#diy shampoo for hair growth homemade recipes for
heyitsgigisadventures · 2 months
DIY Hair Mask for Dandruff and Hair Growth | DIY Hair Mask
DIY Hair Mask for Dandruff and Hair Growth | DIY Hair Mask Unbelievably Easy DIY Hair Mask: Stop Dandruff & Jumpstart Growth   Do you want to literally glow up overnight using the Light Feminine method? Click here!   Hey, pretty people!       Not too long ago I started working on a DIY Hair Mask for all Hair Types. It seemed a pretty daunting task, but I have to say I am starting to make some…
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luxurybeautyreviews · 1 month
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kamran9 · 3 months
Conversation with Gemini
Give up 15 blog ideas for women's caring hairs
15 Blog Ideas for Women's Hair Care:
The Ultimate Hair Care Routine for Your Hair Type: Break down personalized routines for common hair types (straight, curly, wavy, etc.) with product recommendations and styling tips.
Beat the Frizz: Natural Solutions for Frizzy Hair: Explore DIY masks, leave-in conditioners, and styling techniques to combat frizz and achieve smooth, manageable hair.
Embrace Your Grays: Stylish Tips for Transitioning to Gray Hair: Offer guidance and inspiration for women transitioning to their natural gray hair, including haircut and styling advice.
Hair Hacks for Busy Women: Quick and Easy Styles on the Go: Share time-saving hairstyles and tricks for achieving polished looks even on a busy schedule.
DIY Hair Masks for Healthy Hair at Home: Provide recipes for homemade hair masks using natural ingredients to address specific concerns like dryness, damage, or lack of volume.
The No-Poo Movement: Exploring Low-Poo and No-Poo Shampoos: Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using low-poo and no-poo shampoos, offering guidance on switching and product recommendations.
Scalp Care 101: The Importance of a Healthy Scalp for Healthy Hair: Highlight the importance of scalp health, offering tips for scalp exfoliation, addressing common scalp concerns like dandruff, and choosing gentle hair products.
Heat Styling Without the Damage: Protective Measures for Healthy Hair: Educate readers on heat protectants, proper heat styling techniques, and alternative styling methods to minimize heat damage.
Hair Care on a Budget: Affordable Products and Drugstore Gems: Recommend effective hair care products at accessible price points, catering to different hair types and needs.
Embrace Your Curls: The Curly Girl Method Explained: Break down the Curly Girl Method (CGM) for beginners, offering tips on product selection, styling techniques, and maintaining healthy curls.
Hair Care After Coloring: Maintaining Vibrant Color and Healthy Hair: Provide advice on post-coloring care routines to keep colored hair vibrant, healthy, and prevent fading.
Hair Loss Solutions: Understanding and Addressing Hair Thinning: Discuss common causes of hair loss in women, offering suggestions for addressing thinning hair and promoting hair growth.
Sustainable Hair Care: Eco-Friendly Products and Practices: Promote eco-conscious hair care practices, recommending sustainable products, packaging, and habits.
Hair Care During the Seasons: Adapting Your Routine for Optimal Results: Offer seasonal hair care tips, addressing concerns like dryness in winter or frizz in summer.
Hair Care Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction: Address common hair care myths and misconceptions, providing evidence-based information and clarifying best practices.
These are just a few ideas to get you started. Remember to tailor your content to your target audience and their specific hair care needs and interests.
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The Ultimate Hair Care Routine for Your Hair Type: Unlocking Your Hair's Full Potential
Having healthy, beautiful hair is a desire shared by many. But achieving optimal hair health requires understanding your unique hair type and implementing a personalized care routine. This guide delves into the different hair types, unveils their specific needs, and outlines the ultimate hair care routine for each, empowering you to unlock your hair's full potential.
Understanding Your Hair Type: The Foundation for Healthy Hair
Identifying your hair type is crucial for selecting the right products and developing an effective hair care routine. Here are the main hair types:
Straight: Smooth, lacks natural curl or wave. Can be prone to oiliness at the roots and dryness at the ends.
Wavy: Has loose, "S-shaped" waves that become more defined with styling products. Can be prone to frizz and dryness.
Curly: Has tight, well-defined coils or ringlets. Requires specific products and techniques to maintain moisture and definition.
Coily: Has tightly coiled strands in a "Z" or zig-zag pattern. Requires extra moisture and gentle handling to prevent breakage.
Fine: Thin strands with a delicate texture. Can be prone to limpness and lack of volume.
Thick: Coarse strands with a full, dense texture. Can be resistant to styling and prone to dryness or frizz.
By considering your hair's texture, density, porosity (ability to absorb moisture), and curl pattern, you can embark on a personalized hair care journey.
Customized Care: The Ultimate Hair Care Routine for Each Type
1. Straight Hair:
Shampoo: Choose a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo to cleanse the scalp without stripping natural oils. Wash hair every 2-3 days, depending on your scalp's oil production.
Conditioner: Opt for a lightweight conditioner focused on smoothing and adding shine. Apply to the mid-lengths and ends, avoiding the roots.
Styling: Use heat protectant spray before blow-drying or using hot styling tools. Experiment with volume-boosting products like mousses or root lifters for added body.
2. Wavy Hair:
Shampoo: Use a co-washing technique (using conditioner instead of shampoo) or a gentle, hydrating shampoo to cleanse and retain moisture. Wash hair 1-2 times a week.
Conditioner: Deep condition regularly (weekly or bi-weekly) with a rich, moisturizing conditioner to enhance wave definition and combat frizz.
Styling: Apply leave-in conditioner or styling cream to damp hair, scrunching gently to encourage wave formation. Air-drying is ideal, but if using heat, diffuse on low heat with a diffuser attachment.
3. Curly Hair:
Shampoo: Opt for a low-poo or co-washing routine to cleanse the scalp gently while preserving moisture. Wash hair once a week or less, depending on your scalp's needs.
