healerbynature · 4 years
starter for: @doctorvought
location: library coffee shop
status: closed
The diner had proved to not be the safe haven she had hoped it would be. Even going to a place she didn’t frequent she had encountered someone. This was getting tiring and Elena could feel pressure building up behind her temples in a sure sign of a headache brewing. Great she could add a future headache to the list of things having gone wrong today. Hopefully the next spot she had chosen to go would prove to be more successful. The library was a naturally quiet place and it had a little coffee shop attached to it that Elena had chosen to come to. There was both potential quiet and caffeine to stave off the headache.
Coffee in hand Elena turned around and walked over to a table that looked pretty isolated in the back area. Her other hand went up to her temple and rubbed circles. She zoned out as she walked only focused on making it to the table and sitting in silence for a time. However before she could make it to the table she saw a familiar form sitting at a table to her right. She wouldn’t be able to make it to the table she had in mind without passing within view. That was just shaping up to be her luck today.
So with reluctance hidden behind a smile Elena came to a stop within view of her fellow doctor. “Hello Andrew. How are you?” Inwardly she was hoping this conversation would go smoothly and quickly.
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butchrbilly · 4 years
//Starter for @doctorvought​ 
Location: Mercer Hospital
Billy rushed to the other side of the city as soon as he got word from M.M. about the news of a shipment of Compound V being delivered as they spoke. Of all places, they were shipping the Dr. Feelgood for supes to a bloody hospital in plain daylight. He drove like a madman, his hands tightened on the sides of the wheel as he heard on the radio part of Homelander’s speech about flight 37. Fucking Cuntlander. And then he switched the radio to something better.
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      Once Butcher and M.M. broke their way into the hospital led by a lovely nurse, Billy took a moment to wander around the NICU unit, it was like a fucking maze with too much security. Were newborns that valuable these days? Nah, it had to be all about Vought’s naughty secrets. He told M.M. they should split to cover all places the fastest they could as they were short on time. He took a peek through a tiny window and spotted a man inside a laboratory, he unlocked the door gently, making no sound and pointed his gun at the doctor as he entered, shutting the door again behind him.
      “Well, well, well, guess I found your island, Dr. No.” He said with a smug smile. “Hands where I can see ‘em, cunt.”
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speedstersdad · 4 years
Starter for: @doctorvought
Location: Coffee Shop
Richard was taking a much needed coffee. It was his day off from work, but even then, he was still writing emails and going through administration stuff for his school. He looked up when a newcomer came into the relatively empty shop, but didn’t take to much notice before returning to his laptop. 
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cockblarney · 4 years
starter - @doctorvought​ location - Teenage Kix House
Brekfast never happened in the Kix house but they were all needin’ somethin’ an’ Blarney could do with fillin’ his stomach with somethin’ other than alcohol an’ whatever else he couldn’t remember. Seein’ the doc in the house was as suprisin’ as having brekfast. “You wanna join, doc? Got plenty to spare if you do. Sure as shit Vought do nicer stuff than here.”
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