou family's second daughter): Asami Jun [onnayaku]Mima Ichiko (nee Manpyou, the family's first daughter, Ataru's wife): Satsuki AinaMima Ataru (financial advisor, Ichiko's husband): Ayanagi ShouManpyou Yasuko (Daisuke's wife): Rika MasumiTakasu Aiko (Daisuke's mistress): Itsumine Aki [senka guest]Ogawa Ichirou (Teppei's father-in-law): Houshou DaiIchinose Yoshihiko (Factory worker Tsugiko is in love with): Towaki SeaChief Ichinose (The steel factory chief and Yoshihiko's father): Karyou ShizuruTsuruta Fusako (Teppei's first love): Momohana HinaTsuruta Shino (Fusako's foster mother): Maisaki RinManpyou Taro (Teppei and Sanae's son): Irodori Michiru
And then you cast everyone else as the bank executives and politicians and it's PERFECT. We'd be crying our eyes out of their sockets by the end, but PERFECT, trust me here (and watch the jdrama if you’re intrested it’s really good)
2. Chigimiyu Tangled
MIYU RAPUNZEL and CHIGI EUGENE, they don't even have to act.
And with them (casting this as a small venue show):
MAISAKI RIN AS MOTHER GOETHELKaryou Shizuru as speaking Stabbington BrotherAgata Sen as the other Stabbington BrotherHoushou Dai as Maximus the HorseRika Masumi and Souno Haruto as Rapunzel's parentsKiraha Reo as Captain of the GuardsMana Haruto, Kujou Asu and Touma Kazuki as the Pub ThugsKanou Yuuri as VladSahana Mako as Pascal the Lizard (because she has experience with animal roles and because she is the smolest Yuki musumeyaku, kids these days are all so tall!!)
Negl, I want this purely for how perfect the main 3 roles would fit Chigi, Miyu and Hime but fsdkfjslfjd please.
1. The Hanagumi Harry Potter adaptation of Kiki's dreams
Big-scale daigekijou 2-act for when she's top. I'm not THAT much into current hanagumi so I just cast the most important parts, feedback is most welcome
Harry Potter: Serika Toa ofcRon Weasly: Minami MaitoHermione Granger: Shiroki MireiMinerva McGonagall: Mebuki YukinaDraco Malfoy: Yuzuka ReiLucius Malfoy: Houzuki AnGinny Weasly: Hoshikaze Madoka [transfer from Soragumi, top musumeyaku]Luna Lovegood: Oto KurisuFred and George: Saezuki Runa and Yabuki SenaAlbus Dumbledore: Takashou MizukiSeverus Snape: Seto KazuyaHagrid: Haryuu MitsukiRita Skeeter: Ousaki AyakaBellatrix Lestrange: Hanano JuriaLord Voldemort: Todoroki Yuu [senka guest]Peter Pettigrew: Tenma Michiru
(No Soragumi scenario because honestly, there is nothing I want more than the Maamiri Moulin Rouge and I will keep saying forever until everyone is sick of me and it’s ALL YOUR FAULT
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