#do u think my schizo stimulant ptsd posting is like…relevant & important? bc it’s not. rlly it’s not. no one cares.
holyluvr · 11 months
I’m not going to preface everything I type on my personal blog with, “In my personal and humble opinion” or “Not to be confused with how you view the world, but”. This is my blog that I’ve always used as an electric diary for myself, my life, my interests, etc. I don’t care if you disagree with me on something and want to bring it up or open a convo about it with me. That’s fine, but I’m just some guy. I’m not in any position of authority or responsibility. I respect the passion some of y’all have, but can you please keep in mind that I’m just some dude rather than using an attitude or bad-taste language that feels more appropriately applied to a cult leader, dictator, god, or anyone who has the ability to implement laws and influence the masses? ♡ Much appreciated.
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