#diadhachd galair: mental character development
diadhachd-galair · 3 years
Character Diamond
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Intelligent The young prince does not possess a silver tongue, like his cousin the legate. Nor soldier's toughness or an astonishing command of a blade or ‘blessed’ magic of any sorts. Being young and leaning towards both kindness and honour, rather than self-gain and steep price of greater good, he is not a master of intrigue either. However, life at court taught him well. He can charm, deceive and hide contempt behind a smile, even if he is not the most marvelous player at the obscure art of intrigue. Despite loathing his mother’s ways, he obtained skills and knowledge of a poisoner during rare times she deigned to show any affection and cradle him upon her lap. However, most of the time Constantin prefers not to openly demonstrate his proficiency in anything but having fun and getting into trouble, even if he has quite a promising armory of intellect and could have become a master in many fields, only if he had chosen to apply himself with both patience and passion.
Whimsical temperament Constantin is a creature of contradictions, dual by nature. Often it makes him look like an inconsistent boy. He can be spiteful and hateful, hold a deadly grudge and sting as painfully like a poisonous serpent in wait, at the right moment. Or forget trespassing against his person with a chuckle, even if he’s planned to take a blade to your heart a moment ago. Death holds an unspeakable terror to him ( knowing that he has the malichor he shattered into hysterics ) and yet he wouldn’t think twice to lend a hand to nauts with a mysterious, clearly dangerous beast. In spite of it all, his mind is not a feeble one, even if he is brave mostly because he doesn’t allow himself any time to think and to get afraid. He is curious and enthusiastic, passionate and rash, but choosing between having revenge and having fun he is more likely to choose the later. In the company of friends, the young prince criticizes the ways of the court, and yet he believes in power, right and responsibility that comes with a noble name. Being named a governor has calmed his erratic behavior. Constantin is eager to do good, takes both pleasure and interest in his new role, coquettish complaints of boredom aside. Being away from his parents, whom he hates - a rare dark feeling, if not the only one he carries inside his heart - did him good. A race for dangerous pleasures, a bitter mutiny against rules, a desire to shock - all these caprices of an energetic mind, caged into passivity, have transformed into their virtuous counterparts. Even if the root of it has not changed. Constantin d’Orsay desires to prove himself fervently. This desire controls the majority of his decisions, both good and bad ones.
Felixious You can hold no love for Constantin and his caprices, but you can not deny he can charm the moon right from the sky. The secret of it is that his charisma is not a product of need or an artful deception. The young prince, behind a mask of naivety he puts on sometimes, is familiar with dark thoughts and dark ways of the world, yet chooses not to dwell on them. He knows the true face of the human race, in both its ugliness and grace, yet prefers to trust that at the end of the story a kind, sly and good hero always wins. This hope is his greatest allure; Constantin’s smiles rarely remain unanswered. His enthusiasm and sincerity are inspiring. He is sly, with a child-like mischievous slyness, and sincere with the same child-like purity. His cruelty is also that of a heartless child and often is born out of carelessness. Not being the most careful mind reader, he is sympathetic and prefers to act kindly. He doesn't forget a favour not matter how slight, and is generous to his friends ( and strangers ), despite a slight veil of vanity. He knows how to have a good time and often indulges in mischief for a laugh. Yet it seems even fate is charmed by Constantin d’Orsay; no matter what dangerous folly he has been engaged in, he was not scorched by it’s fires.
Unpoised Despite not being a coward or weak of will, Constantin lacks self-assurance to the level that he prefers to choke his intelligence and instead of applying his agile mind to the matter he hops from one action to another. Thanks to the father - who mourned the death of his elder son and in the act seemed to develop hatred towards the one who remained alive - there is a persistent voice in Constantin’s mind that he is but a gray shadow, not good enough to live or to make wise or strong decisions. Therefore, the young prince may act recklessly just to prove that he can do this or that, or to lash at those who question his authority or righteousness of his decisions with an unusual wrath. He might prove capriciously stubborn in his opinion or listen to wise advice, with Constantin it’s a constant gamble. Two things he is truly greedy of are: pleasure and acknowledgment.
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