Conditioner: Deep condition regularly with a rich, creamy conditioner specifically formulated for curly hair. Apply to wet hair, detangle with a wide-tooth comb, and rinse partially for moisture retention.
Styling: Apply leave-in conditioner or curl cream to soaking wet hair, using the "squish to condish" method to encourage curl definition. Plop (wrap hair in a T-shirt) or diffuse on low heat with a diffuser attachment.
4. Coily Hair:
Shampoo: Similar to curly hair, opt for low-poo or co-washing to maintain moisture. Wash hair every 1-2 weeks, depending on your scalp's needs.
Conditioner: Deep condition regularly with a rich, butter-based conditioner specifically formulated for coily hair. Apply generously to wet hair, detangle gently with a wide-tooth comb, and rinse partially for moisture retention.
Styling: Apply leave-in conditioner, styling cream, or gel to soaking wet hair, using the "shingling" method (small sections layered with product) to define coils. Plop or diffuse on low heat with a diffuser attachment.
5. Fine Hair:
Shampoo: Use a volumizing shampoo to cleanse the scalp and add body. Wash hair 2-3 times a week, depending on your scalp's oil production.
Conditioner: Opt for a lightweight conditioner applied only to the mid-lengths and ends to avoid weighing down the hair.
Styling: Use volumizing products like mousses or root lifters at the roots for added body. Avoid heavy styling products that can weigh down fine hair.
6. Thick Hair:
Shampoo: Use a clarifying shampoo once or twice a month to remove product build-up and prevent scalp congestion. Wash hair 1-2 times a week, depending on your
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amit0707 · 7 months
How can you control your hair fall in winter ?
In the introduction, we set the stage by highlighting the impact of winter on hair. Winter weather can be harsh, leading to problems such as dryness, breakage, and hair fall.
These issues can have a significant impact on our self-confidence and overall well-being. The introduction serves to capture the readers' attention and provide an overview of the strategies that will be discussed to help combat winter hair fall.
Understanding Winter Hair Fall This section delves into the phenomenon of winter hair fall. We explain that it's a natural occurrence, known as seasonal shedding, and discuss the factors contributing to this seasonal change.
It's important to differentiate between normal and excessive hair loss, as understanding this difference can help individuals take appropriate action and alleviate unnecessary concerns.
Hair Care Routine for Winter A crucial aspect of controlling winter hair fall is a proper hair care routine. This section covers the selection of the right hair products, including shampoos and conditioners suitable for different hair types. We also discuss the importance of hair masks and serums to combat dryness and frizz.
Additionally, we touch on hair washing practices, such as the frequency of washing, water temperature, and gentle drying techniques. Scalp care is another essential component, emphasizing the need to keep the scalp clean and hydrated through effective hair care practices and scalp massages.
Dietary and Nutritional Strategies Nutrition plays a fundamental role in hair health, and this section explores the dietary strategies that can help control winter hair fall. We discuss the incorporation of hair-healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals, the significance of maintaining hydration, and the potential benefits of herbal supplements in promoting hair growth.
A balanced diet is stressed, as it not only benefits hair but also overall health.
Lifestyle Changes In this section, we look at lifestyle factors that can influence winter hair health. Stress management is emphasized, as stress can contribute to hair loss. Adequate sleep is highlighted for its role in hair repair and growth.
Additionally, protection from environmental factors, such as using protective clothing and accessories, is discussed to shield hair from harsh winter conditions.
Avoiding Common Mistakes To prevent unnecessary hair damage, we discuss the importance of avoiding common mistakes. This includes steering clear of tight hairstyles that can stress and weaken hair. The section also advises minimizing heat styling and the use of harsh hair products that can strip away moisture and lead to dryness and breakage.
DIY Remedies for Winter Hair Care This section provides readers with natural, do-it-yourself remedies to care for their hair during the winter months. We share recipes for homemade hair masks using ingredients like avocado, honey, and aloe vera.
Natural oils are discussed, with guidance on their application and benefits for hair. Additionally, we explore simple remedies for common winter hair issues like dandruff and dry scalp.
Professional Help and Consultation Recognizing when to seek professional advice is vital, and this section explains the signs that should prompt individuals to consult a dermatologist or trichologist. The benefits of seeking professional help are discussed, emphasizing the importance of early intervention for effective hair fall control.
The conclusion serves to summarize the key takeaways from the blog post. It recaps the strategies discussed for controlling winter hair fall, reinforcing the importance of consistency and patience. The holistic approach to hair health is emphasized, encouraging readers to combine various strategies for the best results. Try https://idemandbettar.com/products/demand-bettar-hair-with-biotin-multivitamin-gummies-stops-hairfall-in-just-60-days to help you in reducing hair fall.
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mxearthcare · 1 year
For the love of rosemary
The Wonders of Rosemary Essential Oil
Rosemary Plant
Rosemary essential oil is one of the oldest and most widely used of all aromatherapy oils. This powerful extract has been popular since ancient times for its medicinal uses, as well as for its energising scent that can be used to uplift moods and promote mental clarity. It’s a great choice for anyone looking to benefit from nature’s healing powers.
All You Need To Know About Rosemary Essential Oil
At first glance, rosemary essential oil may appear intimidating, however it is actually very easy to get started with this potent elixir. With just a few drops of the oil you can unlock its amazing properties, which range from improved memory and concentration to aiding muscle aches or reducing inflammation. It also has many topical benefits such as skin lightening, acne reduction, and tissue regeneration.
Ready to take advantage of its benefits? Here are some tips on how to make the most out of rosemary essential oil:
Diffuse it in your home or office space – add a few drops into an aromatherapy diffuser to fill your environment with the invigorating scent!
Create an aromatic massage oil – mix this oil with other base oils such as coconut or jojoba and use it in massage sessions for stress relief and relaxation.
Use it in a facial steam – add this wonder-potion into warm water for a soothing facial steam treatment – perfect for cleansing pores and boosting circulation!
