#diaryblr diary journaling selfhelp mentalhealth newhere
tenisonline · 2 years
entry one
i have tried almost every form of journaling, except this one, i guess.
i’ve been on and off tumblr since i was really young. i was in the deepest, darkest corners of it. i feel a lot lighter now, a lot more enthusiastic about life usually-- so i want to try a blog that doesn’t have to do with human teeth or eating disorders.
i am 20 years old and yearning. i am yearning for comfort, and grace. i am low income. i’m clawing my way up the tax bracket at an insurance company, but im no where close to the top. this morning i worked one job, and then in the afternoon i stripped and changed while driving on the interstate so i could make it to the night job. i keep thinking to myself that there must be more to life than working and dying. and then i remember that there is.
sometimes things get so hard and dark that i forget that there’s more to my life. so, this blog will hopefully help me reflect and think harder about the littler things. i hope it won’t become a tortured young girl blog. i sit here and wonder, if i die in a few years, will people find this and speculate everything? will they try to analyze every small punctuation mark or word choice to figure out why i did it? is it bad that i want this blog to be my legacy?
i doubt anyone will follow this page. but if you do, say hi. and thanks so much for listening
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