#diluc is my fave man in this damn game. glad i finally pulled him yesterday <3
aerosiderwrites · 3 years
Rumors ... Yandere Diluc x Reader
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warnings for genre typical unhealthy portrayals of relationships and implied minor character death
Word Count: 1.2k
Diluc didn’t often pay any attention to the idle gossip of the maids at Dawn Winery, many of them coming up with fantastical theories about the estate and the people within it. However, when your name crossed their lips, along with the word boyfriend, he couldn’t help but listen in.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t wondered about [Y/N] and… Master Diluc,” Hillie’s voice went quiet when saying her intimidating boss’s name, as if saying his name would summon him.
“He does seem to like having them around, but they have a boyfriend,” Moco explained.
Hillie stayed hushed as she continued, “He could be paying them extra, but they could be two timing them.”
“I don’t think [Y/N] has it in them to pull a scheme like that.” Diluc noted the patronizing tone in Moco’s voice before tuning them out as they continued to chatter away, and into his own thoughts as he considered their words.
He was slightly amused that his favoritism of you hadn’t gone unnoticed, not that he particularly tried to hide it. But did you notice? Was your boyfriend the reason you seemed to avoid his gaze? Was he the reason you declined any gift he offered?
Regardless of whether your boyfriend was the reason why, he was definitely in a role that he wasn’t fit for. You shouldn’t have to work another day in your life, and if you were at Diluc’s side, then you wouldn’t. Diluc didn’t consider himself particularly materialistic, but the thought of dressing you in the nicest clothes stirred him. As nice as you looked in your uniform, you deserved better. You deserved him.
So Diluc got to work.
“Ah… seeing [Y/N] like this makes me so sad.” Hillie sighed to Moco quietly as you walked past, unable to bring yourself to rid yourself of the raincloud that had been pouring over your head the past couple of days. You carried on to sweep the foyer, your work pace slowed.
“They boyfriend left them, I heard. Barely a word to them. He just… left.” Moco explained.
“Poor thing…” Hillie shook her head, watching as you continued your duties so pitifully, “I wonder what happened.”
“Maybe [Y/N] is having an affair with the Master and he found out,” offered Moco.
“Who knows,” Hillie gave in, resigning herself to not knowing, since the only one who would know for sure was you.
But truth was, you didn’t know yourself why your boyfriend left. You came home, and all he left you was a goodbye note, and all of his stuff was gone. You felt empty and betrayed at his sudden departure. It was hard to do anything, but anything was better than nothing.
“—[Y/N] are you hearing me?”
You jumped at what felt like a sudden intrusion, clutching the broom in your hands tightly. You looked up to who was speaking to you, mortified that the Master of the estate was addressing you.
“M-Master Diluc I-I’m sorry,” you blurted, bowing slightly, horrified by your blunder.
“It’s alright,” he said, his voice even, “When you’re done with your current task, please see me in my study, I want to talk to you about something.”
“Ah, yes sir,” you answered. Diluc gave a nod and left you to your work. You picked up your pace, now afraid of making your master wait. You had seen how impatient he could be, and anxiety motivated your movement.
When you had finished with the foyer, you hurried upstairs to Diluc’s study. You took a few deep breaths before knocking and announcing yourself.
“Come in and close the door behind you.”
You did as you were told before approaching his desk, making sure to keep a decent distance between yourself and your boss.
“I wanted to check on you. You’ve seemed… down these past few days.” Despite the genuine concern of the words, the coolness of his voice made you question his intent. Was he angry? A part of your job as a maid was to be pleasant to the members of the guild, especially Diluc himself, so was your misery that obvious to others?
“I’m sorry, I’ve been moping haven’t I? I promise I won’t let my personal life interfere with my work any further,” you rambled, afraid of earning his ire.
Diluc sighed, doing his best to mask any disappointment. He didn’t understand why you were so skittish around him, “That’s not what I was asking. I’m worried about you.”
“I’m… I’m fine,” you said, shifting uncomfortably under Diluc’s heavy gaze, “I’ll be better soon.”
“Tell me what happened,” Diluc was aware that he gave an order, but he had an objective in this conversation, and you were going to reach that goal.
You pursed your lips and took a deep breath, “My… boyfriend left me. I don’t know what I did wrong.”
Diluc nodded. “I’m sorry to hear that, [Y/N]. You didn’t do anything wrong,” You found yourself surprised at how gentle Diluc sounded, your eyes hitting the floor in embarrassment.
“Thank you,” you responded, unsure what else to do, or what else he could want.
You heard him stand up and his footsteps come around his desk. You stilled yourself nervously, as if being still would stop him from approaching you. In your attempt to keep your eyes on the ground, you couldn’t help but notice how close Diluc stood in front of you.
Diluc’s hand touched your face, his warmth seeping through his gloves. Your eyes met his, and you couldn’t decipher why he was looking at you like that. “You deserve better.”
You desperately wanted to slide away and forget this is happening. Why was he doing this? What was he thinking? What did he want from you?
Diluc’s mouth formed a grim line as he noted your tense body language. You were no longer taken, and yet you still behaved this way. He moved his hand away from your face, his frustration building further as he watched your body ease up slightly. He maintained his resolve, he had made the decision to act, and he would see through his actions.
“I want to take care of you,” Diluc confessed, furthering your discomfort and confusion.
“You want to— what?” You sputtered in disbelief, forcing yourself not to back away and leave the room, and the winery itself, “That would be very unprofessional, the other maids already think you favor me over—“
“I do favor you. I care about you.” The words came out with practiced precision, Diluc aware that his full and honest feelings would startle you further.
Your face grew warm with embarrassment at the situation, “That’s… I don’t know what to say.”
“Say you’ll stay here with me, and that you’ll let me take care of you,” Diluc urged as gently as he could manage. Watching your panicked expression saddened him, but he had his opportunity, he had to take it before someone else could try to seek your company again.
“If you don’t agree of your own volition, I will order you. Either way, I will make sure you will never want for anything as long as I breathe.”
You recoiled slightly, “This is a lot to take in.”
Diluc thought for a moment. Perhaps you just needed time. He believed that giving you time would soften the shock you clearly were going through. “You have until tonight to make your decision. See me here by eight o’clock or I will find you, to get the answer myself.”
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