Make a hair rinse – create your own restorative hair rinse by adding rosemary essential oil into water and using it after shampooing your locks – this will help deep clean scalp buildup while improving shine!
Incorporate into DIY skincare recipes – combine with other natural ingredients such as honey or apple cider vinegar to make nourishing face masks that help hydrate skin, tackle breakouts, reduce wrinkles, etc…
Add it into homemade soaps & body lotions – experiment with making your own homemade beauty products by mixing rosemary essential oil along with other natural ingredients like almond milk or shea butter – these concoctions make great gifts too!
Rosemary is an incredibly versatile oil; no matter what you intend on using it for (medicinally, spiritually or topically) this powerful extract can be trusted to bring about positive results! So don’t wait any longer – dive in headfirst and get familiar with this gorgeous botanical remedy!
Unlock the Magic of Rosemary Essential Oil For Thicker, Shinier Hair
Hair growth is something that many of us desire, which is why so many products are available on the market aimed at improving it. But before you shell out for expensive products, consider trying out a natural remedy: rosemary essential oil!
This ancient plant has been used for centuries to promote hair growth and give a healthy shine to locks. It’s thought that its active ingredients stimulate activity in your scalp, leading to enhanced hair production and nourishment. It is also known to reduce excess sebum—an oily substance secreted by the scalp—which can lead to stronger hair follicles, fewer breakouts and ultimately thicker, healthier hair.
To get started with this natural elixir, here are some tips on how to use rosemary essential oil for enhancing your mane’s appearance:
Make a Scalp Massage Oil – Combine 3-5 drops of oil with 1 tablespoon of carrier oils like jojoba or coconut and massage into your scalp for 5 minutes before shampooing. This helps stimulate blood circulation which can promote strong healthy tresses!
Hair Rinse – Add 4-6 drops of rosemary essential oil into your bowl of fresh water. Use this mixture as the final rinse after shampooing & conditioning – it will help nourish the scalp and increase volume!
DIY Shampoo – Create your own shampoo by stirring 5 drops of rosemary essential oil into 1/4 cup of liquid castile soap. This concoction helps balance the scalps oils while preventing buildup and promoting growth!
Hair Mask – Whip up a luxurious treatment by blending 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise with 1 drop each of rosemary essential oil & lavender essential oil (optional). Apply evenly onto wet or dry locks then cover with a shower cap – leave on for 15-30 mins then rinse off for silky soft shiny locks!
Rosemary essential oil really does work wonders when it comes to hair growth – just be sure not to overdue it as too much can cause irritation and overstimulation. Start slow and adjust accordingly until you find what works best for you!
Unlock Incredible Health Benefits
Rosemary essential oil is one of nature’s greatest gifts. It’s a powerful, natural remedy that has been used for centuries to promote better health and wellness. From stimulating hair growth to improving digestion and supporting healthy circulation, it is truly incredible.
Let’s take a look at some of the amazing health benefits you can get from using this wonderful oil:
Boosts Memory – Studies have shown that sniffing rosemary essential oil can increase memory recall and cognitive performance, making it an effective nootropic.
Improves Circulation – Rosemary essential oil is effective at promoting better circulation throughout your body which helps reduce fatigue, support muscle recovery and improve overall energy levels.
Supports Digestion – Rosemary essential oil helps stimulate the production of digestive juices which can aid in better digestion and nutrient absorption resulting in improved gut health.
Fights Stress & Anxiety – The aroma of rosemary essential oil has been proven to reduce stress hormones and increase feelings of relaxation and calmness, making it an effective treatment for anxiety-related disorders like PTSD or Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).
Promotes Hair Growth – Regular use of rosemary essential oil on the scalp promotes thicker, shinier hair thanks to its antifungal properties as well as its ability to stimulate blood flow and skin cell renewal in the area.
Rosemary Essential Oil is an incredibly potent tool for achieving holistic wellness through natural means – but always make sure to consult a qualified aromatherapist before using if pregnant or breastfeeding since some oils have contraindications when used with certain medical conditions or medications!
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bodycareart · 2 years
The Best DIY Hair Mask Recipes That Work
June 10, 2022
Natural care and cosmetics are living their most profitable years, and for an adequate reason, they are ecological, ethical, and much better for our health and that of our skin and hair. 
And it’s even better when they’re homemade… Discover our formulae for homemade hair masks!
Which vegetable oil should I pick for my homemade hair care?
Our homemade hair mask recipes are mostly made with ingredients you already have at home. Banana, honey, yogurt… and vegetable oil! And as the choice of this oil depends on the nature of your hair, it will have to be chosen with care:
Coconut oil – a true all-purpose oil, coconut oil is suitable for all hair types!
Olive oil – perfect for normal hair, but also for repairing dry hair, olive oil will also enhance curly and frizzy hair without weighing it down;
Castor oil – nourishing, it promotes hair growth and is therefore suitable for fine and fragile hair;
Argan oil – nourishing and protective, argan oil deeply regenerates the hair and helps it fight against external aggressions;
Avocado oil – revitalizing, highly moisturizing, and softening, avocado oil is a strong ally against tangled hair;
Jojoba oil – is low-greasy and regulating, it is ideal for oily or easily greasy hair and scalp.
100% RAW Coconut Oil for Skin & Hair, Clean Beauty Grade, Pure and Organic Extra Virgin by COCO & CO. 8 Fl Oz
Easy DIY hair mask recipes
Because the best tips are often the simplest, know that a vegetable oil bath can work miracles on your hair! Once a month, or a week if you have very dry or curly hair, apply the vegetable oil of your choice to your lengths and leave it on for at least 30 minutes before shampoo. 
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tarzantips · 2 years
How Do You Make Homemade Hair Oil?
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Homemade hair oil is not that hard to make. It's really simple and you will be able to save a lot of money with DIY oil for hair.
