pupyzu · 3 years
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❝ DOG [ ] DELUSIC / DOG [ ] EOMIC! ❞
Dogboydelusic / Dogboyeomic | Doggirldelusic / Doggirleomic | Dognbydelusic / Dognbyeomic
DOGBOYDELUSIC / DOGBOYEOMIC: a gender connected to, affected by, or otherwise related to having a delusional attachment to dogboys / a dogboy, or being a dogboy IRL! ⊹ ⁺
DOGGIRLDELUSIC / DOGGIRLEOMIC: a gender connected to, affected by, or otherwise related to having a delusional attachment to doggirls / a doggirl, or being a doggirl IRL! ⊹ ⁺
DOGNBYDELUSIC / DOGENBYDELUSIC / DOGNBYEOMIC / DOGENBYEOMIC: a gender connected to, affected by, or otherwise related to having a delusional attachment to dogenbys / a dogenby, or being a dogenby IRL! ⊹ ⁺
flag/coined by me! this gender is exclusive to those with psychosis. added -eomic as an alt suffix as delusic could be a reality check to some. (dogboygender flag, doggirlgender & dognbygender flags)
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[[ DNI ID: do not interact: bigots, anti-mogai, TERFs/SWERFs, truscum/transmeds, NSFW blogs, proshipper/antianti, pro DDLG/ageplay, MAPs/NOMAPs, anti BLM/ACAB, anti MSPEC lesbian/gay, against nonwomen using femme/butch, cringe/flop blogs . ID OVER ]]
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