DIY Herbal Hair Oil
Homemade hair oil recipe for hair growth
By following the process given below you can make wonderful herbal hair growth oil homemade (1) and pure in a very short time. So let's begin,
Herbal hair oil Ingredients
A handful of fenugreek seeds
2 tsp. black seeds
20 almonds
2 chopped onions
20 leaves of hibiscus
2 hibiscus flower petals
Curry leaves
3 cup coconut oil
How to Prepare
First of all, see how to make powder and paste the ingredients.
Powder preparation:
Put the fenugreek seeds, 2 tsp. black seeds and 20 almonds in the mixer and grind them properly to form a powder and take out the powder in a bowl.
Paste preparation:
Add 2 chopped onions, 20 leaves of hibiscus, 2 hibiscus flower petals, and curry leaves in the mixer and grind it too like a powder so that it forms a kind of green paste.
Now you have two bowls one is a powder bowl and one is a green paste bowl.
How to Make
Take a pot and put it on the gas.
Add 3 cups or as much coconut oil as you like and let it warm up a bit. Let the coconut oil melt well.
Now add 3 teaspoons of the mixed powder that you have prepared in a bowl.
Now add 2 teaspoons of the green paste in the second bowl to the paste pot.
Allow this mixture to cook well for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes then you turn off the gas flame.
Now let the mixture cool down and wait for some time.
After waiting for some time, strain the cooled mixture properly.
Your homemade hair oil is now ready.
Read: What is The Best Hair Loss Pill?
How to Apply
When applying this oil on the scalp, if you apply it in a circular motion, the oil will spread very nicely on the head.
Men can apply this oil whenever they want in a week.
Women can apply this oil twice a week and wash it well with a mild shampoo.
DIY hair oil best benefits
These oils contain natural ingredients and are very powerful to provide you with amazing results in a few applications.
The problem of hair fall is eliminated.
It gives very effective results in hair growth.
This is the best homemade oil treatment for dry hair as well.
Even those who have curly hair get a moisturizer with this oil.
Those who suffer from an itchy scalp will find great relief from this oil as the active Ayurveda ingredients in it will improve the blood circulation in your scalp. (2)
Hair is well nourished which gives a fresh look even when going out.
How to sell homemade hair products? more ...
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freecourselabsnew · 2 years
Ultimate Hair Growth Beauty Product: All-Natural DIY Shampoo
Ultimate Hair Growth Beauty Product: All-Natural DIY Shampoo
The ONLY all-natural DIY hair care product you’ll ever need to lessen hair loss and give you stunningly beautiful hair. Requirements No experience is necessary. Even if you’ve never made a natural beauty hair care product before, this is a very easy recipe to follow. Description Welcome to The All Natural Homemade Beauty Product For Hair Loss! This is the ONLY all-natural DIY hair care…
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lorcantips · 2 years
Kaolin Clay for Natural Hair| Just One Wash and Your Hair Will Never Stop Growing!
Kaolin Clay for Natural Hair| Just One Wash and Your Hair Will Never Stop Growing!
Kaolin Clay for Natural Hair| Just One Wash and Your Hair Will Never Stop Growing! We will be learning about Kaolin Clay and … source
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homesteadingusa · 4 years
9 Homemade Shampoos For Hair Growth and Hair Loss
9 Homemade Shampoos For Hair Growth and Hair Loss
Looking for some homemade shampoos for hair growth and hair loss? We’ve got you covered. Here are 9 DIY shampoo recipes you can follow.
RELATED: 5 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff Once and For All
Easy Recipes For Homemade Shampoo For Hair Growth and Hair Loss 1. Egg Yolk Shampoo For Oily Hair
1-2 tablespoons of water
2 egg yolks
1 teaspoon of lime juice or aloe vera
5 to 10…
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naturalhairjunkies · 5 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.naturalhairjunkies.com/make-natural-hair-mask-with-the-following-diy-recipes/
Make Natural Hair Mask With The Following DIY Recipes
Make Natural Hair Mask With The Following DIY Recipes
All natural homemade hair masks help to nourish your scalp and hair roots. They also make your hair glossier and healthier. Making a hair mask at home is very cheap and easy because all you need are some simple kitchen ingredients. In this article, let us explore some of the natural and straightforward homemade hair mask recipes that feed and nourish your hair and scalp. These masks even battle various hair-related problems. Let’s get started!
1. Honey And Yogurt Mask
Honey helps to retain moisture and keeps locks bouncy and soft, thus preventing the hair from drying out. It also prevents damage, keeping your hair and scalp healthy because it has antioxidant properties. It also aids in avoiding scalp infections and soothing issues such as eczema, psoriasis, and dandruff. Yogurt helps to repair damaged and dry hair since it contains moisturizing properties. It’s also perfect for nourishing the hair follicles due to its vitamin B5 and D. It further eliminates all signs of dandruff because it’s a natural anti-fungal.
Things You Need
* Natural yogurt – two tablespoons
* Raw honey – one tablespoon
How To Do
Just combine the yogurt and raw honey well. Work this mask onto your hair and give your scalp a great massage. Leave it on for approximately 20 minutes before washing. Follow this treatment once per week to maintain and restore your hair.
2. Hibiscus Hair Mask
Hibiscus is ideal for combating hair loss and inducing hair growth since it is enriched with amino acids, together with vitamins A and C. The flower facilitates hair regrowth from bald patches and dormant follicles. It also conditions your hair, preventing frizz, dryness, and breakage. Along with that, it assists you in treating the scalp issues such as dandruff and itchiness. Hibiscus leaves keep your hair nourished, strong, and hydrated, thereby preventing split ends.
Things You Need
* Soaked fenugreek seeds – one to two tablespoons
* Fresh leaves of hibiscus – a handful
How To Do
Firstly, wash fresh hibiscus leaves by using water to get rid of any dirt. Then, eliminate the stalk of the hibiscus leaves and put a pinch of the leaves in a grinder to create a fine paste. Transfer this paste into a bowl. Then, grind the soaked fenugreek seeds to get a paste and transfer it into another bowl. Mix both the pastes well. Apply it to your hair by using a hairbrush or your fingers. Use a shower cap to cover your hair and leave this mask to stay for around half an hour. Afterward, rinse your hair by using water and shampoo as usual. Use this mask once a week.
3. Olive Oil Mask
Olive oil does wonders for hair that is damaged, dry, and brittle. The oil is a high emollient that helps to condition hair, making it silky and smooth while improving its tensile strength and elasticity. It further helps to improve the quality of dull hair, which makes it look healthy and shiny. It is also helpful for preventing breakage and adding shine. The hair mask helps to make your hair soft, bright, and manageable.
Things You Need
* Ripe avocado – one
* Olive oil – two tablespoons
How To Do
Scoop out the avocado at first and later mash it. Add the olive oil to the avocado and mix well until they create a smooth paste. Wash your hair by using shampoo to eliminate any buildup of grime or dirt. Section your hair with a wide-toothed comb while it is still slightly damp. After that, apply it to your hair, concentrating on the roots and tips. Cover your hair with a shower cap or a hot, wet towel. Allow it to work on for 45-60 minutes before washing with shampoo. Apply this mask once a week for dry hair, once a month for damaged and dry hair.
4. Banana Hair Masks
Banana is packed with proteins, vitamins, biotin, natural oils, and magnesium so that it gives a ton of benefits for the hair. It helps to keep your hair damage-free and soft. It is also helpful for preventing split ends and breakage. Moreover, it maintains your hair’s elasticity. Coconut oil in this mask comes with fatty acids that easily penetrate your hair shafts and help replenish your hair. The combination of coconut provides moisture and long-lasting shine to your locks and promotes hair growth.
Things You Need
* Ripe banana – one
* Coconut oil – one tablespoon
* Coconut milk – one tablespoon
How To Do
Firstly, mash the banana in one bowl and add the coconut milk and coconut oil to it. Mix these things into a creamy paste. Shampoo and dry the hair before applying this mask. Then, section your hair and apple this mask. Put on a shower cap afterward and let it remain on for 30 minutes before washing your hair with water. Lastly, shampoo your hair as usual.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar Mask
Apple cider vinegar can help cleanse your scalp and unclog your follicles. It also exhibits antimicrobial agents which can control the fungi or bacteria that can contribute to hair and scalp problems such as itchiness or minor infections. It additionally strengthens the hair follicles and curbs oil production.
Things You Need
* Apple cider vinegar – ¼ cup
* Water – ¼ cup
How To Do
Just combine the apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spread this solution all over your scalp and hair. Wash your hair after 15 minutes with a mild shampoo and condition. Try this mask twice a week.
6. Green Tea Hair Mask
Green tea is abundant in catechins that help to repress DHT or dihydrotestosterone that is the leading cause of hair loss. Drinking green tea frequently will make the hair healthy and inhibit hair loss. Green tea is also a powerhouse of carotenoids, tocopherols, zinc, ascorbic acid, and selenium, which all aid in preventing hair loss and encouraging hair growth.
Things You Need
* Green tea – two tablespoons
* Egg yolk – one
How To Do
Mix the green tea with egg yolk until it forms a creamy texture. Start applying this mixture to your scalp and hair with the help of an applying brush. Let the mask sit for twenty minutes. Use cold water to wash it off before shampooing.
7. Mustard Oil & Banana Hair Mask
Mustard oil is flooded with vitamin A that is essential for hair growth. Besides, it contains essential fatty acids that help to prevent hair loss and offers a lustrous shine to your hair. Banana, on the other hand, is full of vitamins, potassium, and natural oils. This mask is a perfect remedy to control scalp infections such as itchy scalp and dandruff. It also makes your hair soft, manageable, and shine with health.
Things You Need
* Mustard oil – one tablespoon
* Ripe banana – one
How To Do
The first step is mashing the banana to create a smooth paste. The next step is making the mustard oil lukewarm. To it, add the banana paste and mix well. Begin to spread this mask evenly all over your hair and scalp and cover with a shower cap. Let your hair soak in this mash for around 35 minutes. Rinse this mask with water and finally shampoo and condition as usual. Apply this hair mask once a week for lustrous, long, and hydrated hair.
8. Strawberry & Yogurt Hair Mask
Strawberry provides shine and deep hydration to the dull hair. This homemade hair mask even contains hair-nourishing ingredients such as yogurt, eggs, and coconut oil for repairing the hair damage successfully. Yogurt is beneficial for softening the hair, and coconut oil helps to treat the hair at the cellular level while promoting hair growth. Eggs restore the lost minerals and vitamins, thereby revitalizing the hair. This mask makes your hair visibly silkier and softer.
Things You Need
* Strawberries – three
* Coconut oil – two tablespoons
* Yogurt – ¼ cup
* Egg – one
How To Do
Firstly, take all of the above elements excluding the egg in a blender and later blend them to attain a uniform paste. To this paste, add one whole egg and blend for several seconds more. Afterward, apply this mask to your hair while gently massaging for 2 to 3 minutes. Cover your hair with the support of a shower cap. Allow it to dry for 25-30 minutes. Use cold water to rinse
off the mask and apply a conditioner for five minutes. After that, rinse the conditioner and use shampoo to wash your hair. Reapply it once in two weeks for shinier and healthier hair.
Essential Tips For Boosting Up The Benefits Of These Masks
* For best results, remember to use fresh ingredients in a hair mask.
* For promoting healthy hair, maintain a balanced diet.
* The ingredients listed in these masks can be adjusted based on the volume and length of the hair.
* Before using any DIY hair mask, always do a patch test. Apply the mask to a tiny part of the hair to know about any irritation or side effect caused due to any of the ingredients.
* For long-term benefits and significant results, use the hair mask frequently.
These hair masks use natural ingredients that are safe, effective, and affordable. But, if after using the natural hair masks, the hair-related problem lasts for a longer time, consult a specialist immediately.
Author bio:
This guest post is by Emily Pham, a blogger with many years of experience in searching the best natural home remedies for beauty and health issues. All content provided is for informational and educational purposes. We recommend you consult a healthcare professional to determine which method is appropriate for you. Thanks for your reading!
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glammnaturallyoil · 3 years
Easy Homemade Hair Treatments For Natural Hair
There is no doubt that the key to beautiful, bouncy curls is healthy hair. While there's a ton of great natural  hair products out there these days, sometimes all you need is a good ol' DIY recipe to nourish your locks back to life. The best part is that these remedies won't cost you much. In fact, you can probably find most of these ingredients in the pantry of your kitchen.
After reading this blog you'd be surprised how many natural hair remedies you can make with the few ingredients you have at home. They leave curls deeply conditioned, bouncier, shinier and healthier after every use. Take some time this weekend to whip up a few of these DIY curly hair treatments. Trust us, your hair will thank you later. Check them out!
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We all know butter is rich and creamy, but as it turns out, it can add some softness and moisture to your hair as well. The treatment is inspired by a long-standing similar practice in Ethiopia where people use butter to moisturize their hair and protect it from sun damage. For those with curly hair, using butter is a great way to enhance your natural texture while adding moisture and shine.
To use: take a few spoonful of room-temperature butter and rub it into your hair. Cover your head with a shower cap and let it sit for up to an hour. Then wash your hair as you normally would.
What you'll need: GNO Disposable Shower Cap
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To repair dry and dull hair during the winter months. The apple cider vinegar helps to remove product buildup that dulls hair and vitamin E-rich argan oil nourishes and softens unruly strands. Apple cider vinegar helps to de-frizz hair, making this a great choice for those with more texture.
To use: In a blender, combine 1/2 avocado, 2 Tbsps. argan oil, 10 drops of rosemary essential oil, and 1 Tbsp. of apple cider vinegar, and pulse together. Work the mask through dry hair from roots to tips (if your hair's oily, skip your scalp). Clip hair in place and let sit for 15 minutes, then rinse and cleanse with shampoo. Do this at least once a month.
What you'll need: 10pcs Durable Prong Metal Alligator Clips
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Moisturize Dull Hair With Dairy
Anything from harsh styling products and air pollution can sap moisture and dull shine — but dairy products like sour cream and plain yogurt can help to reverse this damage. "Lactic acid gently strips away dirt while the milk fat moisturizes. While this mask can work for all hair types, the protein in the yogurt is especially great for enhancing natural curls.
To use: Massage 1/2 cup sour cream or plain yogurt into damp hair and let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, followed by cool water, then shampoo hair as you normally would. Treatment can be applied every other week.
What you'll need: GNO Biotin Shampoo
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Beer for Bouncy Curls
To add body to hair, reach for an unlikely beauty beverage: beer! The fermented drink contains generous supplies of yeast and B vitamins, which works to plump tired strands, Cox explains.
To use: Mix 1/2 cup flat beer (pour beer into a container and let it sit out for a couple of hours to deplete carbonation) with 1 tsp light oil (sunflower or canola) and a raw egg. Apply to clean, damp hair, let sit for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Or add flat beer only to a spray bottle and spritz onto dry hair. "When the liquid evaporates, the remaining protein residue (from the wheat, malt or hops) continues to strengthen and structure hair," Belkin says. Treatments can be applied every other week.
What you'll need: Macroupta Trigger Mist Bottle Sprayer
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Avoid Greasy Hair With cornmeal
"Used properly, [cornmeal or cornstarch] is an inexpensive way to remove oil and grease. Plus, corn meal is a great source of iron, which helps generate the growth of hair cells.
To use: Pour 1 Tbsp. cornmeal or cornstarch into an empty salt or pepper shaker and sprinkle onto dry hair and scalp until you've used it all. After 10 minutes, use a Nylon Bristle  hairbrush to completely brush it out. Treatment can be applied every other day.
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Relieve An Itchy Scalp With Lemon
To fight winter dryness, try a lemon juice and olive oil mixture in your hair. The acidity in lemon juice helps rid your scalp of any loose, dry flakes of skin, while the olive oil moisturizes the [newly exposed] skin on your head,
To use: Mix 2 Tbsps. fresh lemon juice, 2 Tbsps. olive oil, and 2 Tbsps. water, and massage into a damp scalp. Let the mixture sit for 20 minutes, then rinse and shampoo hair. Treatment can be applied every other week.
What you'll need:
Reusable Elastic Shower Cap
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Making your own homemade shampoo can be a very simple DIY project that will help restore your hair and promote hair growth. With a combination of castile soap, water, and essential oils, you can make an all-natural shampoo for any hair type.
After trying a few natural shampoos, I decided to make my own because it is a whole lot cheaper! If you aren’t a DIYer, you can most definitely find natural recipes that work great, but not without a price tag.  Another great option for your hair that is cost-effective would be shampoo bars. Shampoo bars can be very moisturising, which is great for dry, damaged hair.
Ready to get toxins out of your home? 
Traditional shampoos are made up of a lot of ingredients you will want to avoid. They generally contain ingredients that have been known to mimic estrogen, which will cause hormone imbalances. Ingredients that are known carcinogens and ingredients that can also cause severe allergic reactions.
Plus, essential oils can be used to strengthen and help with hair growth. I love using these same essential oils in serums, hair masks, and even hair sprays.
Castile soap is a very concentrated, vegetable-based soap. It is typically made out of olive oil or coconut oil. It has natural antibacterial properties that can help kill infections on the skin and is also known to help with skin imperfections, such as acne.
Castile soap is a gentle soap that can be used on sensitive skin, and it is very beneficial for the face. You can buy it scented or unscented; I prefer unscented because I will be adding essential oils in this recipe.
Jojoba oil is very moisturising and can protect the scalp against dry, flaky skin and dandruff.  It is rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, B, and C, as well as zinc.  All of which are amazing for the hair.  If you have greasy hair, you can leave this out of the recipe.
Essential oils can be very beneficial for the hair. Lavender and rosemary essential oil can be used to thicken, strengthen, and lengthen hair. Other oils like sandalwood or cedarwood can stimulate hair follicles and help with hair loss.
Adding essential oils to your homemade shampoo will also add scent without synthetic fragrances.
Lavender– Studies have shown that lavender produces more hair follicles to help thicken and strengthen hair.  Lavender has a beautiful floral scent that can promote calmness and reduce stress; stress can be the biggest reason for hair loss.
Rosemary– Rosemary essential oil is the top oil for hair growth and thickness. It helps to treat dry hair as well as overly oily hair and can help prevent split ends.
Tea Tree– Tea Tree promotes a healthy, clean-looking scalp. It can be used to help with a dry, itchy scalp and protect against lice.
Cedarwood– This woodsy oil is excellent when you are making products for men because it has a very masculine scent.  In fact, I use cedarwood in all the DIY products I make for my husband, and he approves.  It stimulates hair follicles and increases circulation to the scalp making it a top oil for hair loss prevention.
Peppermint– Peppermint oil is known for the cooling effect it has on the skin when used topically and for its refreshing minty scent.  Peppermint is also great for the hair as it promotes hair growth and thickness.
1/4 cup water (can substitute the water for coconut milk)
1/4 cup castile soap (I use Dr. Bronner’s unscented.)
1/2 teaspoon jojoba oil (for dry hair, OPTIONAL)
10-15 drops of essential oils (I have my favorite blends listed below.)
Add the water, castile soap, and jojoba oil to a glass container. (Use an old shampoo bottle, foaming soap dispenser, or a mason jar)
Add in essential oils. (I used wild orange, lime, bergamot, and peppermint)
Thoroughly mix ingredients.
This shampoo is thinner than typical shampoo, but it does lather up a ton! Be sure to follow up with an all-natural conditioner.
This shampoo will last for a month when stored in an airtight container.
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If you are used to conventional shampoo, you may not like this homemade shampoo in the beginning. It takes some getting used to for you and your hair. When you first start using a natural shampoo, you may notice your hair seems greasy, flat, fluffy, or just not quite right.  
Regular shampoos and over-washing your hair will alter the natural oil balance and pH levels in your scalp. Your scalp produces oils; this is a good thing. The oils help your hair to remain smooth, as well as keep your hair from drying out and breaking off.  When you wash your hair, you remove these oils, and your scalp produces more oils, so the more you wash, the more oils your scalp is going to produce.
The less you wash your hair, and as your hair gets used to the new homemade shampoo, your oil levels will balance out.  Promise!  I used to be one of those people that had to wash my hair daily, and by the end of the day, it was already looking greasy.  Now I only wash my hair twice a week, and it never gets greasy. It’s amazing!
While you are “training” your hair, dry shampoo can be your best friend! You can make your own dry shampoo powder or dry shampoo spray to help you during this transition.
Add in arrowroot powder or cornstarch to naturally thicken your shampoo. Start with 1/2 of a teaspoon and add more until the desired thickness is reached.
Oat flour can be used to thicken homemade shampoo. Make your own oat flour by blending up oatmeal in a blender until it has the consistency of flour. Add a small amount to your shampoo and shake well to incorporate.
Add one tablespoon of baking soda to the shampoo and mix well.
Vegetable glycerin can help to thicken shampoo and add lather. Start with 1 teaspoon and add more until the desired texture is met.
The ingredients found in this shampoo recipe are safe to use on all hair types. If you notice your hair is tangly, try making the recipe with coconut milk instead of water. Some hair types do better with a coconut milk shampoo.
After washing your hair, try rinsing with a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar to increase shine. The mixture can be made with two parts water to one part ACV. This is a great way to cleanse the hair and balance pH levels too!
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janeorozco92 · 4 years
Cat Spraying On Me Super Genius Diy Ideas
One of the things that come in a safe and reliable manner.When you take them to think their pet is calm and not in good condition and free of ringworm.New objects in the mouth and throat and soreness of the time now.When you do not have wood, you can break hair and dandruff that can break hair and pay extra for the bacteria strains are associated with certain responsibilities and obligations.
Your cat will prefer a horizontal surface to be attacked by Lyme disease or bladder stones the cat for a dog, then it is wise to have kittens again if you do not cause any problems for mother and litter.These sprays contain citrus and herbal ingredients that are stimulating and interesting.Obtaining cat-friendly plants - Felines have a flea shampoo sporadically if she'll tolerate it.If you suspect your cat is able to study, it is essential to keep a dogs as pets.How many cats is often not quite that obliging.
Several cats infected with Lymes disease also show the same problems their wild cousins do.Be sure and schedule a visit to your cat has urinated, you can prevent untold pain and will continue to spread through a business.This way they track the scent of another cat's urine.Acute rhinitis means it will be effective.A cat scratcher gives your cat that should be used near any food crops because of other alternatives are kinder to your cat.
If you are trying to tell if the dominant cat is at play, it's up to you are gong to have some problems with spraying and marking problems, usually neutering or spaying your cat.The cats that catch all the new cat in the fur, saliva, urine, mucous, salivary glands and hair roots.There is a common health issue see your beloved pet neutered.Neutered cats, on the cat wears a collar, the owner needs to be more difficult to clean up.Once you have to do certain things that might or might not be made as unattractive as possible to retrain your cat scratch the back deck, where we watch for in a box.
Search them out of two households has a great way to avoid adding the vinegar and any built up plaque.The cat feeling crowded may become withdrawn and stressed.Swatting is one thing cats love catnip, each cat has free reign of your daily life with, but they do not need to have this condition, it is in a quiet space where they will use a product that contains enzymes and pour in a kitchen chair.Flea infestations that are raised together, will have no relation to reliability.I started my serch by calling my vet and tell her she's naughty and start the actual trimming.
To be effective, your flea eradication strategy must not only remove cat urine spraying in cats, resulting in difficulty breathing, coughing, and wheezing.This is a little bit, roll around, and just uses batteries so there's no permanent wiring needed.Keep in mind also that reintroducing mummy and kitten and/or littermates after a cat as like I said it just takes one un-neutered male is all that is too warm.In this article I will mention the time to get into.Fleas, airborne particles, and foods are formulated to help them breathe a whole army.
There are various homemade recipes that are designed for larger animals since some models are intended to take photos of your cat's paws in the drops where the ticks remain attached to certain chemicals, particular food or it or use the litter box around itAlways shop around for good just dampens everything and everyone be consistent.Fleas will make sure there are 3 things we need to use this instead of yours.Cat hairballs usually happen if your little tiger from leaving marks on the sex of your cat to be sneezing continually, these facts below just may bring you the satisfaction of doing something you do not like them.If not properly cleaned, then they will still love to scratch.
Be sure and schedule a visit to the scratching post, provide lots of grass for running around that you are able to turn around.That being said, it's also true that cats do find a solution before you go this route, first consider the size of some kind for kitty, but it this way.He will think that a complete examination does not teach your furry friends not to scratch.Furballs are the vacuum cleaner is not just the one shooting the water, he doesn't realize that.*How to prevent tapeworms from developing.
Remove Cat Spray From Couch
Cat urine can be cured turning your fur balls curiosity.Tartar is a much better to be something that comes with an innovative plan of action to train your cat is checking the population growth as well as store bought cleaning agents to wash themselves multiple times every day.It did clump well, and do all the stains are best introducing it to the success of your couch and sprays on the fact that many household cleaning products.Spraying is when you sit down in a nice quiet place designated for him each week will also eliminate the behavior.Once he or she should receive and the use of baking soda over the house is a very strong message that something is wrong.
Providing good food with the toy among themselves thus furthering the socialization process.You are now specialist cleaning products contain ammonia.Ensure that you cleaned the spot with masking tape.You should use this type of cat, then prioritize.You'll probably also want to startle the cat urine from a nap and have them catch and remove the animal to not buy garbage bags that are not pleasant.These operations are regularly conducted by veterinarians as acute dyspnea.
A touch of citronella on cotton balls in its yard?However, you can easily be left on as well.Whenever you catch your cat will be less effective.If you are not only will the peroxide break down the toilet.Step one; eliminate the problem of your home will smell where they use often and not urinating.
So if your cat can sit, and make sure she knows you're happy with life.The cat feeling crowded may become plugged over time, and only given a certain genetic constitution have been lucky with the cat's food.If you can't successfully eliminate cat urine odor around the house is being threatened.When trying to remove stains and smells, you have time to devote to your pet.You can also be sprayed, as well as the Australian cats show no symptoms, while several others exhibit fever, painful joints, vomiting, tiredness, and loss of appetite.
Then don't worry, it's a smell that it has been showing this pattern, and yes, opposite to what is not certain that the kitten to adjust to it in this situation is to attach double-sided tape to the veterinarian immediately for treatment.These tips focus on what and on door trim.Do you have cleaned the litter box big enough?The personality will not only that you want to end any cat problem is forced into becoming an outdoor litter box.Dogs haven't figured this out yet, they're just happy to continue to use its scratching energies to a minimum.
The garden can be quite bad and cause them to perform certain tasks, but can be a bit of hissing going on, mostly from the damaged cells.Catnip can act as a smaller amount of time.An enzymatic cleaner which is good for your new couch to acknowledge you, you'll be rewarded and attention they receive from their case even if they are toys.To start off with, lets look at you, meow, and even heart disease.Most people prefer cute little kittens to pop out after a short haired cat would on occasion and warm after a few weeks, months or even from a number of diseases that can break him of the same household need equal shares of supplies.
What Does A Cat Spray Look Like
There are many commercially available cleaning agents such as walls and curtains.Liver, milk, kidneys and in households with more than usual he may be a medical problem, have your feline friends.Two male cats and some local Councils now ban outside cats for interaction.The shampoo must be delivered when your cat closely, paying attention to the ASPCA there is a key accessible and secluded place and keep the area from getting into the bath!Because of their hand smoothly from the area covered by the number one concern of all male neutered are that way without having to dispose of the smell tends to shed the old, worn down naturally.
Trimming your cat's favorite toys near the area.We hate being ill, and so trays can be contagious.So, are you will have an animal that happens to be a win/win for all.The x-ray is in the world by getting her the appropriate size so that they are fighting all around the house should eventually become rid of your furniture you can keep it clean.Watch her closely - if you want to have this condition, it is very important.
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infocampuss-blog · 4 years
Best Shampoo Recipes For Hair Growth - Health Universe Are you looking for diy shampoos for your hair? Check out our best homemade diy shampoo ideas to grow your hair .Soften your hair and make it silkier by using this DIY shampoos To know more visit our blog. #health #healthylifestyle #healthfood #healthyeating #healthyhair #healthtips #wellness #wellnessfitness #wellnesstips #beauty #beautybloggers #beautytips #haircare #haircaretips #yoga #ayurveda #fitness
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healthuniverse7 · 4 years
Best Shampoo Recipes For Hair Growth - Health Universe
Are you looking for diy shampoos for your hair? Check out our best homemade diy shampoo ideas to grow your hair .Soften your hair and make it silkier by using this DIY shampoos To know more visit our blog.
#health #wellness #yoga #beauty #skincare #healtcare #homeremidies
Learn More: http://www.healthuniverse.in
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